摇滚大佬 Dave Grohl 自爆婚外情,私生女曝光,粉丝惊呼人设崩塌!

重磅!Foo Fighters的灵魂人物戴夫·格罗尔在社交媒体上自爆大料,承认自己劈腿还有了个隐秘的小棉袄。这一波操作让粉丝们直呼不敢相信!毕竟,戴夫可是圈内出了名的“好丈夫”,怎么突然就人设崩塌了呢?01Foo Fighters star Dave Grohl has issued a bombshell statement i

重磅!Foo Fighters的灵魂人物戴夫·格罗尔在社交媒体上自爆大料,承认自己劈腿还有了个隐秘的小棉袄。



Foo Fighters star Dave Grohl has issued a bombshell statement in which he confesses cheating on his wife and welcoming a secret child with another woman.

Foo Fighters乐队的主唱戴夫·格罗尔在一份震撼性的声明中坦承自己背叛了妻子,与另一名女子育有一名私生女。

Taking to Instagram tonight, the musician, 55, began: ‘I’ve recently become the father of a new baby daughter, born outside my marriage.’


He continued: ‘I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her.


‘I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness.’


Dave concluded: ‘We’re grateful for your consideration toward all the children involved, as we move forward together.’


Boasting 1.4million followers on the social media site, he turned comments off on the post.


Following the announcement, fans took to X to express their shock, given that Dave has long had a reputation as one of showbusiness’s nicest stars.


Some even admitted to feeling ‘betrayed’ by the American rocker, declaring: ‘This was not on my 2024 bingo card.’



戴夫·格罗尔(Dave Grohl)是Nirvana乐队的前鼓手,现任美国知名摇滚乐队Foo Fighters乐队的主唱兼吉他手,是摇滚界的大佬。

他曾带领乐队狂揽多座格莱美奖,作品《Everlong》、《Learn to Fly》等都是摇滚经典,K歌必备。

他和现任妻子乔丁·布鲁姆(Jordyn Blum)甜蜜恩爱,育有三个女儿,一直以来都是娱乐圈的模范家庭。

Dave Grohl's marriage to Jordyn is his second and longest marriage, divorcing his first wife, the photographer Jennifer Youngblood, in 1997. 


Blum met Grohl in 2001 in the Sunset Whiskey Bar in Hollywood, while she was working on her career in television.

2001年, 布鲁姆在好莱坞的日落威士忌酒吧遇到了格罗尔,当时她正在电视行业打拼。

She had started out working as a model, after being discovered in a supermarket aged 12. But as an adult, she moved on from modelling and moved onto TV.


Jordyn Blum was working at the time as a producer on his American channel MTV and went on a few dates with the famous musician, but did not think it was going to go anywhere. 

当时,乔丁· 布鲁姆正在美国MTV频道担任制作人,并与这位著名音乐家约会了几次,但她从未想过会有结果。

Neither did Grohl, who told Elle in an interview: "When I first met my wife, we went out on a few dates and I decided that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship, so I just stopped calling."


But, he had a "revelation" while he was on the road three months later and made the fortuitous decision to give her a call.


 According to the star, when she answered, Blum said: "Oh, I never thought I'd hear from you again."

据这位明星说,当她接电话时, 布鲁姆说:“哦,我从未想过还能再接到你的电话。”

In the whirlwind success of Grohl's Foo Fighters in the years after their 2003 marriage, Blum would take a step back from her career at MTV, while still using her keen eye for cinematography

在2003年两人结婚后,随着格罗尔的Foo Fighters乐队的迅速崛起, 布鲁姆逐渐从MTV的事业中抽身,但她仍然用敏锐的眼光关注着电影行业。

In 2002, she would co-direct their music video for 'Walking a Line', while also making a cameo in a 2011 single 'White Limo'.

2002年,她与他们共同执导了《Walking a Line》的音乐视频,并在2011年的单曲《White Limo》中客串。

While she has largely avoided the spotlight, the mother of his three oldest children was the inspiration for more than a few of Grohl's songs, including the song about growing old with someone you love, 'Statues', which the rock star explained to GQ: "To me there's nothing more beautiful than seeing the headstones of a husband and wife side by side in a graveyard."



Dave Grohl's daughters Harper and Violet have responded in a sense. They have both deleted their Instagram accounts, and fans are now met with a message declaring: "Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Go back to Instagram."



他和前任Jennifer Leigh Youngblood的婚姻凉凉,全是因为他的花心大萝卜行为,直接把婚姻给搞砸了。


cheat on: 背叛(指感情上的不忠)

secret child: 私生子

bingo card: 宾果卡(比喻意外事件)

fortuitous: /fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs/ 幸运的,偶然的,(尤指)巧合的

cinematography: /ˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi/ 摄影,电影摄制艺术

cameo: 客串,(电影、戏剧中)名演员演的配角

headstone: 墓碑

side by side: 并肩

take a step back 退一步

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摇滚大佬 Dave Grohl 自爆婚外情,私生女曝光,粉丝惊呼人设崩塌!



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