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中央气象台消息,今年第13号台风“贝碧嘉”已于16日7点30分前后在上海浦东临港新城登陆,成为75年来登陆上海最强台风。下面请看相关双语报道:“贝碧嘉”成75年来登陆上海最强台风Shanghai halted transportation links, recalled ships and shut tourism spots including



Shanghai halted transportation links, recalled ships and shut tourism spots including Shanghai Disney Resort on Sunday as it braced for Typhoon Bebinca, in what could be the strongest tropical cyclone to hit the Chinese financial hub since 1949. The Category 1 typhoon, packing maximum sustained wind speeds near its centre of around 144 kph(89 mph), was about 400 km southeast of Shanghai as of 5:00 p.m. (0900 GMT). It is expected to make landfall along China's eastern coast after midnight on Monday.

周日,上海暂停了交通运输,召回船只,关闭了包括上海迪士尼度假区在内的旅游景点,以应对即将来临的台风贝碧嘉,这将是自1949年以来袭击中国金融中心的最强热带气旋。 截至下午5点(格林威治标准时间0900),这场1级台风中心附近最大持续风速约为每小时144公里(每小时89英里),距离上海约400公里。 预计它将在周一午夜后在中国东海岸登陆。

The China Meteorological Administration issued typhoon red alert on Sunday afternoon, warning of gales and heavy rainfalls in eastern China.


The strongest storm to make landfall in Shanghai in recent decades was Typhoon Gloria in 1949, which tore through the city with gusts of 144 kph. Shanghai was last threatened by a direct hit in 2022 by the powerful Typhoon Muifa, which instead landed 300 km away in the city of Zhoushan, in Zhejiang province.

近几十年来,上海遭遇的最强登陆风暴是1949年的格洛丽亚台风,该台风以每小时144公里的风速席卷该市。 上海上一次受到直接袭击的威胁是在2022年,当时强大的台风梅花登陆浙江省舟山市,距离上海300公里。

Shanghai is typically spared the strong typhoons that hit further south in China, including Yagi, a destructive Category 4 storm that roared past southern Hainan province last week. But Shanghai and neighbouring provinces are taking no chances with Category 1 Bebinca.

上海通常能够避免中国南部沿海地区遭遇的强台风袭击,包括上周肆虐海南南部的四级强台风“摩羯”。 但上海及周边省份对1级台风贝碧嘉毫不掉以轻心。

All flights will be cancelled at Shanghai's two airports from 8 p.m. local time on Sunday, and the operator, the Shanghai Airport (Group) Co said it will announce adjustments depending on typhoon's impact.


The Shanghai railway station has also suspended some services to ensure passenger safety, and the Shenzhen government said trains to and from Shanghai will be halted. Resorts in Shanghai, including Shanghai Disney Resort, Jinjiang Amusement Park and Shanghai Wild Animal Park, have been temporarily closed while most ferries have been halted to and from Chongming island - China's third-biggest island known as "the gateway to the Yangtze River".

为确保乘客安全,上海火车站也已暂停部分服务,深圳市政府表示,往返上海的列车将停运。 上海各大度假村,包括上海迪士尼度假区、锦江乐园和上海野生动物园已暂时关闭,而往返崇明岛(中国第三大岛,被誉为“长江门户”)的渡轮也已停运。


on Sunday 在星期天

braced 使顶住,抵住 ; 使防备 ; 使作准备 ; 绷紧的肌肉 ; 做好准备的;有扶壁支撑的 

tropical cyclone 热带气旋

kph 千米每小时 ; 每小时所行千米数

as of 在…时

landfall 登陆 ; 初见陆地,踏上陆地

on Monday 周一 ; 星期一 ; 在星期一 ; 在礼拜一

red alert 紧急警报 ; 紧急戒备状态

gales 大风 ; 飓风 ; 一阵大笑声 ; gale的复数

rainfalls 降雨量 ; 下雨 ; rainfall的复数

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