
她来了,她戴着头发状流苏来了! 又一次,侃爷前女友朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox )穿着性感出现在人前。这一次,朱莉娅·福克斯穿着裸色紧身衣,涂着银色的脸出现在了巴黎时装周上。


又一次,侃爷前女友朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox )穿着性感出现在人前。这一次,朱莉娅·福克斯穿着裸色紧身衣,涂着银色的脸出现在了巴黎时装周上。


Julia Fox just did it again with her wildest outfit yet at Paris fashion Week 2024.


The 34-year-old model has wowed in some killer outfits over the past few months, from wearing a casual wedding dress to sporting nothing but nipple covers and a torso cage. She’s forever iconic.

在过去几个月里,这位 34 岁的模特穿戴非常性感,从穿休闲的婚纱到只戴胸贴,她的着装永远都是标新立异的。

The Uncut Gems actor reminded the world of this today (March 3) when she took to the streets of the French capital wearing nothing but silvery face paint and a nude, transparent sequin-covered bodysuit with some wispy, hair-like tassels sprouting from her chest, closely resembling Einstein’s eyebrows.


While we’re sure the Mugler Fall/Winter 2024 to 2025 collection was just great, Fox almost certainly stole the show at the event. Who could miss this ethereal ice queen sitting in the audience? Not us.

虽然我们确信 Mugler 2024 至 2025 年秋冬系列非常棒,但几乎可以肯定, Fox 在活动中抢尽风头。谁会错过这位坐在观众席上的冰上皇后呢?我们不会。

Paris Fashion Week kicked off on February 26 and will come to a close on Tuesday March 5.


Julia’s appearance comes after chaos erupted as Victoria Beckham’s showcase was disrupted by Peta activists who protested against the Spice Girl’s use of leather in her fashion brand.

维多利亚·贝克汉姆的时装秀被反对辣妹组合在其时装品牌中使用皮革的Peta 活动人士打断,随后爆发了混乱,朱莉娅的亮相正是在此之后。


朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox )出生在意大利米兰,是一名名不见正传的演员。她的代表作品是《原钻》(Uncut Gems),她在电影里面饰演一个纽约钻石店老板的情妇,不过,这部电影在国内人气并不高。


成为侃爷的女友之后,朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox )突然翻红,而跟着爆红的,是她的穿衣风格。有她出现的地方,总是说不尽的话题和热度。

Other outfits Julia has put together over the past few years include a metal bikini, an outfit made of condoms, and she even somehow made a shower curtain look chic.


Speaking about her style, Julia previously said she’s ‘providing a service’ and we couldn’t agree more.


Amid the pages of her new memoir, Down The Drain, Julia opened up about her whirlwind romance with rapper Kanye West, which occurred following his split from Kim Kardashian and before his marriage to Bianca Censori.

在她的新回忆录《 Down The Drain》中,朱莉娅敞开心扉,讲述了她与说唱歌手坎耶·维斯特的旋风式恋情,这段恋情发生在坎耶与金·卡戴珊分手之后,与比安卡·森索里结婚之前。

In an extract obtained by The Guardian, she said the Gold Digger hitmaker offered to pay for her boob job, which she turned down.

在《卫报》获得的一段摘录中,她说这位《Gold Digger 》歌手提出为她隆胸,但她拒绝了。

‘We spend the day playing Uno and a game that involves highlighting positive words in the dictionary,’ she wrote, claiming that he told her: ‘I’ll get you a boob job if you want.’


说实话,朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox )的服装搭配真的是千奇百怪,除了这套留着长流苏的紧身衣之外,她在巴黎街头还穿过完全由腰带制成的丰满皮革紧身胸衣连衣裙、黑色透视礼服、红色乳胶长裙。


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