傻脸娜Selena Gomez自曝:因狼疮无法生育,领养代孕成唯一出路!

近日,女神“傻脸娜”Selena Gomez自爆“无法生育”!因为狼疮问题,她面临着一个艰难的选择——直接怀孕可能会让她和宝宝都陷入危险之中,不得已,她只能领养或者代孕,寻找成为母亲的另一条路!01It has been revealed by Selena Gomez that a potential pregnancy would

近日,女神“傻脸娜”Selena Gomez自爆“无法生育”!



It has been revealed by Selena Gomez that a potential pregnancy would put her life and the baby's at risk, with her instead looking to adoption and surrogacy for the future.

据透露,赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)表示,如果怀孕,她和孩子的生命都将面临危险,因此她正考虑未来通过领养或代孕的方式成为母亲。

The singer and actress, 32, has been open with fans in the past about her health conditions and now admits she is facing a difficult future.

这位 32 岁的女歌手兼女演员,过去曾向粉丝们坦诚自己的健康状况,现在她承认自己的未来充满挑战。

Selena, who found fame on the Disney Channel shared in a very rare interview that she has faced heartache when it comes to thinking about having children.


Previously, the Back To You songstress shared updates about battling lupus but has now revealed she is unable to carry her own children due to her health.

此前,这位《Back To You 》的演唱者曾分享过自己与狼疮抗争的消息,但现在她透露,由于健康问题,她无法自己生育孩子。

Lupus is the chronic illness that still has no cure and has been labeled a 'silent killer'.


The autoimmune disease sees the body's immune system becomes overly active and attacks normal, healthy tissue.


The condition is ranges from mild to severe and can affect any part of the body - especially the skin, joints or internal organs and it often leaves even medics baffled.


In 2017, Selena had a kidney transplant linked to her Lupus. The star has been praised for explaining how her body changes when she takes medication to treat Lupus.


Speaking to Vanity Fair for their October edition, she said: "I unfortunately can’t carry my own children. I have a lot of medical issues that would put my life and the baby's in jeopardy.


That was something I had to grieve for a while. It's not necessarily the way I envisioned it. I thought it would happen the way it happens for everyone."


Selena went on to add: "I'm in a much better place with that." The singer added that she found it a "blessing" that she would be able to go down the surrogacy or adaption route.


But while she may have been dealt heartache by the news, she admits it made her "thankful" for other women in a similar position who are hoping to become mums one day.


"I'm excited for what that journey will look like, but it'll look a little different," she commented, before adding: "At the end of the day, I don't care. It'll be mine, it'll be my baby."


In recent months, Selena's romance with producer Benny Blanco has hit the headlines but her thoughts around starting a family were much earlier.


The star had been single for five years before meeting Benny, 36, and she had been thinking beforehand if the person had the right vibe, the most important thing to her would be a family.

在与 36 岁的本尼相遇之前,这位明星已经单身了五年,她之前一直在想,如果遇到一个对的人,对她来说最重要的是组建一个家庭。

While both have incredibly successful careers, Benny admitted earlier this year that having children was the "next goal on the box".



“傻脸娜”Selena Gomez可是娱乐圈的当红辣子鸡!

2007年,童星出道的她凭借《少年魔法师》一炮而红。歌坛影视双栖的她,不仅专辑销量爆表,单曲《Lose You To Love Me》更是火遍全网。


去年,单身了5年的“傻脸娜”遇到了现在的男友本尼·布兰科(Benny Blanco),粉丝们为此开心不已。今年8月,甚至还传出了两人已经订婚的传闻。

The 32 year old star, who had previously dated Justin Bieber, took to Instagram in August this year and posted a mirror selfie with Benny in the background.

这位曾与贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)交往的32岁明星,今年8月在Instagram上发布了一张与班尼同框的对镜自拍照。

And while this is not the first time the star has documented her relationship, it was the fact she covered her ring finger with pink heart emojis.


And fans are now convinced she was covering an engagement ring. She captioned the post: "A night out."


Understandably, it didn't take too long before her social media was inundated with comments discussing her apparent engagement.


One fan said: "I think Selena Gomez just got engaged bc why is she covering her left hand on her latest IG story?" Another said: "that’s prob her engaged [sic] ring."


Earlier this year, costume designer Dana Covarrubias, for Only Murders in the Building, told The Sun, Selena and Benny "so in love".

今年早些时候,《大楼里只有谋杀案》(Only Murders in the Building)的服装设计师达娜·科瓦鲁比亚斯(Dana Covarrubias)在接受《太阳报》采访时表示,赛琳娜和班尼“非常相爱”。

Asked whether an engagement could be on the cards, she said: "I don't know. I don't know. I hope so. I hope so. They seem so happy and in love, so fingers crossed."



surrogacy /ˈsʌrəɡəsi/ 代孕

lupus /ˈluːpəs/ 狼疮

jeopardy /ˈdʒepədi/ 危险

chronic illness 慢性疾病

autoimmune/ˌɔːtəʊɪˈmjuːn/ disease 自身免疫性疾病

immune system 免疫系统

tissue (人、动植物细胞的)组织;(尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸;

inundate /ˈɪnʌndeɪtɪd/ with 淹没;泛滥;使应接不暇

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傻脸娜Selena Gomez自曝:因狼疮无法生育,领养代孕成唯一出路!



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