《海扁王》“快银”Aaron Taylor Johnson现身伦敦街头没戴婚戒!

亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊(Aaron Taylor Johnson)没戴婚戒!这位34岁的詹姆斯·邦德热门候选人身穿灰色连帽衫、黑裤子,配上LA棒球帽,一身休闲打扮亮相伦敦街头,而无名指却空荡荡的。这一幕瞬间让粉丝们炸了锅,难道他和老婆萨姆的婚姻亮起了红灯?01Speculation surrounding Aar

亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊(Aaron Taylor Johnson)没戴婚戒!




Speculation surrounding Aaron Taylor Johnson's marriage to wife Sam Taylor Johnson being on the rocks is rife after the actor was spotted without his wedding ring.

在亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊(Aaron Taylor-Johnson)被拍到未戴婚戒后,有关他与妻子萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊(Sam Taylor-Johnson)婚姻出现裂痕的猜测甚嚣尘上。

The James Bond frontrunner, 34, was spotted without his band as he was spotted on the phone walking in London.


The lack of ring was evident as he strolled while wearing a grey hoodie, black trousers and LA baseball cap.


The images prompted fans to quickly take to social media and share their thoughts, with many believing there is trouble in paradise.


It comes following criticism of the couple's age gap after they began dating when Aaron was 18 and Sam - who is currently 57 - was 42.


One user on Twitter/X wrote: "aaron taylor johnson spotted without his wedding ring," before sharing a video of an elated Drew Barrymore.

一位推特用户在推特上写道:“亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊被拍到未戴婚戒”,随后分享了一段德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)兴奋的视频。

A second added: "AARON TAYLOR JOHNSON WAS SEEN WITHOUT A WEDDING RING OH YESS LAWWDDDDDDD," before sharing a clip of a delighted crowd.


A third jokingly said: "Not me and every other single girlie in her late 20’s fantasising about a shot with Aaron Taylor Johnson now he’s apparently been spotted without a wedding ring," while a fourth commented: "woke up and saw Aaron Taylor Johnson is reportedly divorced. GOD IS GOOD!!!!"



萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊(Sam Taylor-Johnson)1967年出生,是英国才女导演。曾凭借《无处的男孩》获英国伦敦影评人协会大奖最佳导演,还执导了热门爱情片《五十度灰》。

而亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊(Aaron Taylor-Johnson)则出生于1990年,是英国新生代演员,凭借《海扁王》系列崭露头角,后又在《复仇者联盟2》中饰演“快银”,现在更是詹姆斯·邦德热门候选人。



The Fall Guy actor, 34, started dating his filmmaker wife Sam Taylor-Johnson, 57, in 2009 – when Aaron was 18 and the Back to Black director was 42 – after meeting on the set of John Lennon biopic Nowhere Boy.

这位 34 岁的《 特技狂人》演员于 2009 年在拍摄约翰·列侬传记电影《无处的男孩》时与 57 岁的电影导演妻子萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊相识,当时艾伦 18 岁,而这位《回到黑暗》的导演 42 岁,两人开始交往。

They tied the knot in 2012 and share two children together, Wylda Rae, 14, and Romy Hero, 12. Two years ago, the duo renewed their wedding vows to mark their 10th anniversary.

2012 年,他们喜结连理,并育有两个孩子,分别是 14 岁的维达·雷和 12 岁的罗米·希洛。两年前,为庆祝结婚十周年,两人还重新许下了结婚誓言。

The fact that Sam is double Aaron's age and that he was only 19 when they got together has proved somewhat controversial, but they have always ignored any raised eyebrows and seem ridiculously happy.

萨姆的年龄是艾伦的两倍,两人在一起时艾伦才 19 岁,这一事实引发了一些争议,但他们始终对质疑置若罔闻,看起来幸福得不可思议。

She said in an interview in 2011, "In the old days 'controversial' in a relationship meant same-sex or mixed races. Now, it is a woman with a younger man. That would not happen with a man."


While Aaron said, "I'm an old soul and she's a young soul. We don't see an age gap, we just see each other."



Aaron has hit back at the criticism in a new interview with Rolling Stone UK, saying ‘what you gotta realise is that what most people were doing in their twenties, I was doing when I was 13.


‘You’re doing something too quickly for someone else? I don’t understand that. What speed are you supposed to enjoy life at? It’s bizarre to me.’


He previously told the Sunday Telegraph in that he ‘knew instantly’ that he had found his ‘soulmate’ when he met Sam on the set of the John Lennon biopic, and noted he proposed a year to the day after they met.


The pair have often lauded praise on each other on social media and the Fifty Shades of Grey director - who has two other children from a previous married - labelled him an "an incredible father to our brood".




speculation 猜测,投机

on the rocks ( 婚姻)濒临破裂, (企业等)濒临失败

rife 普遍的,盛行的

hoodie 连帽衫

frontrunner 领跑者;领先者

elated 兴高采烈的

trouble in paradise 天堂里的烦恼 指美满关系中的问题

age gap 年龄差距

tie the knot 结婚

wedding vows 结婚誓言

brood 子女,后代

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《海扁王》“快银”Aaron Taylor Johnson现身伦敦街头没戴婚戒!



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