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Now, let's take a look at why September 3rd was chosen andmade a national holiday.现在我们一起来看看为何将9月3日定为全国性的纪念日。Japan's announcement of surrender actually happened onAugust 15th, 1945. A little after

 Now, let's take a look at why September 3rd was chosen andmade a national holiday.


Japan's announcement of surrender actually happened onAugust 15th, 1945. A little after noon, Japanese emperorHirohito announced his country's acceptance of the terms of thePotsdam Declaration, and its unconditional surrender. Themessage was broadcast across the nation over radio.


However, without the formal signing over the terms of the surrender, it didn't have any legalstanding. So, on September 2nd, representatives from Japan, China and eight other Allied powersgathered on the deck of the USS "Missouri" in Tokyo Bay. They signed on the Japaneseinstrument of surrender. The ceremony over 20 minutes, and it was broadcast throughout theworld.


The next day, September 3rd, the Japanese army in China formally surrendered to the Chinesegovernment. The whole of China was in jubilation. Celebrations were held across the country. Itmarked the first outright victory over a foreign invasion in Chinese modern history. Therefore,September 3rd was chosen, at the time, as the official victory day.



However, after the founding of New China in 1949, the victory day was reset to August 15th, thedate Japan announced unconditional surrender. But two years later, the then-GovernmentAdministrative Council switched it back to September 3rd.


In 2014, China's top legislative body ratified September 3rd as the "Victory Day of ChinesePeople's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression". It then officially became a nationalholiday when it was announced that memorial activities would be held every year going forward.It's hoped the ratification will help people reflect on the war; commemorate the heroic sacrifices;and express China's firm stance of safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial solidarity andworld peace.


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