

在最近的一次播客节目中,莉莉·艾伦(Lily Allen)大吐苦水,说领养的狗狗吃掉了他们全家的护照,害得两个孩子不能回英国看望她们的父亲,她不得不将狗狗退回收容所。



Lily Allen has revealed the sad reason she felt forced to get rid of her dog - after it caused disruption and ate their family's passports.


singer was left distraught after the pooch turned their lives upside down - eating her passport and those of her children Ethel, 12, and Marnie, 11. It meant her young daughters, who live in New York with Lily and her husband, could not return back to London to visit their dad for four-five months.


Speaking on her Miss Me? podcast with best pal Miquita Oliver, Lily explained: "We actually did adopt a dog already, but then it ate my passport and so I took her back to the home.

在与好友米 Miquita Oliver共同主持的《Miss Me?》播客节目中,莉莉解释说:“我们其实已经领养了一只小狗,但它吃了我的护照,所以我只好把它送回了领养中心。

"She ate all three of our passports and they had our visas in. And I cannot tell you how much money it cost me to get everything replaced, because it was Covid so it was just an absolute logistical nightmare.


"And because the father of my children lives in England, I couldn't take them back to see their dad for like four months, five months, because this f***ing dog had eaten the passports.


"And I just couldn't look at her. I was like 'You've ruined my life.' "


The singer added she wanted to get another dog and name it after footballer Jude Bellingham.





Following the subsequent backlash she received, she wrote in a statement: "We rescued our puppy Mary from a shelter in NY and we loved her very much, BUT she developed pretty severe separation anxiety and would act out in all manner of ways. She couldn't be left alone for more than 10 mins, she had 3 long walks a day 2 by us and 1 with a local dog walker and several other dogs, we worked with the shelter that we rescued her from and they referred us to a behavioural specialist and a professional trainer, it was a volunteer from the shelter who would come and dog sit her when we were away, and after many months and much deliberation everyone was in agreement that our home wasn't the best fit for Mary."


She also said in it: "The person that she was rehomed with was known to us and that rehoming happened within 24 hours of her being returned."


An animal charity has sent Lily Allen a toy dog and told her it’s the only pet she should own after she ditched her puppy for eating her passport.


The Smile singer confessed she returned her adopted pooch Mary to an animal shelter for chewing up the papers. Furious animal lovers from PETA sent Lily, 39, a pointed letter – along with a mechanical toy dog.


The charity’s Elisa Allen wrote: “It really is the only animal you should bring into your home. Dogs should never be treated as accessories to be discarded when they become inconvenient.”


Lily responded to the criticism with a lengthy statement on Sunday, in which she said that the decision to return Mary to the shelter had been "difficult" and following more than just one incident.


She also accused PETA of having added "fuel to the fire" and tweet began a tense exchange between them on X, formerly known as Twitter, in recent days.


PETA wrote: "YOU laughed when speaking about abandoning Mary and ruined this poor dog's life. She thought she had a loving forever home before you tossed her out, calling her 'that f******* dog' who 'ruined my life.' Shame on you. You don't deserve even the toy dog we sent you."


Lily reacted that same day: "People laugh when they talk about painful things all the time, it's quite normal. I've clarified that we didn't abandon her and that she was rehomed with people we knew almost immediately."


She continued in her tweet to the organisation at the time: "Why are you perpetuating lies? What kind of animal welfare charity tries to shame someone for wanting to improver the welfare of an animal. Your post is dangerous."


The organisation responded on Tuesday afternoon: "As someone high profile with a platform, what you say matters.


Laughing about this 'f******' dog being sent back sends a dangerous message. Every move is traumatic to a homeless dog who then can never expect this home is forever."


In her latest response, tweeted on Tuesday evening, Lily seemingly referenced George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four amid the controversy.


She wrote beside an emoji depicting paw prints: "Nineteen Eighty Paws."



get rid of 处理掉,赶走,丢弃

disruption 扰乱,混乱

distraught 极度痛苦的,心烦意乱的

pooch 小狗

turn... upside down 天翻地覆,上下颠倒

Covid 新冠疫情,新冠肺炎

separation anxiety 分离焦虑症

animal charity 动物慈善机构

PETA 善待动物组织

  • 本文标签:
  • 莉莉·艾伦 Lily Allen
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