





Halsey is paying homage to Britney Spears in their new “Lucky” music video.

海尔希 (Halsey) 在她的全新《Lucky》音乐视频中向布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 致敬。

On Friday, July 26, the 29-year-old pop star (who uses they/them and she/her pronouns) released their Gia Coppola-directed music video inspired by Spears’ 2000 hit and video of the same title, the video for Spears' song and other Y2K classics.

7 月 26 日星期五,这位 29 岁的流行歌星(她使用“they/them”和“she/her”作为代词)发布了由吉亚·科波拉 (Gia Coppola) 执导的音乐视频,该视频受到布兰妮 2000 年同名热门单曲及音乐视频的启发,同时也参考了布兰妮其他千禧年经典歌曲的视频。

One noticeable nod was a scene in which Halsey wore a sheer catsuit covered in crystals.


Spears, 42, wore a similar look in her music video for her 2003 single “Toxic.” In that one, the “Oops!… I Did It Again” singer donned her signature blonde hair. Halsey switched their look up with hot pink tresses.

现年 42 岁的布兰妮在她的 2003 年单曲《Toxic》的音乐视频中也有类似的装扮。在那段视频中,这位《Oops!… I Did It Again》的歌手留着标志性的金发。而海尔希则换上了热情的粉红色秀发。

The “Bad at Love” singer’s 2024 remake of “Lucky” follows a similar storyline to Spears’ from more than two decades ago.

《Bad at Love》的演唱者海尔希在 2024 年翻唱的《Lucky》中延续了布兰妮二十多年前的类似故事情节。

Both music videos show a pop star living a glamorous life, complete with red carpets, wardrobe and fame — yet behind the scenes, neither are as “lucky” as they seem.


“'Cause I'm so lucky, I'm a star / But I cry, cry, cry in my lonely heart, thinkin' / If there's nothin' missin' in my life / Then why do these tears come at night?” Halsey sings in their version, a slight change from the original.


Spears was around 16 years old when her first album, … Baby One More Time, topped charts in 1999, and her “Lucky” music video mainly highlighted the struggles of fame.

布兰妮·斯皮尔斯在1999年凭借首张专辑《...Baby One More Time》登顶排行榜时,大约只有16岁,而她的《Lucky》音乐视频主要凸显了成名之路的艰辛。

In their lyrics, they sing about weight loss and shaving their head “'cause I got sick.”


Before the song’s release, Halsey revealed in June via Instagram that they were diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus and a rare T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder, which they said "are currently being managed or in remission.”





Hours after the video was released, Spears, 42, posted about it on X (formerly Twitter), but she quickly deleted the message.

视频发布几小时后,42 岁的斯皮尔斯在 X(原名 Twitter)上发布了相关内容,但随后迅速删除了该消息。

"For obvious reasons I'm very upset about the Halsey video," Spears wrote in the since-deleted post. "I feel harassed, violated, and bullied. I didn't know an artist like her and someone I looked up to and admired would illustrate me in such an ignorant way by tailoring me as a superficial pop star with no heart or concern at all."


"I have my own health problems which is why I took down my IG account yesterday. I will definitely be putting it back up to show I CARE," the post continued. "I'm speaking with my lawyers today to see what can be done on this matter. It feels illegal and down right cruel."

“由于我自己的健康问题,我昨天才注销了我的 Instagram 账号。我一定会重新启用它,以表明我很在乎,”帖子继续写道。“我今天正在和我的律师商量这件事该怎么办。这感觉既违法又残忍。”

Shortly after deleting the post, Spears said that her previous critique of Halsey's music video had been "fake news" and claimed that "that was not me on my phone."


"I love Halsey and that’s why I deleted it !!!" wrote Spears on X.

“我爱海尔希,所以我才删除了它!!!”斯皮尔斯在 X 上写道。

Halsey, 29, who uses she/they pronouns, issued a response to Spears' second post, showing her support for the pop artist.

29 岁的海尔希(使用 she/they 代词)对斯皮尔斯的第二条帖子做出了回应,表达了对这位流行歌手的支持。

"I love Britney!!!! I always have and always will you were the first person who ever made me realize what it means to feel inspired. And you continue to inspire me everyday," wrote Halsey on X.

“我爱布兰妮!!!!我一直爱你,永远爱你。你是第一个让我意识到灵感意味着什么的人。你每天都在激励我,”海尔希在 X 上写道。

The singer previously shared on X that Spears had given the track her "blessing" and had been "soooo nice" in response to a letter Halsey had written. according to a press release, Spears heard the song early in the process and gave her approval.

此前,海尔希在 X 上分享称,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯曾给这首歌以“祝福”,并对海尔希写给她的一封信给予了“非常友好的”回应。据新闻稿称,斯皮尔斯在歌曲创作初期就听到了这首歌,并给予了认可。


homage n. 致敬,表示敬意的举动

sheer catsuit 透明紧身衣

crystals 水晶

glamorous life 光鲜亮丽的生活

wardrobe 衣橱,衣柜

remission n. 缓解,减刑

superficial adj. 表面的,肤浅的

fake news 假新闻

  • 本文标签:
  • 布兰妮 猴西 海尔希
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