
路透社昨日(1 月 7 日)发布博文,报道称英国政府重拳出击,明确创建、分享不雅“深度伪造”(deepfakes)图像,属于刑事犯罪。此举将填补现有立法的空白,并更好地保护受害者。下面请看相关双语报道。Creating and sharing sexually explicit "deepfakes" will become a cri


Managers are better equipped than ever to make good decisions. They are more aware that human judgment is fallible. They have oodles of data about their customers and products. They can use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse, summarise and synthes


据路透社、法新社等媒体当地时间1月9日报道,美国最高法院当天驳回了中止特朗普“封口费”案宣判的申请。据悉,美最高法院以5比4的投票结果驳回了特朗普要求阻止在本月10日进行宣判的紧急申请。下面请看相关双语报道。The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected President-e


当地时间6日,2025年金砖国家主席国巴西发表新闻公告,宣布印度尼西亚成为金砖国家正式成员。下面请看相关双语报道。BRICS announced on Monday that Indonesia, which is Southeast Asia\'s largest population and economy, is formally joining the group as a full member. With nations such as Ru


美国钢铁首席执行官David Burritt周二呼吁当选总统特朗普推翻拜登阻止该公司出售予新日铁的决定。下面请看相关双语报道。The chief executive of U.S. Steel appealed directly to President-elect Donald Trump to take a second look at a Japanese company\'s $15 billion deal to buy the American


国家广电总局近期发布了关于整治“霸总”微短剧的管理提示,旨在治理这些通过拜金、炫富等低俗内容制造虚假爽点的作品。微短剧作为近年流行的一种内容形式,其规范化和精品化成果来之不易,此次整治行动是为了维护微短剧行业的健康发展,避免低俗和恶趣味内容的泛滥。下面请看相关双语报道。China\'s Na


随着 AI 芯片业务竞争加剧,英伟达开始押注机器人技术领域,将其作为下一个重要的增长动力。下面请看相关双语报道。The boss of US chip giant Nvidia has unveiled the firm\'s next-generation of gaming chips and pledged the "ChatGPT moment for general robotics is just around the corner".美

手机平板购新补贴来了!产品售价的15% 每件不超500元

手机、平板补贴标准来了!产品售价的15% 每件不超500元 国家发展改革委、财政部今日发布关于2025年加力扩围实施大规模设备更和消费品以旧换新政策的通知,下面请看相关双语报道。China will significantly increase funding for equipment upgrades and consumer goods trade-in programs in 2025, wit


据央视新闻消息,当地时间1月8日,墨西哥总统辛鲍姆对美国当选总统特朗普提议将“墨西哥湾”更名为“美国湾”后做出回应。下面请看相关双语报道。President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday that he would move to try to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the "Gulf of America," a name he said has a


Teen drug use hasn\'t rebounded from its drop during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the results from a large annual national survey released Tuesday.根据周二发布的一项大型全国性年度调查结果, 自新冠肺炎疫情早期起,青少年药物滥用


研究发现,置身大自然会让你感觉时间过得更慢,有助于将你的注意力从眼前转移到未来的需求上。你将能够延迟即时满足感,转而追求长期回报,而不是永远生活在“只求过得去”的状态中。Photo/PexelsDo you ever get that feeling that there aren\'t enough hours in the day

“中国造”体育用品出口火热 中国已成为全球最大体育用品出口国

海关总署近日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,中国体育用品及设备出口同比增长16.7%,高出同期出口整体增速9.8个百分点。世界贸易组织发布的数据报告显示,全球范围内的体育用品贸易在过去近30年里增长了近3倍,而在这30年间,中国已成为全球最大的体育用品出口国。A foreign


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump manned the fry station at a McDonald\'s in Pennsylvania on Sunday before staging an impromptu news conference, answering questions through the drive-thru window. As reporters and aides watched, an employee sh


随着黎以冲突升级,为保护在黎中国公民人身财产安全,中国政府组织先后两批撤侨。下面请看相关双语报道。More than 200 Chinese citizens have been safely evacuated from Lebanon in two batches as the conflict between Lebanon and Israel escalates. The first batc


Outbound travel from China is set to receive a much-anticipated jolt as "Golden Week" bookings show changes in where and why Chinese people are traveling.随着“黄金周”预订情况显示出中国人在旅行目的地和旅行原因上的变化,中国出境游预计将迎来期待已久的激
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