麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj机场被逮捕,原因竟然是涉嫌“携带毒品”

麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj在荷兰阿姆斯特丹机场被捕,原因竟然被指“携带毒品”!好在最后调查清楚,她其实是无辜的,已经被放行了。

麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj在荷兰阿姆斯特丹机场被捕,原因竟然被指“携带毒品”!

好在最后调查清楚,她其实是无辜的,已经被放行了。Nicki姐也是一脸懵,不断问为啥抓她,还坚持要律师陪同。她这趟是为了《Pink Friday 2》巡演去的,没想到在阿姆斯特丹出了这档子事。


Rapper Nicki Minaj was stopped by Dutch authorities over the weekend for allegedly “carrying drugs,” according to police.

据警方报道,说唱歌手妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj)在周末被荷兰当局拦截,原因是她涉嫌“携带毒品”。

In a video captured on the hip-hop artist’s Instagram Live – which was later disseminated online by various social media accounts – Minaj is heard speaking with police at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport while holding her camera phone.

在嘻哈歌手妮琪·米娜的Instagram Live上拍摄的一段视频——随后被多个社交媒体账号在网上传播——可以听到米娜杰在阿姆斯特丹的史基浦机场用手机拍摄时与警方交谈。

In the clip, Minaj mentions “pre-rolls they found,” and is then seen being ushered out of her vehicle and urged to get in a police van. When she asks why she is being told to board the van, an official informs her she is “under arrest,” later adding, for “carrying drugs.” Minaj replies, “I’m not carrying drugs.”


Minaj repeatedly asks for the address of the police station and to have a lawyer present throughout the clip, while the police ask her to “stop filming.”


When CNN reached out to Amsterdam authorities with Minaj’s given name Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty, the Netherlands military police, known as the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, said they arrested a 41-year-old American woman with “soft drugs” at Schiphol Airport. She’s currently in custody and being interrogated at the police station, the police said.

当CNN向阿姆斯特丹当局询问米娜杰的真名奥尼卡·塔尼娅·马拉吉-佩蒂(Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty)时,荷兰宪兵队(也被称为荷兰皇家宪兵队)表示,他们在史基浦机场逮捕了一名携带“软性毒品”的41岁美国女性。警方称,她目前被关押在警察局接受审讯。

In an updated statement to CNN later on Saturday, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee said the woman detained in their custody “on suspicion of exporting soft drugs, has been released.”


“Following consultation with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the suspect received a monetary fine and is now permitted to continue her journey,” the statement continued.


CNN has reached out to representatives for Minaj for comment.


Minaj is currently on her Pink Friday 2 World Tour in support of her latest album, released late last year. She was slated to perform in Manchester, UK on Saturday night May 25, but the show has now been postponed, according to the X account of the concert venue Co-op Live. Minaj performed in Amsterdam on Thursday night.

米娜杰目前正在她的《Pink Friday 2》世界巡回演唱会上,以支持她去年年底发行的最新专辑。她原定于5月25日周六晚在英国曼彻斯特演出,但据演唱会场地Co-op Live的X账户称,演出已推迟。米娜杰在周四晚上在阿姆斯特丹进行了演出。

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