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The U.S. government's road safety agency wants the auto industry to design new vehicles including increasingly large SUVs and pickup trucks so they reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Monday that for the first time it's proposing a new rule setting testing and performance requirements to minimize the risk of pedestrian head injuries.


The rule would cover all passenger vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less, but it's is aimed largely at big SUVs and pickups, which have grown in size and hood height over the years, causing blind spots for drivers.

该规定将涵盖所有重量在10,000磅或以下的乘用车,但主要针对大型SUV和皮卡, 这些车型近年来尺寸和引擎盖高度不断增加,导致驾驶员存在盲点。

NHTSA said pedestrian deaths increased 57% from 2013 to 2022, from 4,779 to 7,522. The agency says the rule would save 67 lives per year.

美国国家公路交通安全管理局表示,2013年至2022年,行人死亡人数增加了57%,从4779人增加到7522人。 该机构表示,新规每年将挽救67条生命。

Data show that nearly half of all pedestrian deaths when hit by the front of a vehicle are most common for SUVs and trucks.


The proposed rule, required by Congress in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, would set test procedures to simulate head-to-hood impact as well as requirements to reduce the risk of head injuries. Human-like head dummies that simulate children and adults would be used in testing, NHTSA said in a prepared statement.

该拟议规则是国会在《两党基础设施法》中要求的, 将设定测试程序以模拟头部与引擎盖的碰撞,并提出降低头部受伤风险的要求。 美国国家公路交通安全管理局在一份准备好的声明中表示,测试中将使用模拟儿童和成人的类人头型假人。

"We have a crisis of roadway deaths, and it's even worse among vulnerable road users like pedestrians," NHTSA Deputy Administrator Sophie Shulman said in the statement. "This proposed rule will ensure that vehicles will be designed to protect those inside and outside from serious injury or death."

“我们面临道路死亡危机,对于行人等弱势道路使用者来说,情况更为严重,” 国家公路交通安全管理局副局长索菲·舒尔曼在声明中表示。 “本拟议规则将确保车辆的设计能够保护车内和车外人员免受重伤或死亡。”

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a large industry trade group, pointed out that companies have already developed crash avoidance technology to make roads safer for pedestrians and others. The industry has given input to NHTSA on pedestrian safety and will review the proposal, the alliance said in a statement.

大型行业贸易组织汽车创新联盟指出, 各公司已经开发了防撞技术,以提高道路对行人和其他道路使用者的安全性。 该联盟在一份声明中表示,汽车行业已就行人安全问题向国家公路交通安全管理局提供意见,并将审查该提案。

The infrastructure law required NHTSA to make U.S. regulations match a global pedestrian safety rule, with a regulation that would focus on vehicles made uniquely for the U.S. market.


Through August, SUVs and trucks of all sizes accounted for almost 79% of new vehicles sales in the U.S., according to Motorintelligence.com.


Last year, an insurance Institute for Highway Safety study found that vehicles with higher, more vertical front ends raise risks for pedestrians. The research arm of the insurance industry found that pickups, SUVs and vans with a hood height greater than 40 inches are about 45% more likely to cause deaths in pedestrian crashes than cars and other vehicles with a hood height of 30 inches or less and a sloping profile.

去年,公路安全保险研究所的一项研究发现,前部更高、更垂直的车辆会增加行人的风险。 该保险业研究机构发现,引擎盖高度超过40英寸的皮卡、 SUV和货车在行人事故中造成死亡的可能性比引擎盖高度为30英寸或更低、且带有倾斜轮廓的汽车和其他车辆高出约45%。

The authors also questioned whether wider pillars holding up roofs of the larger vehicles make it harder for drivers to spot people walking near the corners of vehicles.


Consumer Reports found in 2021 that elevated vehicle hoods also obstructed driver views of pedestrians crossing before them.


The magazine and website found that pickup truck hood heights have risen 11% since 2000. The hood of a 2017 Ford F-250 heavy-duty pickup was 55 inches off the ground, as tall as the roofs of some cars.

该杂志和网站发现,自2000年以来,皮卡车引擎盖高度增加了11%。 一辆2017款福特F-250重型皮卡的引擎盖距地面55英寸,与一些汽车的车顶一样高。

Consumer Reports said it measured visibility for 15 new vehicles, including full-size trucks. due to height and long hoods, it found that front blind spots in some trucks were 11 feet longer than some sedans and 7 feet longer than many popular SUVs.

《消费者报告》称,它测量了15款新车的可见性,其中包括全尺寸卡车。 由于高度和长引擎盖, 该报告发现一些卡车的前盲点比一些轿车长11英尺,比许多受欢迎的SUV长7英尺。

Automakers and the public can comment on the proposal for 60 days, after which NHTSA will draw up a final regulation.



road safety 道路安全 ; 交通安全 ; 行车安全 ; 安全道路 ; 马路安全

vehicles 车辆 ; 手段,工具 ; 交通工具 ; vehicle的复数

increasingly 越来越多地 ; 不断增加地

SUVs 运动型多功能车 ; 运动型多用途车 ; SUV的复数

pickup 改善 ; 唱头,磁头 ; 改进 ; 好转 ; 敞篷小货车 ; 轻型货车 ; 

trucks 载重汽车 ; 手推车,手拉车 ; 敞篷车,无盖车皮 ; 用卡车装运 

reduce 减少 ; 使还原 ; 缩小 ; 蒸发 ; 减轻体重 ; 节食

pedestrian 行人 ; 步行者 ; 行人的 ; 行人使用的 ; 乏味的 ; 无趣的 ; 缺乏想象的

deaths 死亡 ; 死 ; 毁灭 ; 破灭 ; 死亡状态 ; 生命的终止 ; 永久的灭亡 ; death的复数

injuries 伤害,损伤 ; 伤害,挫伤 ; injury的复数

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