
贝克汉姆家的二公子罗密欧·贝克汉姆(Romeo Beckham)疑似有新恋情!罗密欧被拍到和一位模特兼网红苏菲·茱莉亚在伦敦一家高大上的酒店约会,之后一起坐出租离开。这是罗密欧告别前任米娅·里根(Mia Regan)后,首次被拍到与美女同行!01Romeo Beckham was spotted in a cab w

贝克汉姆家的二公子罗密欧·贝克汉姆(Romeo Beckham)疑似有新恋情!


这是罗密欧告别前任米娅·里根(Mia Regan)后,首次被拍到与美女同行!


Romeo Beckham was spotted in a cab with a model and influencer after a date at an exclusive hotel in London.

有媒体拍到罗密欧·贝克汉姆(Romeo Beckham)与一名模特兼网红在伦敦一家豪华酒店约会后,一同乘坐出租车离开。

The 22-year-old, who is the second son of David Beckham and Victoria Beckham, was seen getting into a car with influencer Sophie Julia at around 1am on Saturday.

这位 22 岁的年轻人是贝克汉姆夫妇(David 和 Victoria Beckham)的二儿子,周六凌晨 1 点左右,他与网红苏菲·茱莉亚(Sophie Julia)一同乘车离开。

The pair had spent the night at Chiltern Firehouse, an Andre Balazs luxury hotel and restaurant in Marylebone.

两人前一晚在马里波恩的安德列·巴拉兹(Andre Balazs)豪华酒店兼餐厅 Chiltern Firehouse 度过。

The American model and influencer is believed to be the first woman Romeo has been seeing since he split from his long-term girlfriend Mia Regan earlier this year.

据悉,这位美国模特兼网红是罗密欧自今年早些时候与长期女友米娅·里根(Mia Regan)分手后,首位被拍到的女性伴侣。

It is believed Romeo and Sophie met through the celebrity dating app Raya.

据信,罗密欧和苏菲是通过名人约会应用 Raya 相识的。

A source told The Sun: "Romeo looked like he was really enjoying himself on Saturday evening. He met up with Sophie Julia at Chiltern Firehouse and they were deep in conversation for ages. Clearly it went well because they jumped in a cab together at the end of the evening.

一位消息人士告诉《太阳报》:“周六晚上,罗密欧看起来玩得很开心。他在 Chiltern Firehouse 与苏菲·茱莉亚见面,两人交谈了很长时间。显然相处得很愉快,因为他们在晚会结束时一起跳上了出租车。

Whether they have a future together, who knows, as she is just visiting London for work from Los Angeles. But he is having fun and eager to get back into the dating game."


Sophia has 78,000 followers on Instagram - and Romeo is one of them. She is a manager at wellness ­clothing company Alo and travelled from the US to London for London fashion Week.

苏菲在 Instagram 上拥有 7.8 万名粉丝,罗密欧是其中之一。她是健康服装公司 Alo 的经理,此次从美国前往伦敦参加伦敦时装周。


作为大卫·贝克汉姆和维多利亚·贝克汉姆的二儿子,罗密欧·贝克汉姆(Romeo Beckham)继承了父母的优良基因,从小就长得帅气逼人,是众多粉丝心目中的男神。


除了在事业上的成就,更让人津津乐道的,是他和前女友米娅·里根(Mia Regan)的恋情,两人从16岁起就在一起,然而,经历了五年的分分合合后,最终还是以分手告终。

Romeo and Mia met in September 2019 and debuting their relationship on Instagram with a sweet snap together.


Then during the Coronavirus pandemic and the UK lockdown they were separated until July 2020 when they were both pictured holidaying in Italy with the rest of the Beckhams.


In July 2022, Mia and Romeo called it quits due to their busy and conflicting schedules with Romeo continuing with his professional footballer career in the States and Mia busying modelling in the UK.


In her modelling role, Mia had worked for the likes of Balmain, Gucci Beauty, and British Vogue as well as Victoria Beckham 's fashion line. She had also appeared in Paris and London Fashion Week.


However, shortly after the breakup, they got back together again.


In June,2023, it was revealed that Victoria and David Beckham's son he had decided to sign to Brentford on a permanent contract, ditching the chance with play with Lionel Messi at his dad's Inter Miami club, for the sake of his relationship.


A source told the Sunday Mirror: “While Romeo was off playing for Inter Miami, he and Mia both found the long-distance ­relationship difficult.


Despite their best efforts, it really took its toll and they split up for a while. But when he returned to the UK on loan to Brentford they rekindled things, and things are going really well.


"So when Romeo got the offer to stay at Brentford he was thrilled. They will be able to spend much more time together and it’s a great career opportunity for him.


They are both very career-focused so Mia understands how much it means to him.”


However, they split again in February, with Mia moving out of the place they shared.

然而,他们于 2 月再次分手,米娅搬出了他们共同居住的地方。

Alongside a photo of them together, he wrote in a post on Instagram : "Mooch and I have parted ways after 5 years of love, we still have a lot of love for each other, and still hold a strong friendship and always will."


Mia has also issued a statement, writing in a post on the platform that the pair had "friendzoned each other".


She however said that her and Romeo have "lots of love" for each other, with her adding that "love takes different forms".



cab 出租车

influencer 网红

luxury hotel 豪华酒店

celebrity dating app 名人约会应用

deep in conversation 深入交谈

Coronavirus pandemic 新冠病毒大流行

lockdown 封锁

split up 分手

move out 搬出

part ways 分道扬镳

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