
初三上册英语作文 Unit 1:How to Be a Good LearnerBecoming a good learner is essential for success in school and in life. Here's how you can achieve this:Firstly, develop a passion for learning. Be curious about the world around you and always seek to e

初三上册英语作文 Unit 1:How to Be a Good Learner

Becoming a good learner is essential for success in school and in life. Here's how you can achieve this:

Firstly, develop a passion for learning. Be curious about the world around you and always seek to expand your knowledge. Secondly, pay attention in class and participate actively. Take notes and ask your teacher if you don't understand something. Thirdly, manage your time wisely. Set a schedule for studying and stick to it. Fourthly, complete your homework thoroughly and review your lessons regularly. This will help you remember what you've learned. Lastly, stay determined and persistent. Challenges are a part of the learning process, so don't give up easily.

Remember, being a good learner is a continuous journey. Keep these tips in mind, and you'll be on your way to becoming an excellent student.




初三上册英语作文 Unit 2:I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Dear Tom,

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in Chinese traditional culture. Let me introduce two traditional Chinese festivals to you: Spring festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. We celebrate it by having big family reunions, setting off fireworks, and giving red envelopes to children. Mid-Autumn Festival is when families gather to admire the full moon and eat mooncakes, a delicacy symbolizing reunion.

Best wishes,

Li Lei





初三上册英语作文 Unit3 Could you please tell mewhere the restaurants are?

Dear Rob,

I have two tickets for a play at the Red Flag Theatre. I would like to invite you to join me. The play starts at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. The theatre is easy to find. Take the No. 5 bus to the city center and get off at the Culture Square stop. Walk straight for about 200 meters, and you will see the theatre on your left.

Looking forward to watching the play with you!

Best regards,

[Your Name]







初三上册英语作文 Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

In recent years, there have been significant changes in people's lives. Communication methods have shifted from letters to mobile phones and social media. For entertainment, people now prefer watching movies online to going to cinemas. As for transportation, more people choose to drive private cars instead of riding bicycles. Additionally, living environments have improved, with more green spaces and cleaner streets.


初三上册英语作文 Unit5 What are the shirts made of ?

Dear Linda,

I'm Han Mei, your pen pal from China. You asked about famous Chinese snacks in your last letter. Well, tanghulu is a must-try! It's made from hawthorns, but you can also find versions with strawberries, grapes, or even small apples. Originating from the Song Dynasty, it's said that a royal's wife was cured by eating tanghulu. It symbolizes happiness and unity.

Best wishes,

Han Mei





初三上册英语作文 Unit6 When was it invented?

The computer has become increasingly important in our lives and work. Did you know its origin and development? invented in 1946, the computer was initially enormous and mainly used for military purposes. Over the years, it has evolved to become smaller, more powerful, and widely used in various fields. I envision a future where computers are even more intelligent and integrated into our daily lives seamlessly.


初三上册英语作文 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

In our school, there are many rules and regulations to guide our behavior. One important rule is that we should not eat in class. Another is that we must wear our school uniforms properly. These rules help us maintain discipline and respect for our school.

I think these rules are very important. They help us create a good learning environment and show respect for our teachers and classmates. It is also important for us to follow these rules, as they help us develop good habits and prepare us for life in the future.



初三上册英语作文 Unit8 It must belong to Caral.

One day on my way to school, I found a T-shirt on the ground. It belonged to one of my classmates. I noticed that the T-shirt was Mary's or Sally's because they had both lost their T-shirts.

I examined the T-shirt closely and found some long hairs on it. I also found a credit card and a photo of Andy Lau in the pocket. I concluded that Mary must be the owner of the T-shirt because she has long hair and she is a big fan of Andy Lau.

I returned the T-shirt to Mary and she was very grateful. It was a pleasant surprise for me to help someone in need.




初三上册英语作文 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.

Dear Philip,

I am a middle school student named Li Ming. I have been listening to your music program regularly and I must say that I absolutely love it. The lyrics of the songs played are very beautiful and they are great examples of English songs.

Whenever I feel tired from studying, I turn on the radio and listen to your program. It helps me relax and also learn new words.

I would like to tell you that I have learned a lot of new words from your program. I would appreciate it if you could recommend some music of my favorite type.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Li Ming








初三上册英语作文 Unit10 You are supposed to shake hands.

Dear Tina,

I'm glad to hear that you're coming to China next week. I hope this email will help you understand some of our customs and etiquette.

In China, when we meet someone for the first time, we usually shake hands. It's polite to greet people by saying "Ni hao" or "Hello". When talking, we often ask about family, work, and hobbies.

At the dining table, we use chopsticks to eat. It's considered impolite to point at others with chopsticks, and it's also not good to talk too much while eating.

I hope this information will be helpful for your visit. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,

Su Min



在中国,当我们第一次见到某人时,我们通常会握手。用“你好”或“Ni hao”来问候别人是很有礼貌的。交谈时,我们经常会询问对方的家庭、工作和爱好。






初三上册英语作文 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.

A Terrible Day

One day, I had a terrible day. It was rainy and I forgot my umbrella. On my way to school, I slipped and fell, getting my clothes all dirty. Moreover, I was late for class and my teacher scolded me. I felt sad and upset. However, my best friend comforted me and helped me clean up. In the end, I realized that even the worst day can have a happy ending if we have good friends.


初三上册英语作文 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.

An Unusual Day

Yesterday was an unusual day for me. My alarm didn't ring, so I woke up late. I wanted to take a shower, but my father was already using the bathroom. I had to rush to the bus stop without breakfast. When I arrived, the bus had left. I had to run to school. The teacher was angry because I was late. Worse still, I realized I had left my homework at home. However, in history class, the teacher praised me for my hard work at home. What a day!


初三上册英语作文 Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!

How to Set Up a National Healthy City?

As a member of this city, I feel excited about our goal to become a national healthy city. First, we should keep our environment clean by not littering. Second, everyone should participate in regular physical activities. Third, the government should promote healthy eating by encouraging more fresh food markets. Lastly, we need to educate people about the importance of health. Together, we can make our city a healthier place to live.


初三上册英语作文 Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7.

A person I will never forget

In the three years of junior high, one person I'll never forget is my math teacher, Mr. Wang. He was strict but fair. Once, I failed a test and felt discouraged. Mr. Wang stayed after class to help me understand the difficult concepts. His patience and encouragement made me work harder. Thanks to him, I not only improved my math skills but also learned the importance of perseverance.


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