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在四级翻译中,通常会涉及到传统文化、历史事件、社会现象的翻译,这样要求考生深入理解中华文化,并灵活运用目标语言表达。准确翻译这些词汇,不仅需要语言技能,还需对中西方文化差异有深刻把握。四级翻译中国特色词汇之四书五经一、汉语1、声调 Tone例句:The Chinese




1、声调 Tone

例句:The Chinese language has four different tones, which can change the meaning of a word. 汉语有四种不同的声调,它们可以改变一个词的含义。

2、拼音 Pinyin

例句:Pinyin is used to represent the sounds of the Chinese language in the Roman alphabet. 拼音是用罗马字母表示汉语发音的拼音文字。

3、声母 Initials

例句:The initials of the Chinese language are the consonant sounds at the beginning of a syllable. 汉语的声母是音节开头的辅音。

4、韵母 Finals

例句:The finals of the Chinese language are the vowel sounds at the end of a syllable. 汉语的韵母是音节末尾的元音。

5、普通话 Putonghua

例句:Putonghua is the official language of China and is used in government, education, and broadcasting. 普通话是中国官方语言,用于政府、教育和广播。

6、古诗 ancient Poetry

例句:The Tang Poets are famous for their lyrical poetry, which is still widely read and appreciated today. 唐诗以其抒情诗著名,至今仍被广泛阅读和欣赏。

7、唐诗 Tang Poetry

例句:Tang poetry is renowned for its rich cultural and historical background, as well as its beauty and depth of meaning. 唐诗以其丰富的文化和历史背景以及其美丽和深意而著名。

8、宋词 Song Ci

例句:Song Ci is a form of Chinese literature that expresses emotions and描绘景物in a concise and beautiful way. 宋词是中国文学的一种形式,以简洁而美丽的方式表达情感和描绘景物。

9、押韵 Rhyme

例句:In Chinese poetry, rhyme is an important element that adds harmony and beauty to the verses. 在中国诗歌中,押韵是一个重要的元素,它为诗句增添了和谐与美感。

10、汉字 Chinese character

例句:The Chinese language is written using characters that have a history of over three thousand years. 汉字的使用历史超过三千年。

11、单音节 single syllable

例句:The Chinese language is primarily based on monosyllabic words, which means that each character represents a single syllable. 汉语主要基于单音节词,这意味着每个汉字代表一个音节。

12、汉语四声调 the four tones of Chinese characters

例句:The Chinese language has four different tones, which can change the meaning of a word. 汉语有四种不同的声调,它们可以改变一个词的含义。

13、阳平 level tone

例句:The yangping, or level tone, is the second of the four tones in Chinese. 阳平,或平调,是中国四种声调中的第二种。

14、阴平 rising tone

例句:The yinping, or rising tone, is the first of the four tones in Chinese. 阴平,或升调,是中国四种声调中的第一种。

15、上声 falling-rising tone

例句:The shangsheng, or falling-rising tone, is the third of the four tones in Chinese. 上声,或升降调,是中国四种声调中的第三种。

16、去声 falling tone

例句:The qusheng, or falling tone, is the fourth of the four tones in Chinese. 去声,或降调,是中国四种声调中的第四种。

17、五言绝句 five-character quatrain

例句:The five-character quatrain is a traditional form of Chinese poetry, usually consisting of four lines with five characters per line. 五言绝句是中国诗歌的传统形式,通常由四行组成,每行五个字。

18、七言律诗 seven-character octave

例句:The seven-character octave is a traditional form of Chinese poetry, usually consisting of eight lines with seven characters per line. 七言律诗是中国诗歌的传统形式,通常由八行组成,每行七个字。

19、八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing

例句:In the past, Chinese students were required to write in a formulaic style known as "eight-part essay" for their civil service exams. 过去,中国学生被要求以一种称为“八股文”的公式化风格写文章,以备考公务员考试。


The Four Books and The Five Classics

1、四书 the Four Books

《大学》 The Great Learning

例句:《The Great Learning》 emphasizes the importance of self-cultivation and the gradual cultivation of one's character and moral integrity.


《中庸》 The Doctrine of the Mean

例句:《The Doctrine of the Mean》 explores the concept of moderation and the importance of maintaining balance in one's thoughts and actions.


《论语》 The Analects of Confucius

例句:《The Analects of Confucius》 contains the teachings and sayings of Confucius, providing valuable insights into Confucianism and Chinese culture.


《孟子》 The Mencius/The Works of Mencius

例句:《The Mencius/The Works of Mencius》 emphasizes the importance of human nature and the role of the individual in society.


2、五经 The Five Classics

《春秋》 the Spring and Autumn Annals

例句:The Spring and Autumn Annals is a chronicle of the state of Lu from the 8th to the 5th centuries BC, recording important events and providing valuable historical information.


《诗经》 The Books of Songs;The book of Odes

例句:The Book of Songs is a collection of ancient Chinese poetry, including hymns, elegies, and ballads.


《易经》(《周易》) I Ching; The Book of Changes

例句:The I Ching, or The Book of Changes, is a divination text that explores the principles of change and hexagrams used for fortune-telling.


《礼记》 The Book of Rites

例句:The Book of Rites is a compilation of the rites and rituals of the Zhou Dynasty, providing an important source for understanding Chinese culture and Confucianism.


《尚书》 (《书经》) The Books of History

例句:The Books of History is a collection of historical records from the early Chinese states, including documents on government, laws, and decrees.



1、生 (男性正面角色): the male character type in Peking opera (the positive male role)

例句: In the Peking Opera "Changbanpo", Zhao Yun is a brave "male character type in Peking opera (the positive male role)".


2、旦 (女性正面角色):the female character type in Peking opera (the positive female role)

例句: In the Peking Opera "Mu Guiying Assumes Command", Mu Guiying is a wise and brave "female character type in Peking opera (the positive female role)".


3、净 (性格鲜明的男性配角): the “painted face”, a character type in Peking opera

例句: Bao Zheng plays an upright and selfless "painted face" character in the Peking Opera "Zha Meian".


4、丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色): clown in Peking opera

例句: In the Peking Opera "Sanchakou", the clown brings laughter to the audience with exaggerated performances.



例句: "Cats" is a popular musical.


6、滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头:shtick

例句: His performance was filled with shtick and funny antics that made the audience laugh out loud.



例句: At the party, they performed a skit that had the audience laughing hysterically.


8、京剧人物脸谱:Peking Opera makeup

例句: Peking Opera makeup is an essential component of Peking Opera art, displaying the characters' personalities through different colors and patterns.


9、戏剧文化: drama culture

例句: China has a long history of drama culture, with Peking Opera being one of the most representative forms.


10、木偶戏: puppet show

例句: Children love to watch puppet shows as they are both entertaining and educational.


11、独角戏:monodrama; one-man play

例句: In the monodrama, the actor played multiple roles, demonstrating his superb acting skills.


12、皮影戏:shadow play; leather-silhouette show

例句: Shadow play is an ancient Chinese traditional art form that involves performing with leather puppets illuminated by light.


13、折子戏:opera highlights

例句: In Peking Opera performances, opera highlights refer to selected excerpts from full-length operas.



例句: Every year, the Spring festival Gala features hilarious skits that make the audience laugh heartily.


15、哑剧:dumb show; mime; mummery; pantomime

例句: Mime actors convey emotions and stories through physical movements and facial expressions, requiring great skill in performance.


16、单口相声:monologue comic talk

例句: Monologue comic talk is a form of comic dialogue performed by a single performer, requiring exceptional eloquence and performing skills.


17、双口相声:witty dialogue

例句: Witty dialogue in comic dialogue requires two actors to work together, using humorous banter and performances to amuse the audience.


18、口技:vocal imitations; ventriloquism

例句: Vocal imitations artists can imitate various sounds with their mouths, such as birdcalls and water flows, which are very impressive.


19、杂技 acrobatic performance

例句: The acrobat performed various acrobatic feats on the stage, winning rounds of applause from the audience.


20、叠罗汉 making a human pyramid

例句: During the school sports festival, the students demonstrated the skill of making a human pyramid, showing the power of teamwork as they stacked up layer upon layer.


21、特技 stunt

例句: The stuntmen in the movie amazed the audience with thrilling stunt performances that provided a震撼的视觉体验.


22、踩高跷 stilt walk

例句: The stilt walker gracefully navigated through the crowd, earning cheers and applause from the audience.


23、马戏 circus performances

例句: The circus performers delighted the audience with a variety of exciting acts, including animal training, acrobatics, and magic, making for an unforgettable evening.


24、京韵大鼓 story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment

例句: The storyteller performed the story of ancient times in Beijing dialect, accompanied by the rhythm of the drum, taking the listeners on a journey through the vast expanse of history.


25、秦腔 Shaanxi opera

例句: The Shaanxi opera performer, dressed in magnificent costumes, performed an ancient heroic story with a passionate and resounding singing style, deeply captivating the audience.



1. 妖怪 Monster

例句: The monkey king Sun Wukong is a famous monster in Chinese literature.


2. 神仙 Immortal

例句: Chang'e, the moon goddess, is a symbol of immortality in Chinese folklore.


3. 龙 Dragon

例句: The dragon is a symbol of power and authority in Chinese culture.


4. 凤 Phoenix

例句: The phoenix represents beauty and grace in Chinese folklore.


5. 符咒 Talisman

例句: People used to hang talismans on their doors to protect against evil spirits.


6. 八卦 Bagua

例句: The concept of Bagua is based on eight trigrams, each representing different aspects of life.


7. 桃园结义 Peach Garden Oath

例句: Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu took the Peach Garden Oath, swearing to be brothers forever.


8. 七十二变 Seventy

例句:two Transformations 例句: Sun Wukong has the ability to transform into seventy例句:two different creatures and objects.


9. 丹田 Dan Tian

例句: In traditional Chinese medicine, the Dan Tian is considered the energy center of the body.


10. 仙丹 Elixir

例句: The alchemist sought the elixir of life, the substance believed to grant eternal life.


11. 宝剑 Sword

例句: The master swordsman's blade was said to be able to cut through anything.


12. 经文 Sutra

例句: The monk studied sutras for many years, seeking enlightenment.


13. 轻功 Lightness Kung Fu

例句: The kung fu master demonstrated his exceptional lightness skill by walking on the water's surface.


14. 点穴 pressure Point

例句: The skilled physician knew how to apply pressure to specific points to relieve pain.


15. 义结金兰 Sworn Brotherhood

例句: The two friends took the Sworn Brotherhood oath, promising to be brothers for life.


16. 科举考试 Imperial Examination

例句: success in the imperial examination was the gateway to a career as a government official.通过科举考试是成为政府官员的途径。

17. 西游记 Journey to the West

例句: "Journey to the West" is a classic Chinese novel that tells the story of the monk Xuanzang's journey to India to obtain sacred Buddhist sutras.


18. 红楼梦 Dream of the Red Chamber

例句: "Dream of the Red Chamber" is a masterpiece of Chinese literature that delves into the complexities of family and society in the Qing Dynasty.


19. 水浒传 Water Margin

例句: "Water Margin" is a Chinese classic that portrays the lives and adventures of a group of Robin Hood例句:like outlaws during the Song Dynasty.


20. 三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms

例句: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a historical novel that captures the political and military struggles of the Three Kingdoms period in China.



1. 四大名著 Four Great Classical Novels

例句: The "Four Great Classical Novels" of Chinese literature are "Journey to the West," "Dream of the Red Chamber," "Water Margin," and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."


2. 儒家思想 Confucianism

例句: Confucianism is a traditional Chinese philosophy that emphasizes personal and governmental morality, social order, and respect for authority.


3. 道教 Taoism

例句: Taoism is a Chinese religion and philosophy that focuses on the pursuit of harmony with nature and the universe.


4. 科举考试 Imperial Examination

例句: The imperial examination was a system of selecting government officials in ancient China based on their knowledge of Confucian classics.


5. 茶文化 Tea Culture

例句: Chinese tea culture is deeply rooted in the country's history and is often associated with refinement and hospitality.


6. 京剧 Peking Opera

例句: Peking opera is a traditional Chinese form of theater that combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and acrobatics.


7. 书法 Calligraphy

例句: Chinese calligraphy is an art form that combines aesthetic beauty with the representation of characters in a stylized manner.


8. 推拿 Tui Na

例句: Tui Na is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves massage and manipulation of the body to promote health and healing.


9. 孔子 Confucius

例句: Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and teacher who is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Chinese history.

孔子是一位中国哲学家和教师,被广泛认为是 Chinese history 上最有影响力的人物之一。

10. 秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang

例句: Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China, who unified the country and began the construction of the Great Wall.


11. 兵马俑 Terra Cotta Army

例句: The Terra Cotta Army is a collection of life 例句:sized terracotta soldiers that guard the tomb of Qin Shi Huang.


12. 丝绸之路 Silk Road

例句: The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected China to the West, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures.


13. 中华美食 Chinese Cuisine

例句: Chinese cuisine is renowned for its diverse flavors, colorful presentation, and unique techniques, such as stir 例句:frying and steaming.

中华美食以其多样的口味、丰富多彩的呈现和独特的技巧 如炒和蒸)而闻名。

14. 春节 Chinese New Year

例句: Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional Chinese holiday, celebrating the beginning of a new year.


15. 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival

例句: The Mid Autumn festival is an annual festival celebrated by Chinese people, often featuring mooncakes, lanterns, and family reunions.


16. 针灸 Acupuncture

例句: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote health and treat disease.


17. 中国功夫 Kung Fu

例句: Chinese Kung Fu is a form of martial arts that combines combat techniques with philosophy, health, and spiritual disciplines.



《史记》 historical Records

《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror;Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers

《山海经》 The Classic of Mountains and Rivers

《孝经》 book of Filial Piety

《孙子兵法》 The Art of War

《三字经》 The Three-Character Scripture;The Three-Word Chant

《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber

《聊斋志异》 strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio

《围城》 Fortress Besieged

《阿Q正传》 The True Story of Ah Q

《吾国吾民》 My country and My People

《京华烟云》 Moment in Peking

《骆驼祥子》 Rickshaw/James

《茶馆》 Teahouse

《边城》 The Border Town

《倾城之恋》 Love in a Fallen City

《十八春》 Eighteen Springs

《再别康桥》 Farewell to Cambridge Again

《雷雨》 Thunderstorm

《白鹿原》 White Deer Plain

《麦田里的守望者》 The Catcher in the Rye

《呐喊》 A Call to Arms

《彷徨》 Wandering

《四世同堂》 Four Generations Under One Roof

《未央歌》 The song of Infinite Sorrow

《金粉世家》 The Gold-powder Family

《废都》 The Wasted City

《红高粱》 Red Sorghum

《活着》 To Live

《城南旧事》 Memories of Southern City

《笑傲江湖》 The Smiling, proud Wanderer

《儒林外史》 The Scholars

《牡丹亭》 The Peony Pavilion

《离骚》 Li Sao

《金瓶梅》 The Golden Vase

《封神演义》 Journey to the West

《周易》 The Book of Changes

《尚书》 The Book of Documents

《诗经》 The Book of Songs

《论语》 The Analects

《孟子》 Mencius

《老子》 Tao Te Ching

《庄子》 Zhuangzi

《管子》 Guan Zi


1. Chinese New Year - 春节

例句:Families gather together to celebrate Chinese New Year with feasts and firework displays.


2. Lantern festival - 元宵节

例句:Lanterns of various shapes and colors are displayed at the Lantern Festival to symbolize hope and prosperity.


3. Tomb-Sweeping Day - 清明节

例句:On Tomb-Sweeping Day, people pay their respects to ancestors by cleaning grave sites and offering food and flowers.


4. Dragon Boat Festival - 端午节

例句:Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity during the Dragon Boat Festival to honor the memory of Qu Yuan.


5. Mid-Autumn Festival - 中秋节

例句:Families gather under the full moon to enjoy mooncakes and tea during the Mid-Autumn Festival, symbolizing reunion and harmony.


6. Double Seventh Festival - 七夕节

例句:Also known as the Qixi Festival, it celebrates the annual meeting of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl stars across the Milky Way.


7. Ghost Festival - 中元节

例句:The Ghost Festival is a time when offerings are made to honor ancestors and appease wandering spirits.


8. Winter Solstice - 冬至

例句:The Winter Solstice festival is marked by a family reunion dinner, symbolizing the coming end of the coldest days.


9. Chinese Valentine's Day - 情人节

例句:Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as the Night of the Qixi Festival, is a time for couples to express their love with gifts and flowers.


10. Birthday of Buddha - 佛诞日

例句:The Birthday of Buddha is a day of celebration and reflection, with many visiting temples to offer flowers and incense.


11. 重阳节 - Double Ninth Festival

例句:The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Chongyang Festival, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, often involving activities like climbing mountains and wearing chrysanthemum flowers.


12. 腊八节 - Laba Festival

例句:The Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, marking the beginning of the traditional Chinese New Year countdown.


12. 除夕 - New Year’s Eve

例句:New Year’s Eve, also known as Chuxi, is the eve of the Spring Festival, when families gather to have a reunion dinner.


13. 干支纪年 - Ganzhi Calendar

例句:The Ganzhi Calendar is a traditional Chinese calendar system that uses a 60-year cycle of combinations of the 10 Heavenly Stems and the 12 Earthly Branches.


14. 福 - Fortune

例句:During the Spring Festival, people often paste “Fortune” characters on their doors as a symbol of good fortune.

春节期间,人们经常贴“福” 门上的人物是好运的象征。

15. 团圆 - Reunion

例句:The Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, symbolizing warmth and togetherness.


16. 鞭炮 - Fireworks

例句:Fireworks are set off during Chinese New Year celebrations to scare away evil spirits and welcome the new year.


17. 红包 - Red Envelope

例句:Red envelopes, filled with money, are given as gifts during the Spring Festival to bring good luck and blessings.


18. 饺子 - Dumplings

例句:Dumplings, a traditional food during the Spring Festival, symbolize wealth and prosperity.


19. 清明祭祖 - Ancestor Worship on Tomb-Sweeping Day

例句:On Tomb-Sweeping Day, people pay respect to their ancestors by cleaning tombstones and offering food, flowers, and incense.


20. 端午赛龙舟 - Dragon Boat Racing on Dragon Boat Festival

例句:Dragon boat races are held to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan on the Dragon Boat Festival.


21. 年画 - New Year's Paintings

例句:New Year's paintings, also known as chunlian, are hung on the walls during the Spring Festival to bring good luck and decoration.


22. 生肖 - Zodiac

例句:The Chinese zodiac is a 12-year cycle representing different animals, each believed to bring different fortunes and traits.


23. 庙会 - Temple Fair

例句:Temple fairs, often held during traditional festivals, offer food, crafts, and entertainment like performances and games.


24. 元宵节灯谜 - Lantern Riddles on Lantern Festival

例句:Lantern riddles, written on lanterns, are a traditional activity on the Lantern Festival, combining fun and wisdom.


25. 传统婚礼 - Traditional Chinese Wedding

例句:A traditional Chinese wedding is a colorful and elaborate ceremony, filled with customs and rituals signifying happiness and unity.


26. 中秋赏月 - Moon-Gazing on Mid-Autumn Festival

例句:Moon-gazing is a traditional activity on the Mid-Autumn Festival, symbolizing harmony and unity.


27. 重阳登高 - Climbing Mountains on Double Ninth Festival

例句:Climbing mountains is a custom on the Double Ninth Festival, believed to bring good health and longevity.



1. 鼠年 (Year of the Rat)

例句:We are currently in the Year of the Rat, which is known for its symbol of wisdom. 我们目前正在经历鼠年,这一年象征着智慧。

2. 牛年 (Year of the Ox)

例句:Last year was the Year of the Ox, which represents dedication and determination. 去年是牛年,这一年象征着勤劳和坚定。

3. 虎年 (Year of the Tiger)

例句:The Year of the Tiger is often associated with courage and valor. 在虎年,我们庆祝那些象征着勇气和勇猛的一年。

4. 兔年 (Year of the Rabbit)

例句:In the Year of the Rabbit, we celebrate creatures that embody grace and intelligence. 兔年代表着优雅和聪明。

5. 龙年 (Year of the Dragon)

例句:The dragon is considered a bringer of good luck in Chinese culture. 在中国文化中,龙被认为是吉祥的象征。

6. 蛇年 (Year of the Snake)

例句:The year of the snake represents wisdom and intelligence. 蛇年象征着智慧和聪明。

7. 马年 (Year of the Horse)

例句:Horses are known for their speed and agility. 马以其速度和敏捷而闻名。

8. 羊年 (Year of the Goat)

例句:The goat is a symbol of independence and creativity. 羊年是独立和创造力的象征。

9. 猴年 (Year of the Monkey)

例句:Monkeys are known for their intelligence and mischievous nature. 猴子以其智慧和调皮的性格而闻名。

10. 鸡年 (Year of the Rooster)

例句:The rooster is a symbol of punctuality and bravery. 公鸡是守时和勇气的象征。

11. 狗年 (Year of the Dog)

例句:Dogs are known for their loyalty and friendship. 狗以其忠诚和友谊而闻名。

12. 猪年 (Year of the Pig)

例句:Pigs are symbols of abundance and contentment. 猪是丰年和满足的象征。

13. 生肖 (Chinese Zodiac)

例句: The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animal signs.


14. 生肖轮回 (Zodiac Cycle)

例句: The zodiac cycle is a 12 year cycle that repeats itself.


15. 生肖年 (Zodiac Year)

例句: Each animal sign has its own year in the Chinese zodiac.


16. 生肖属相 (Zodiac Animal)

例句: People born in a particular year share the same zodiac animal sign.


17. 生肖属性 (Zodiac Traits)

例句: Each zodiac animal is believed to possess certain characteristics and traits.


18. 生肖吉祥物 (Zodiac Symbol)

例句: The zodiac symbol is a representation of the animal sign used in various cultural artifacts.


19. 生肖预测 (Zodiac Forecast)

例句: Astrologers make predictions for the coming year based on the zodiac animal.


20. 生肖守护神 (Zodiac Guardian)

例句: Each zodiac animal is believed to have a guardian deity that protects those born under it.


21. 生肖配对 (Zodiac Compatibility)

例句: Some believe that certain zodiac signs are more compatible with others.


22. 生肖婚配 (Zodiac Matchmaking)

例句: traditional matchmaking often took into account zodiac signs to determine compatibility.



1. 天干 (Celestial Stems) 例句:The celestial stems are a series of ten symbols used in Chinese numerology.


2. 地支 (Terrestrial Branches) 例句:The terrestrial branches are a series of twelve symbols used in Chinese numerology.


3. 天干地支 (Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches) 例句:The combination of celestial stems and terrestrial branches forms a 60-year cycle.


4. 干支纪年 (Stem-Branch Calendar) 例句:The stem-branch calendar is a traditional Chinese method of dating years.



6. 干支相合 (Stem-Branch Compatibility) 例句:Some believe that certain combinations of celestial stems and terrestrial branches are more compatible.


7. 干支相冲 (Stem-Branch Conflict) 例句:Some combinations of celestial stems and terrestrial branches are believed to be in conflict with each other.


8. 天干之首 (First Celestial Stem) 例句:The first celestial stem is wood, representing growth and vitality.


9. 地支之首 (First Terrestrial Branch) 例句:The first terrestrial branch is rat, symbolizing intelligence and adaptability.


10. 干支纳音 (Stem-Branch Sound) 例句:Each stem-branch combination has a corresponding sound that is used in fortune-telling.


11. 干支医学 (Stem-Branch Medicine) 例句:Traditional Chinese medicine uses the principles of celestial stems and terrestrial branches for diagnosis and treatment.


12. 干支风水 (Stem-Branch Feng Shui) 例句:Some practitioners believe that the arrangement of celestial stems and terrestrial branches can affect a building's energy flow.


13. 天干地支算命 (Stem-Branch Astrology) 例句:Some people use the stems and branches to make predictions about a person's future.


14. 天干地支星座 (Stem-Branch Constellations) 例句:Each combination of celestial stems and terrestrial branches is believed to correspond to a specific constellation.


15. 干支纪年法 (Stem-Branch Dating System) 例句:The stem-branch dating system is used to mark important events and historical records in China.


16. 干支祭祀 (Stem-Branch Rituals) 例句:Some traditional Chinese rituals involve the use of celestial stems and terrestrial branches to honor ancestors and deities.


17. 天干地支与五行 (Stem-Branch and Five Elements) 例句:The celestial stems and terrestrial branches are associated with the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) in Chinese philosophy.



1. 瓷器 (china) - China is famous for its delicate porcelain.


2. 京剧 (Peking Opera) - The art of Peking Opera encompasses music, dance, acrobatics, and acting.


3. 茶文化 (tea culture) - Tea culture in China has a long history, with various types of tea being cherished for their health benefits and flavor.


4. 书法 (calligraphy) - Chinese calligraphy is considered both a form of art and a way to cultivate one's character.


5. 刺绣 (embroidery) - The intricate details of Chinese embroidery are a testament to the artisans' skill and dedication.


6. 长城 (Great Wall) - The Great Wall of China is a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance.


7. 中医 (traditional Chinese medicine) - traditional Chinese medicine focuses on balancing the body's energy flow to promote healing.


8. 兵马俑 (terracotta army) - The Terracotta Army is a remarkable testament to the power and grandeur of the Qin Dynasty.


9. 无人机 (drone) - The use of drones in Chinese agriculture has revolutionized farming practices, making it more efficient and sustainable.


10. 高铁 (high-speed rail) - China's high-speed rail network is one of the most extensive and efficient in the world.


11. 旗袍 (Cheongsam) - The Cheongsam is a traditional Chinese dress that embodies elegance and sophistication.


12. 中国画 (traditional Chinese painting) - Traditional Chinese painting often features nature and conveys the artist's emotions through brushstrokes.


13. 儒家思想 (Confucianism) - Confucianism emphasizes the importance of moral values, respect for authority, and harmony in relationships.


14. 中国功夫 (Kung Fu) - Kung Fu is not only a form of martial arts but also a way of life that promotes discipline, respect, and self-improvement.


15. 支付宝 (Alipay) - Alipay is a popular mobile payment platform in China, making transactions convenient and accessible.


16. 一带一路 (Belt and Road Initiative) - The Belt and Road Initiative aims to enhance regional cooperation and connectivity through infrastructure development.


17. 春节 (Chinese New Year) - Chinese New Year is a time for families to come together, enjoy feasts, and engage in traditions for a prosperous year ahead.


18. 中药 (herbal medicine) - Chinese herbal medicine utilizes various plants and natural substances to promote health and treat ailments.


19. 社交媒体 (social media) - Social media platforms in China, such as WeChat and Weibo, have become integral parts of daily life, connecting people and sharing information.


20. 传统文化 (traditional culture) - Traditional culture in China encompasses a rich tapestry of customs, beliefs, and artistic expressions passed down through generations.



1. 皮影戏 (shadow puppetry) - Shadow puppetry is a traditional Chinese form of stage performance where puppets are manipulated behind a screen to create shadows.


2. 京剧 (Peking Opera) - Peking Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre that combines singing, dancing, acrobatics, and martial arts.


3. 黄梅戏 (Huangmei Opera) - Huangmei Opera is a type of Chinese regional opera popular in Anhui Province, known for its simple melody and emotional performances.


4. 杂技 (Acrobatics) - Acrobatics refers to the performance of extraordinary stunts, such as balancing, tumbling, and juggling, often performed in circuses or variety shows.


5. 花鼓戏 (flower-drum opera) - Flower Drum Opera is a type of Chinese regional opera from southern China, known for its percussion-heavy music and lively performances.


6. 豫剧 (Yu Opera) - Yu Opera is a type of Chinese regional opera from Henan Province, characterized by its clear and melodious tunes and expressive acting.


7. 戏曲 (Opera) - Opera is a form of theatrical performance that combines music, singing, acting, and dancing, often in a story-driven narrative.


8. 戏服 (costume) - Costumes are the clothes and accessories worn by actors to portray specific characters in a play, opera, or performance.


9. 脸谱 (makeup) - Makeup refers to the facial paint or prosthetics used by actors to create a specific appearance or character in a performance.


10. 戏曲表演 (performance) - A performance is the act of presenting a play, opera, or other form of theatrical production before an audience.

11. 哑剧 (Mime) - Mime is a form of performance art where actors use body language and facial expressions to convey emotions and tell stories without speaking.


12. 叠罗汉 (pile-up) - Pile-up is a stunt in which performers stack themselves in a seemingly precarious pyramid-like structure, often as part of a circus or acrobatic performance.


13. 说书 (storytelling) - Storytelling is the art of verbally sharing stories, often with a focus on narrative structure, character development, and dramatic tension.


14. 马戏 (circus) - A circus is a traveling show featuring performances by clowns, acrobats, animal trainers, and other entertainers in a ring or on a stage.


15. 特技 (stunts) - Stunts are dangerous or difficult stunts or actions performed by actors to create thrilling or exciting scenes in movies, TV shows, or stage performances.


16. 京韵大鼓 (story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment) - story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment is a traditional Chinese musical instrument used in Peking Opera to provide rhythmic beats and enhance the dramatic effect of the performance.


17. 秦腔 (Qin Opera) - Qin Opera is a type of traditional Chinese opera from the Qin region, known for its powerful and passionate performances, as well as its unique musical style.



1. 京剧 (Peking Opera) - Peking Opera is a traditional Chinese theatrical form known for its combination of singing, dancing, acrobatics, and martial arts.


2. 茶文化 (Tea Culture) - Tea culture in China encompasses the art of tea making, the etiquette of tea drinking, and the philosophical significance of tea.


3. 针灸 (Acupuncture) - Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote health and treat disease.


4. 功夫 (Kung Fu) - Kung Fu is a traditional Chinese martial art that emphasizes self-discipline, physical fitness, and the cultivation of inner energy.


5. 春节 (Spring Festival) - The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional Chinese holiday celebrated with family reunions, feasts, and fireworks.


6. 儒家思想 (Confucianism) - Confucianism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes personal and governmental morality, social harmony, and respect for authority.


7. 长城 (The Great Wall) - The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications built to protect the Chinese empire from invasions, now a symbol of strength and perseverance.


8. 书法 (Calligraphy) - Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing, often with a brush and ink, and is highly valued in Chinese culture as a representation of aesthetic and moral qualities.


9. 中医 (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - Traditional Chinese Medicine is a healing system that has been used for thousands of years, focusing on balance in the body's energy flow and natural healing processes.


10. 诗词 (Poetry) - Chinese poetry is a traditional form of literature that uses intricate rhythms and meters to express thoughts and emotions in a concise and elegant manner.


11. 京剧脸谱 (Peking Opera Masks) - Peking Opera masks are colorful facial decorations worn by actors to represent different characters, each with its specific meaning and symbolism.


12. 刺绣 (Embroidery) - Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread, and Chinese embroidery is renowned for its intricate designs and beautiful colors.


13. 骰子游戏 (Dice Games) - Dice games are traditional Chinese games played with cubes, often used for entertainment, gambling, or as a way to make decisions.


14. 农历 (Lunar Calendar) - The Lunar Calendar is a traditional Chinese calendar based on the phases of the moon, used for marking holidays, festivals, and agricultural activities.


15. 杂技 (Acrobatics) - Acrobatics is a form of performance art that combines feats of strength, agility, and balance, often displayed in circuses or variety shows.


16. 茶道 (Tea Ceremony) - The tea ceremony is a traditional Chinese cultural activity that involves the preparation and presentation of tea as a way to honor guests and demonstrate respect.



16. 京韵大鼓 (story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment) - story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment is a traditional Chinese musical instrument used in Peking Opera to provide rhythmic beats and enhance the dramatic effect of the performance.


17. 秦腔 (Qin Opera) - Qin Opera is a type of traditional Chinese opera from the Qin region, known for its powerful and passionate performances, as well as its unique musical style.


17. 武术 (Martial Arts) - Martial arts are a variety of traditional Chinese combat practices, including kung fu, tai chi, and others, which focus on self-defense, health, and spiritual growth.


18. 麻将 (Mahjong) - Mahjong is a traditional Chinese tile game played by four people, combining elements of chance and strategy, and is a popular pastime among friends and family.


19. 儒家经典 (Classical Confucian Texts) - Classical Confucian texts, such as the Analects of Confucius, are ancient Chinese philosophical works that continue to influence Chinese ethics, education, and social structure.


20.生 (男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)

21.旦 (女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)

22.净 (性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with striking character

23.丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clown or a negative role花脸 painted role


1. 汉字 (Chinese characters) - Chinese characters are the writing system used in China, each character representing a syllable and a meaning.


2. 阴平 (neutral tone) - The neutral tone in Chinese is one of the four tones, characterized by a level pitch and no significant rise or fall.


3. 阳平 (rising tone) - The rising tone in Chinese is another of the four tones, marked by a gradual increase in pitch from low to high.


4. 声调 (tones) - Tones in Chinese language are pitch patterns that distinguish the meaning of words, with four distinct tones: flat, rising, falling, and falling-rising.


5. 拼音 (Pinyin) - Pinyin is the official phonetic system used in China for the Romanization of Chinese characters.


6. 四声 (four tones) - The four tones in Chinese refer to the distinct pitch patterns used in the language, which are crucial for distinguishing between words with the same characters.


7. 方言 (dialects) - Dialects in China are local variations of the Chinese language, each with its own unique grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


8. 成语 (idioms) - Idioms in Chinese are expressions that convey a meaning different from the literal interpretation of the words, often rooted in historical events or cultural traditions.


9. 文化 (culture) - Culture in China encompasses the rich heritage, traditions, and customs that have been passed down through generations, shaping the country's identity.


10. 茶 (tea) - Tea is a traditional Chinese beverage that has been consumed for centuries, often as a part of formal tea ceremonies or as a daily drink.


11. 书法 (calligraphy) - Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing in Chinese, using brushes and ink on paper, and is highly valued as a form of artistic expression.


12. 农历 (lunar calendar) - The lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese calendar based on the phases of the moon, used for agricultural purposes and traditional festivals.


13. 红肠 (Chinese sausage) - Chinese sausage is a type of pork sausage with a spicy or mild flavor, often used in Chinese cuisine as an ingredient or as an appetizer.


14. 旗袍 (cheongsam) - The cheongsam is a traditional Chinese women's dress, often made of silk and featuring a high collar and tight fit, worn for formal occasions.


15. 针灸 (acupuncture) - Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to promote health and healing.



1. 莫高窟 (Mogao Caves) - The Mogao Caves are a group of Buddhist cave temples located in Dunhuang, Gansu Province.

例句:The Mogao Caves are famous for their rich collection of Buddhist art and manuscripts.

2. 秦始皇陵 (Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum) - The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, located in Lintong District, Xi'an.

例句:The significance of Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum lies in its scale and the preservation of ancient military technology.

3. 周口店“北京人”遗址 (Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site) - A paleontological site near Beijing where the remains of early humans were discovered.

例句:The discovery at Zhoukoudian changed our understanding of human evolution and ancient Chinese culture.

4. 布达拉宫 (Potala Palace) - A palace in Lhasa, Tibet, known for its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

例句:The Potala Palace is a symbol of Tibetan Buddhism and the rich cultural heritage of the region.

5. 承德避暑山庄 (Chengde summer Palace) - A imperial summer resort located in Chengde, Hebei, famous for its large gardens and temples.

例句:The Chengde Summer Palace showcases the integration of traditional Chinese gardening techniques and architecture.

6. 曲阜孔庙、孔府、孔林 (Qufu Confucius Temple, Confucius Mansion, Confucius Forest) - A group of historical sites in Qufu, Shandong, related to Confucius and his family.

例句:The Confucius Temple in Qufu is a testament to the enduring influence of Confucianism in Chinese culture.

7. 武当山 (Wudang Mountains) - A mountain range in Hubei Province, known for its Taoist temples and cultural significance.

例句:The Wudang Mountains are considered a holy land of Taoism and are renowned for their ancient architecture.

8. 平遥古城 (Pingyao Ancient City) - A well-preserved ancient city in Shanxi Province, famous for its intact city walls and traditional architecture.

例句:The ancient city of Pingyao is a UNESCO World Heritage site, showcasing traditional Chinese urban planning.

9. 苏州古典园林 (Suzhou Classical Gardens) - A group of classical gardens in Suzhou, Jiangsu, known for their elegant design and landscaping.

例句:The classical gardens of Suzhou are a perfect blend of natural beauty and artificial design, reflecting the essence of Chinese garden culture.

10. 故宫 (Forbidden City) - The Forbidden City is the largest ancient palatial complex in China.

11. 长城 (Great Wall) - The Great Wall is one of the most famous cultural heritage sites in the world.

12. 兵马俑 (Terra-cotta Army) - The Terra-cotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China.

13. 京剧 (Peking Opera) - Peking Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre combining music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and acrobatics.

14. 茶文化 (Tea Culture) - Tea culture in China has a long history and is an important part of Chinese traditional culture.

15. 中国书法 (Chinese Calligraphy) - Chinese calligraphy is considered one of the highest forms of artistic expression in China.

16. 针灸 (Acupuncture) - Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into the body.

17. 中华美食 (Chinese Cuisine) - Chinese cuisine is famous for its diverse flavors and styles of cooking.

18. 诗词 (Classical Chinese Poetry) - Classical Chinese poetry is a traditional form of Chinese literature that has a long history.

19. 中医 (Traditional Chinese Medicine) - Traditional Chinese medicine is a system of healthcare that has been practiced in China for thousands of years.

20. 昆曲 (Kunqu Opera) - Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera, with a history of more than 600 years.

21. 中国画 (Chinese Painting) - Chinese painting is a traditional art form that uses brushes and ink to create images on paper or silk.

22. 非物质文化遗产 (Intangible Cultural Heritage) - Intangible cultural heritage includes traditional knowledge, skills, practices, and cultural expressions that are passed down from generation to generation.

23. 中国古建筑 (Ancient Chinese Architecture) - Ancient Chinese architecture includes various styles of buildings and structures, such as palaces, temples, and gardens.

24. 民俗 (Folk Customs) - Folk customs include traditional customs, behaviors, and practices of the people of China.


1. 书法 (Calligraphy)

例句:Chinese calligraphy is considered one of the highest forms of artistic expression in China.中国书法是一种独特的艺术形式,通过毛笔和墨水在纸或丝绸上创作图像。

2. 绘画 (Painting)

例句:Chinese painting is a traditional art form that has a long history and diverse styles.中国绘画是一种传统的艺术形式,使用毛笔和墨水在纸或丝绸上创作图像。

3. 剪纸 (Paper Cutting)

例句:Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese folk art that is still widely practiced today.剪纸是一种传统的中国民间艺术,至今仍被广泛应用。

4. 陶瓷 (Ceramics)

例句:Chinese ceramics, such as porcelain and pottery, are highly valued for their beauty and craftsmanship.中国陶瓷以其精美的工艺和多样的形式而闻名于世。

5. 京剧 (Peking Opera)

例句:Peking Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre that combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and acrobatics.京剧是中国的一种传统戏剧形式,结合了音乐、歌唱、表演、舞蹈和杂技。

6. 乐器 (Musical Instruments)

例句:Chinese musical instruments, such as the erhu, guzheng, and dizi, are an integral part of Chinese music.中国乐器在音乐表演中扮演着重要的角色,如二胡、古筝和笛子等。

7. 舞蹈 (Dance)

例句:Chinese dance is an ancient art form that conveys emotions and stories through movements and gestures.中国舞蹈是一种表达情感和故事的古老艺术形式,如古典舞和民族舞等。

8. 杂技 (Acrobatics)

例句:Acrobatics is a traditional Chinese art form that includes a variety of difficult movements and techniques.杂技是中国传统艺术的一部分,包括各种高难度的动作和技巧。

9. 传统工艺 (Traditional Crafts)

例句:Traditional crafts, such as embroidery, bamboo weaving, and wood carving, are still practiced by many artisans in China.传统工艺是指中国民间手工艺,如刺绣、竹编和木雕等。

10. 书法作品 (Calligraphy Works)

例句:Calligraphy works are artistic creations produced through the Chinese calligraphy art.书法作品是指通过中国书法艺术创作出的艺术品。

11. 绘画作品 (Paintings)

例句:Paintings are artistic creations produced through the Chinese painting art.绘画作品是指通过中国绘画艺术创作出的艺术品。

12. 剪纸作品 (Paper Cutting Works)

例句:Paper cutting works are artistic creations produced through the paper cutting art.剪纸作品是指通过剪纸艺术创作出的艺术品。

13. 陶瓷作品 (Ceramic Works)

例句:Ceramic works are artistic creations produced through the ceramic art.陶瓷作品是指通过陶瓷艺术创作出的艺术品。

14. 京剧表演 (Peking Opera Performance)

例句:A Peking Opera performance is a presentation of the Peking Opera art.京剧表演是指通过京剧艺术呈现的演出。

15. 乐器演奏 (Musical Instrument Performance)

例句:A musical instrument performance is a presentation of music through the art of playing musical instruments.乐器演奏是指通过乐器演奏艺术呈现的音乐表演。

16. 舞蹈表演 (Dance Performance)

例句:A dance performance is a presentation of movement and storytelling through the art of dance.舞蹈表演是指通过舞蹈艺术呈现的表演。

17. 杂技表演 (Acrobatics Performance)

例句:An acrobatics performance is a presentation of difficult movements and techniques through the art of acrobatics.杂技表演是指通过杂技艺术呈现的表演。

18. 传统工艺品 (Traditional Crafts Products)

例句:Traditional crafts products are artistic and practical items produced through traditional handcraft techniques.传统工艺品是指通过传统手工艺制作的艺术品和实用物品。

19. 造型艺术 (Plastic Arts)

例句:The plastic arts encompass a wide range of visual art forms, including painting, sculpture, and design.

20. 画廊 (Gallery) 展示和销售艺术作品的空间。

例句:A gallery is a space where art works are displayed and sold.

21. 合唱 (Chorus)

例句:Chorus is a form of collective singing that typically involves a group of people.

22. 指挥 (Conductor)

例句:A conductor is a person who leads a music ensemble in performance.

23. 民间音乐 (Folk Music)

例句:Folk music refers to the traditional music of a particular region or ethnicity.

24. 印象派 (Impressionism)

例句:Impressionism was an art movement that emerged in the late 19th to early 20th century, characterized by its emphasis on the changing effects of light, color, and tone.

25. 收藏 (Collection)

例句:Collecting refers to the act of gathering and preserving artworks or rare items.收藏指搜集并保存艺术品或稀有物品的行为。

26. 格言派 (Maximalism)

例句:Maximalism is an artistic style that emphasizes complexity and excessive decoration, in contrast to minimalism.一种艺术风格,强调极简主义的反面,即过度装饰和复杂性。


1. 八卦 trigram

The I Ching, or book of Changes, uses hexagrams composed of eight trigrams to interpret the world.


2. 阴、阳 yin, yang

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang represent the opposite and complementary forces that make up the universe.


3. 道 Dao(cf. logo)

The Dao is the fundamental principle underlying the universe in Chinese religion and philosophy, similar to the concept of logos in Western philosophy.


4. 江湖(世界) the jianghu World (the traits’ world)

In Chinese culture, "jianghu" refers to the martial arts world or the world of outlaws, where the code of honor is highly valued.


5. 道教 Daoism(Taoism)

Daoism, also known as Taoism, is a philosophical and religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao.


6. 上火 excessive internal heat

Eating too much spicy food can lead to excessive internal heat, which is believed to cause health issues in traditional Chinese medicine.


7. 儒学 Confucianism

Confucianism, the teachings of Confucius, has had a profound impact on Chinese culture, ethics, and philosophy.


8. 红学(《红楼梦》研究) redology

Redology is the study and analysis of "Dream of the Red Chamber," one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature.


9. 世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia

The concept of a "Shangri-la" or "Arcadia" represents an idealized, peaceful, and harmonious land, often used to describe a paradise on earth.


10. 开放 kaifang (Chinese openness to the outside world)

China's policy of kaifang has led to rapid economic growth and increased international engagement.


11. 大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done

The practice of "big pot rice" was a feature of China's planned economy, where everyone received the same regardless of their contribution.


12. 伤痕文学 scar literature or the literature of the wounded

Scar literature refers to a genre of Chinese literature that emerged after the Cultural Revolution, dealing with the traumas of that period.


13. 不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on …

The government has adopted a flexible approach, avoiding imposing uniformity on diverse regions and circumstances.


14. 合乎国情,顺乎民意 to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people

The policy should be designed to conform with national conditions and the will of the people for it to be effective.


15. 乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge

The central government has cracked down on the imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charges to reduce the burden on businesses.


16. 铁交椅 iron (lifetime) post’s; guaranteed leading post

The reform of the civil service system aims to abolish the practice of iron chairs and promote a merit-based system.


17. 脱贫 to shake off poverty; anti-poverty

The government has implemented various programs to help rural residents shake off poverty and improve their living standards.


18. 治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline

The ancient Chinese proverb "Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline" emphasizes the importance of social order and stability for the prosperity of a nation. 古语“治则兴,乱则衰”强调了社会秩序和稳定对国家繁荣的重要性。


1. 中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)

China's newly sprouted things represent the latest developments and innovations in the country's fast-evolving landscape.


2. 中国电信 China Telecom

China Telecom is one of the largest telecommunications companies in China, providing a wide range of services to customers across the country.


3. 中国移动 China Mobile

China Mobile is the largest mobile phone operator in China, with a subscriber base that numbers in the hundreds of millions.


4. 十五计划 the 10th Five-Year Plan

The 10th Five-Year Plan focused on sustainable development and aimed to reduce poverty and unemployment in China.


5. 中国电脑联网 Chinanet

Chinanet is a national computer network that connects various regions and industries across China.


6. 三峡工程 the Three Gorges Project

The Three Gorges project is a massive hydroelectric dam on the Yangtze River, which has had significant economic and environmental impacts.


7. 希望工程 Project Hope

Project Hope is an educational program that provides financial assistance to children in rural areas of China so they can attend school.


8. 京九铁路 Beijing-Kowloon Railway

The Beijing-Kowloon railway is a major railway line that connects Beijing with Hong Kong, facilitating travel and trade between the two regions.


9. 扶贫工程 Anti-Poverty Project

China's Anti-Poverty Project aims to lift millions of people out of poverty through targeted assistance and development programs.


10. 菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project

The Vegetable Basket Project is an initiative to ensure a stable supply of fresh vegetables to urban residents.


11. 温饱工程 Decent-Life Project

The Decent-Life Project focuses on improving the basic living standards of the poorest segments of Chinese society.


12. 安居工程 economy Housing Project

The Economy Housing Project provides affordable housing options for low-income families in China's major cities.


13. 扫黄 Porn-Purging Campaign

The Porn-Purging campaign is a government effort to crack down on the production and distribution of pornography.


14. 西部大开发 Go-West Campaign

The Go-West Campaign is a government strategy to promote the development of China's western regions through infrastructure projects and investment incentives.


15. 新能源市场 New energy Market

例句:The new energy market is expanding rapidly as the world seeks sustainable energy solutions.


16.共享单车 Bike Sharing

例句:Bike sharing has become a popular way of getting around in cities, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.


17.大数据 Big Data

例句:Companies are using big data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and improve their marketing strategies.


18.外卖 Food Delivery

例句:Food delivery services have seen a surge in demand during the pandemic as people prefer to eat at home.


19.网络支付 Online Payment

例句:Online payment methods, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay, have revolutionized the way people make transactions in China.


20.刷脸支付 Face Recognition Payment

例句:Face recognition payment is a convenient and secure technology that allows customers to make purchases by simply scanning their face.


21.直播带货 Live Streaming Sales

例句:Live streaming sales have become a popular e-commerce model in China, with influencers promoting products to their followers in real-time.


22.远程教育 distance Education

例句:Distance education has become more prevalent with the advancement of technology, allowing students to learn from anywhere at any time.


短视频创作 Short video Creation

例句:Short video creation has become a trend among young people, who use platforms like TikTok to express their creativity and share their lives.



1. 馄饨 wonton

Wontons are a type of Chinese dumpling commonly filled with minced pork and vegetables.


2. 锅贴 guotie (fried jiaozi)

Guotie, also known as fried dumplings, are a crispy, pan-fried version of the traditional Chinese jiaozi.


3. 花卷 steamed twisted rolls

Steamed twisted rolls are a versatile and delicious part of Chinese cuisine, often enjoyed for breakfast or as a side dish.


4. 套餐 set meal

A set meal in China usually consists of a combination of dishes that include rice, vegetables, and meat, providing a balanced meal.


5. 盒饭 box lunch; Chinese take-away

Box lunches, or Chinese takeaways, are convenient meals that are popular among office workers and students in China.


6. 米豆腐 rice tofu

Rice tofu is a unique tofu variety made from rice and often used in stir-fries or soups in Chinese cooking.


7. 魔芋豆腐 konjak tofu

Konjak tofu, made from the konjak plant, is a low-calorie, gelatinous food that is often used in Chinese cuisine for its unique texture.


8. 米粉 rice noodles

Rice noodles are a staple in Chinese cuisine, often served in soups or stir-fried with vegetables and meats.


9. 冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples, etc.)

A stick of sugar-coated haws, often seen in Chinese street food, is a sweet and sour treat that is perfect for snacking.


10. 火锅 chafing dish

A chafing dish, or hot pot, is a communal dish where raw ingredients are cooked in a simmering broth at the table, creating a social dining experience.


11. 八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding

Eight-treasure rice pudding is a festive Chinese dish made with sticky rice and an assortment of sweet ingredients such as beans, nuts, and dried fruits.


12. 粉丝 glass noodles

Glass noodles, also known as cellophane noodles, are thin, translucent noodles made from mung bean starch, often used in Chinese soups and stir-fries.


13. 豆腐脑 jellied bean curd

Jellied bean curd, similar to a soft tofu dessert, is often served sweet with syrup or savory with spices and herbs.


14. 佛跳墙 Buddha Jumps Over the Wall

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a famous dish from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, known for its rich ingredients and unique flavors.


15. 驴打滚 Donkey Rolls

Donkey Rolls is a traditional Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice rolls coated in soybean flour and sprinkled with sugar.


16. 粽子 Zongzi

Zongzi are traditional Chinese rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, commonly eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival.


17. 饺子 Dumplings

Dumplings are a popular Chinese food consisting of meat and/or vegetables wrapped in a thin dough skin, commonly served during Chinese New Year.


18. 面条 Noodles

Noodles are a staple food in Chinese cuisine, served in various forms such as in soups, stir-fried, or cold with sauce.


19. 烤鸭 Roast Duck

Roast Duck is a famous Beijing delicacy, known for its crispy skin and rich flavor, often served with thin pancakes and hoisin sauce.


20. 烤全羊 Roast whole Lamb

Roast Whole Lamb is a traditional dish in Chinese cuisine, especially in Inner Mongolia, where it is often served during festive occasions.


21. 狮子头 Lion's Head

Lion's Head is a classic Chinese dish consisting of large pork meatballs stewed with vegetables, typically bok choy, in a rich soy sauce-based gravy.


22. 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu

Mapo Tofu is a spicy Sichuan dish made with tofu, minced meat, and a variety of spices, known for its distinctive numbing and spicy flavor.


23. 西湖醋鱼 West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce

West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce is a Hangzhou delicacy, known for its tender fish fillet cooked in a sweet and sour vinegar sauce.



1. 国庆节 National Day

National Day is celebrated on October 1st each year to mark the founding of the People's Republic of China.


2. 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day/Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a time for families to gather and enjoy mooncakes.


3. 春节 Spring Festival

The Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in China, marked by fireworks, dragon dances, and family reunions.


4. 元宵节 Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the first lunar month, concludes the Chinese New Year celebrations with lantern displays and riddle games.


5. 儿童节 Children’s Day

Children's Day is celebrated on June 1st each year, focusing on the happiness and well-being of children.


6. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, commemorating the death of the poet Qu Yuan, is marked by dragon boat races and the eating of zongzi.


7. 妇女节 Women’s Day

International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8th, is a global day recognizing the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.


8. 泼水节 Water-Splashing Day

The Water-Splashing festival is a traditional festival of the Dai people in Yunnan, China, where people splash water on each other as a symbol of good luck and purification.


9. 教师节 Teachers’ Day

Teachers' Day in China is celebrated on September 10th each year, honoring the contributions of teachers to society.


10. 五四青年节 Youth Day

Youth Day, celebrated on May 4th, commemorates the 1919 Movement, which was a patriotic protest by Chinese students against foreign influence.


11. 舞狮子 Lion Dance

Lion Dance is a traditional Chinese performance where performers wear a lion costume and mimic the movements of a lion, often performed during festivals and celebrations.


12. 闹花灯 Flower Lantern Festival

Flower Lantern Festival, also known as Lantern Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrating the first full moon of the lunar year, with the display of various colorful lanterns.


13. 吃元宵 Eating Tangyuan

Eating Tangyuan is a custom during the Lantern Festival, where families enjoy sweet rice balls made of glutinous rice flour, often filled with black sesame or red bean paste.


14. 拜年 Visiting Relatives and Friends

Visiting relatives and friends is a common practice during the Spring Festival, symbolizing the beginning of a new year and the renewal of relationships.


15. 年夜饭 Family Reunion Dinner

Family Reunion Dinner, also known as the New Year's Eve Dinner, is a special meal shared by families on the eve of the Spring Festival, filled with traditional Chinese dishes.


16. 贴春联 Spring Festival Couplets

Spring Festival Couplets are red banners with poetic couplets written on them, often placed on doors during the Spring Festival to bring good luck and prosperity.


17. 踏青 Treading on the Green

Treading on the Green is a custom during the Qingming Festival, where people visit parks and countryside areas to enjoy the spring scenery and fly kites.


18. 清明扫墓 Qingming Tomb-Sweeping Day

Qingming Tomb-Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival for honoring ancestors and cleaning their graves, held on April 4th or 5th each year.


19. 拴五色丝线 Wearing Five-Color Threads

Wearing Five-Color Threads is a custom during the Duanwu Festival, where children tie five-color threads around their wrists to ward off evil spirits.


20. 祭祖 Ancestor Worship

Ancestor Worship is a common practice in Chinese culture, where people honor their ancestors by offering sacrifices, burning incense, and praying for blessings.


21. 赏菊 Appreciating Chrysanthemums

Appreciating Chrysanthemums is a custom during the Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Chrysanthemum Festival, where people admire the beauty of chrysanthemums and enjoy outdoor activities.


22. 重阳节 Double Ninth Festival

Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Chrysanthemum Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month, emphasizing respect for the elderly and enjoying the autumn scenery.


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