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Massive protests in Berlin against TTIP

Hundreds of thousands of people have protested in Berlin against a plannedfree trade deal. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership involves theUnited States and the European union .People hold flagsand ba

Hundreds of thousands of people have protested in Berlin against a planned free trade deal. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership involves the United States and the European union  .

Massive protests in Berlin against TTIP

People hold flags and balloons and shout slogans during a protest in Berlin, Germany, on Oct. 10, 2015. Thousands of people protested in Berlin on Saturday against a free trade deal under negotiations between the United States and the European union   (EU). The United States and the EU started talks on the deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), in 2013. once completed, it will create the largest free trade zone, covering nearly half of world's gross domestic product (GDP). (Xinhua/Zhang Fan)

The protesters included civil rights groups, environmentalists, labor union   members and opponent political parties. They marched through downtown Berlin, banging drums, clutching flags and posters and chanting slogans.

The US and the EU started talks on the TTIP in 2013. once completed, it will create the largest free trade zone, covering nearly half of world's GDP.

Supporters in Europe believe the deal will boost exports, create jobs, fuel growth and strengthen Europe's voice in world trade rules. But opponents fear that Europe's strict standards on environment and food safety will be eroded, and local governments' regulation power in dispute settling be weakened.

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