中国神话故事:吴刚伐桂(Wu Gang Chopping the Laurel Tree)

Once upon a time, in the magical world of the heavens, Wu Gang and Chang'e were great friends. Wu Gang lived at the South Gate of Heaven, but he often longed to visit Chang'e who lived in the Moon. He became so busy meeting her that he forgot his dutie

Once upon a time, in the magical world of the heavens, Wu Gang and Chang'e were great friends. Wu Gang lived at the South Gate of Heaven, but he often longed to visit Chang'e who lived in the Moon. He became so busy meeting her that he forgot his duties.


The Jade Emperor, who rules over everything, was not pleased. In a fit of anger, he punished Wu Gang by sending him to the Moon to chop down a giant  Laurel Tree. Wu Gang was told that he could not return to the South Gate of Heaven or see Chang'e again until the tree was completely gone.


Wu Gang worked hard, chopping away from winter to summer. After six long months, he was almost done. Just as he was about to finish, the Jade Emperor sent a clever crow to the tree. With a quick swoop, the crow took Wu Gang's shirt, which was hanging on a branch.


Wu Gang chased after the crow, forgetting all about the tree. When he finally got his shirt back and returned, he found that all the chopped branches and leaves had grown back! From then on, whenever Wu Gang got close to finishing the tree, the crow would perch on a branch and "caw, caw" loudly. If Wu Gang stopped to look, the tree would miraculously regrow.


Years passed, and Wu Gang kept chopping, but the Moon Laurel tree never fully disappeared. There's a special secret, too: on the sixteenth day of the eighth month every year, a single leaf from the Moon Laurel falls to Earth. Whoever finds this magical leaf is blessed with endless gold and jewels.


So, little ones, remember the story of Wu Gang and his never-ending task. And maybe one day, you'll be the lucky one to find that special leaf and be showered with treasures!


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中国神话故事:吴刚伐桂(Wu Gang Chopping the Laurel Tree)



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