




Bianca Censori certainly dressed for the occasion as she returned to Italy with husband Kanye West, following their controversial visit to Venice last year.

Bianca Censori 显然为这次活动精心打扮了一番,她与丈夫 Kanye West 回到意大利,此前两人去年曾引起争议的威尼斯之行还历历在目。

The Gold Digger rapper, 46, and Yeezy architect, 29, shocked many when they enjoyed a river boat ride last year – when Ye was pictured with his trousers down and his bum out, while his partner was crouched between his legs.

这位46岁的《The Gold Digger》说唱歌手和29岁的 Yeezy 建筑师去年乘坐游船时曾让许多人震惊——当时侃耶被拍到裤子脱到一半,臀部露出,而他的伴侣则蹲在他的两腿之间。

Shortly after the pictures emerged, they were slammed by the Tourism and Promotion office in Florence and warned to behave respectfully when they were next in the area.


All eyes will be on the pair after they were pictured outside Florence airport on Sunday, for yet another adventure.


Bianca has become known for her risqué outfits and opted for another eyebrow-raising look for the day, rocking a crisp white, long-sleeved thong bodysuit, paired with thigh-high, black peep-toe boots.

Bianca 以其大胆的着装而闻名,这次她又选择了一个引人注目的造型,身着一件干净利落的白色长袖丁字泳衣,搭配一双黑色高筒露趾靴。

She accessorized simply with a white pillow – that perfectly matched her outfit – which she clutched close to her chest.


The Grammy-winner – who shares four children with Kim Kardashian – also got the all-white memo but was fully covered-up in a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, paired with trainers.

这位格莱美奖得主——与 Kim Kardashian 育有四个孩子——也收到了全白造型的指示,但他全副武装,穿着连帽衫和运动裤,搭配运动鞋。

The lovebirds were seen looking very close after landing in Europe, with Bianca photographed leaning into Kanye and resting her head on his shoulders.

这对情侣在抵达欧洲后看起来非常亲密,Bianca 被拍到靠在 Kanye 身上,把头靠在他的肩膀上。

In other pictures, he kept his partner close to him, hooking his arm around her waist, before they climbed into a waiting car.


Kanye went public with his relationship with Bianca last year, weeks after they secretly tied the knot at the end of 2022.

就在他们在 2022 年底秘密结婚后不久,Kanye 在去年公开了他与 Bianca 的关系。

They have been making headlines ever since, thanks to the model’s very revealing outfit choices – including a series of nearly-naked looks, and vagina-flashing options.


In recent months, she has been pictured flashing her bum during an ice-cream outing, and showing off an entirely-sheer strapless dress on a date night, with no underwear.


However, their travels in Italy last year sparked outrage from locals when they appeared to be in a very compromising position during a boat trip, leading to a warning from officials.


Shortly after pictures emerged of their getaway, a tourism official urged them to be respectful in the city of Florence, which promotes the slogan: ‘Enjoy and respect Florence.’


The tourism website states the city is ‘not a beach establishment’, and that clothing ‘must be decent’, while any breaches are punishable by €500 (£435).


Senior tourist instructor Andrea Giordani at the Tourism and Promotion office in Florence told MailOnline at the time: ‘I’d like to remind Kanye and his wife that they have broken the code of Enjoy and Respect Florence, in fact their behavior goes beyond that, and especially in the case of Venice where they were seen on the boat allegedly engaged in sexual activity – Italy is not that kind of place.


‘We remind them of the code of Enjoy and Respect Florence – it reminds holiday-makers to remember what are the wrong behaviors but also what are the “good practices” to live the city correctly and better organize your stay.


‘Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee the civil coexistence and the protection of the rights of each of us, respecting the environment, the artistic heritage and the identity of Florence, a city that was the cradle of the Renaissance and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.’


Will they listen to the warnings? We’ll find out…


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