金小妹Kylie Jenner与前闺蜜Jordyn Woods TikTok合体,五年恩怨一笔勾销?!

金小妹凯莉·詹娜(Kylie Jenner)和Jordyn Woods这对曾经的闺蜜CP,竟然又合体了!当地时间9月7日,这对曾经的好姐妹在TikTok上放飞自我,和凯莉的密友Stassie Karanikolaou一起拍了一段视频,看来是要把过去的恩怨一笔勾销了。01Kylie Jenner is once again reuniting with

金小妹凯莉·詹娜(Kylie Jenner)和Jordyn Woods这对曾经的闺蜜CP,竟然又合体了!

当地时间9月7日,这对曾经的好姐妹在TikTok上放飞自我,和凯莉的密友Stassie Karanikolaou一起拍了一段视频,看来是要把过去的恩怨一笔勾销了。


Kylie Jenner is once again reuniting with her former BFF Jordyn Woods!

凯莉·詹娜再次与前闺蜜Jordyn Woods重聚!

On Saturday, Sept. 7, Jenner, 27, and Woods, 26, filmed a TikTok clip with the Kylie Cosmetics founder's close friend Stassie Karanikolaou, suggesting they might be ready to put the past behind them.

9月7日周六,27岁的詹娜和26岁的Woods与Kylie Cosmetics创始人的密友Stassie Karanikolaou一起拍摄了一段TikTok视频,这表明她们可能已经准备好将过去抛诸脑后。

While lip-syncing to a clip of her sister Kim Kardashian introducing their family show The Kardashians, Jenner mouthed, “Okay guys, we’re back.”


“Did you miss us?” Woods said, as Karanikolaou, 27, added, “'Cause we missed you.”


Woods also shared a clip on her TikTok, showing the trio, who were all wearing black outfits, lip-syncing to the words, “You might think I’m crazy” from Ariana Grande’s 2020 track “34+35” while smiling for the camera.


The duo were last spotted in public together in July 2023 when they were photographed leaving a restaurant in Los Angeles.


Their latest reunion comes more than five years after Jenner and Woods' very public falling-out. The pair were best friends for years, but that changed in February 2019 when news broke that Woods had allegedly cheated with sister Khloé Kardashian's then-boyfriend Tristan Thompson.


“Although Kylie was very upset and disgusted by the Tristan situation, she didn’t want to make any harsh decisions when it came to Jordyn,” a source told PEOPLE in 2019.

“虽然凯莉对特里斯坦的事情感到非常难过和厌恶,但她不想对Jordyn 做出任何严厉的决定,”一位消息人士在2019年告诉《人物》杂志。

"Jordyn and I, we always stayed in touch throughout the years and we would meet up at my house and catch up and just talk through everything," Jenner said.

詹娜说:“Jordyn 和我,这些年我们一直保持着联系,我们会在我家见面,叙旧,谈论一切。”

“Although Kylie was very upset and disgusted by the Tristan situation, she didn’t want to make any harsh decisions when it came to Jordyn,” a source told PEOPLE in 2019.



2012年,凯莉·詹娜(Kylie Jenner)和Jordyn Woods通过共同好友Jaden Smith相识,并很快成为好朋友。

Jordyn Woods和凯莉一起住在凯莉的豪宅里。凯莉给Jordyn 买车、举办生日派对、和她合作推出KylieXJordyn系列化妆品,甚至还将她纳入她价值8亿美元的Kylie Cosmetics公司。

在外人看来,这两人不是姐妹胜似姐妹,然而,凯莉这样掏心掏肺地对Jordyn ,却换来了什么?Jordyn 绿了凯莉同母异父的姐姐科勒卡戴珊!

TMZ and Hollywood Unlocked reported that Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson broke up after he was allegedly unfaithful to her with Woods shortly after Valentine's Day in 2019.

据TMZ和好莱坞未曝光网站报道,科勒·卡戴珊和特里斯坦·汤普森在2019年情人节后不久分手,原因是特里斯坦被指控与Woods 有染。

And Tristan Thompson and Khloé shares a daughter True.


A friendship fallout followed between Jenner and Woods, plus members of the Kardashian clan.

詹娜与Woods 之间的友谊因此破裂,卡戴珊家族的成员之间也产生了矛盾。

Within an hour of the cheating scandal news, the Cleveland Cavaliers player tweeted and then deleted a post saying, “FAKE NEWS,” seemingly denying the report.


Meanwhile, Khloé's best friend Malika Haqq commented “STRONG FACTS” on Hollywood Unlocked’s post.

与此同时,科勒的好闺蜜马利卡·哈克在Hollywood Unlocked的帖子下评论称“铁的事实”。

"The whole family is furious. They were blindsided," a source told PEOPLE at the time, while another insider said the family is "beyond angry and disgusted."


Following the allegations, multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE that Woods moved from her longtime best friend Jenner's home back into her mother's house.

在指控曝光后,多位消息人士向《人物》杂志证实,Woods 已从与其长期好友詹娜的家中搬出,搬回母亲家居住。

"It's been a difficult time and she's broken up about it," one insider divulged of Woods. "She's heading home to be with her mom."

“这段时间对她来说很难熬,她因此心碎了,”一位知情人透露Woods 的近况,“她正打算回家与母亲团聚。”

Just one day before news of the cheating scandal broke, the KUWTK star even shared a sweet compliment in the comment section of Woods’ latest Instagram, writing, “Baby girl.”

就在出轨丑闻曝光的前一天,这位《与卡戴珊同行》的明星还在Woods 最新发布的Instagram帖子下留下了一条甜蜜的评论,写道:“宝贝女孩。”

During an appearance on Jada Pinkett Smith‘s Facebook Watch show Red Table Talk in 2019, Woods said that Thompson had allegedly kissed her at a party at his house that year, but she denied that the two ever had sex.

在2019年贾达·萍克特·史密斯的脸书观察节目《Red Table Talk》中,Woods说,汤普森曾在当年他家举办的派对上亲吻了她,但她否认两人曾发生过性关系。

Subsequently, it was discovered that Jenner had unfollowed her ex-BFF Woods on Instagram, but the exact timing of her unfollowing remained unclear.


重点词汇 :

BFF (Best Friend Forever) 永远的好朋友

lip-syncing /ˈlɪp sɪŋkɪŋ/ 对口型

put the past behind 把过去抛在脑后,放下过去

falling-out 决裂,闹翻

cheat with 与...有染

stay in touch 保持联系

catch up 叙旧

blindsided 被蒙蔽的,盲目的

divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ 透露

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金小妹Kylie Jenner与前闺蜜Jordyn Woods TikTok合体,五年恩怨一笔勾销?!



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