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导读:自从特朗普宣布竞选总统之后,他与媒体之间的互怼就从未停止过。那为什么双方硬是要互相伤害呢?CNN记者在文章中给出了他的答案。(CNN)They still love him. On Saturday, Donald Trump addressed a rally in Florida that was as b



(CNN) — They still love him. On Saturday, Donald Trump addressed a rally in Florida that was as big and adulatory as any he’d seen during the campaign. He attacked the federal judges who challenged his travel ban order. He attacked the reporters who ask tough questions. "They have their own agenda and their agenda is not your agenda," he said. This crowd was "our people," he said.

CNN电 他们还是那么爱戴他。星期六,唐纳德·特朗普在佛罗里达集会上发表了演讲,这场集会如同他在竞选期间所见的集会那般盛大和谄媚。特朗普攻击了挑战期其旅游禁令的联邦法官们以及询问尖锐问题的记者们。“他们有他们自己的日程,他们的日程并非你们的日程,”他说道。这些群众都是“我们的人民”,他还指出。

And those people have lost none of their faith. Don’t expect them to.


I did not go to the rally in Florida. But I have been to many, many Trump rallies, and I’ve noticed that Trumpites have two things in common. One is a suspicion of journalists. They always want to know what outlet I represent and what questions I’m likely to ask. once the interview is over, they usually say the same thing: "Why does the media hate Donald Trump so much?"


I reply that we’re just doing our job -- asking questions in the way that we do of every politician. But there’s no escaping that the media does have an institutional leaning.


Aside from hatred of the press, the other thing I’ve found that binds Trumpites together is a fear of decline. They voted for Trump because he promised to restore the nation’s greatness, by building a wall and locking jobs inside.


From this point-of-view, conservatives are keeping faith with Trump because Trump is keeping faith with them.


And here’s the genius of his anti-media strategy: Even if he fails, it’s not his fault. Trump and his base believe the conspiracy against them is enormous and almost unbeatable. By attacking the media as forcefully as Trump has, he has primed his supporters for defeat. That’s why many will forgive the mistakes he has made in the past month. They’ll regard them as inevitable. Donald, they’ll say, is doing his best.


Donald Trump needs the media. Attacking the media is part of the reason he won. Hatred of the media is one of things that will rally his troops around him as he tries to do his job. Ironically, the media needs Trump, too. As the president has often said, he’s great for ratings.


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