铁粉变原告!“麻辣鸡”Nicki Minaj遭忠实粉丝索赔500万美元!

“麻辣鸡”妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj)竟然和自家铁粉杠上了,还被告上了法庭!这位在X平台和Instagram上坐拥海量粉丝的说唱歌手,因为公开diss一位粉丝“精神不正常+跟踪狂”,被粉丝告上法庭,要求赔偿500万美元!01Nicki Minaj, boasting 28.1 million followers on X and a

“麻辣鸡”妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj)竟然和自家铁粉杠上了,还被告上了法庭!



Nicki Minaj, boasting 28.1 million followers on X and a further 228 million on Instagram, is facing backlash from an unhappy fan who has reportedly lodged a lawsuit against her in L. A. Superior Court, accusing her of being a bully.


In his lawsuit, Tameer Peak alleges that he has been one of Nicki's most loyal fans for the past 15 years and claims he played a part in promoting Pink Friday 2, her latest album.

在诉讼中,Tameer Peak声称自己是Nicki 15年来最忠实的粉丝之一,并声称自己参与了Nicki最新专辑《Pink Friday 2》的宣传工作。

According to documents obtained by TMZ, the fan asserts that despite his unwavering support for Nicki and her career, things went south in 2017 when fans began to turn on her in what was dubbed the 'Nicki hate train'.


During this period of turmoil, the Trinidadian-born rapper reportedly started to turn on her fans, with Tameer alleging he was among those she accused of being a paid mole intent on sabotaging her.


The fan allegedly stated in the court documents that Nicki humiliated him on several occasions, including once when she supposedly invited him to her hotel, only to embarrass him on Instagram.


Another reported incident of abuse allegedly occurred in 2020 during the Super Bowl weekend, with Tameer accusing Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, of assault.

据称,另一起虐待事件发生在2020年超级碗周末,Tameer指控Nicki的丈夫Kenneth Petty袭击了他。

The most recent event detailed in the legal documents happened this year.


Tameer claimed he received messages from individuals close to the mother-of-one, alleging that he was damaging her reputation among fans and that she wanted him to 'stop saying dumb s**t' about her.


In another part of his statement, Tameer referred to a live stream the Barbie World singer conducted on X (formerly Twitter), where she reportedly targeted him and labelled him as someone who was 'not necessarily, you know, a full basket, umm at the picnic'.


This phrase is often used to suggest someone is mentally unstable or ill. He also alleged that she told her fans during the live stream that he is a 'stalker' who is 'one sandwich short of a picnic' and supposedly made reference to him living on welfare assistance.


The media outlet has reported that Tameer is seeking $5 million (£3.78m) in damages for reputational harm, emotional distress, and financial loss. As of the time of publication, Nicki has not responded to the lawsuit.



“麻辣鸡”妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj),人如其名,是说唱界的辣妹子。她音乐风格独特,坐拥海量粉丝的狂热追捧,但是性格不羁,遇到事情,她是真的敢说。

她不仅和粉丝有争执,而且还 和Megan Thee Stallion(梅根·西·斯塔莉安)不和。

Nicki and Megan’s animosity predates the release of HISS and Big Foot, appearing to stem from Megan’s rise to fame with Cardi B with the release of WAP in 2020.

尼克基(Nicki)与梅根(Megan)之间的不和在《HISS》和《Big Foot》发行之前就已经存在,似乎源于梅根与卡迪·B(Cardi B)在2020年发行《WAP》后声名大噪。

Their collaboration reportedly made Nicki jealous after she and Megan had worked together on 2019 single Hot Girl Summer.

据报道,两人在2019年合作单曲《Hot Girl Summer》后,梅根与卡迪·B的合作让尼克基心生嫉妒。

Shortly after, Megan unfollowed Nicki on Instagram, with Nicki doing the same in 2021 which led fans to speculate the pair were beefing.


In the same year, fans speculated Nicki’s single Seeing Green took a swipe at Megan with the lyric: ‘One Margarita pizza with Parmesan and garlic/These b***hes thirsty; I can see why they alcoholics.’

同年,粉丝猜测尼克基的单曲《Seeing Green》中的歌词是在暗指梅根:“一份帕尔马干酪和大蒜披萨/这些婊子真饥渴;我明白她们为什么是酒鬼了。”

Three months later Megan released Thot S**t, in which she seemingly responded: ‘B***h dry hatin’, tryna get noticed. Man, ain’t nobody come to see you, Otis, look.’

三个月后,梅根发行了《Thot S**t》,其中她似乎回应道:“婊子干嫉妒,想引人注意。老兄,没人来看你,奥蒂斯,看吧。”

And the release of Megan's single "HISS" In January reignited her long-standing feud with Nicki Minaj, as fans deciphered lyrics seemingly aimed at Nicki and her family's legal troubles.


The song's reference to Megan's law sparked controversy, linking to Nicki's husband's sex offender status.


Nicki later penned a post which appeared to call Megan a ‘manipulative liar’ while bringing up her dispute with her former record label.


However,Megan has not directly addressed if the song references Nicki, but speaking to US radio show The Breakfast Club, she said: ‘A hit dog will holler. Whoever feel it, feel it.’

梅根没有直接回应这首歌是否暗指尼克基,但在接受美国广播节目《The Breakfast Club》采访时她说:“咬人的狗才会叫。谁觉得被冒犯了就自己感受吧。”


mole  内鬼,间谍,鼹鼠

super bowl  超级碗,美国职业橄榄球大联盟的年度冠军赛

one sandwich short of a picnic  冒傻气的,不聪明的(委婉说法)

animosity  /ˌænɪˈmɒsəti/ 敌意,仇恨

manipulative  /məˈnɪpjələtɪv/ 善于操纵的,会控制的

hit dog will holler  挨打的狗会叫,指如果某人被攻击,他们会有反应

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铁粉变原告!“麻辣鸡”Nicki Minaj遭忠实粉丝索赔500万美元!



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