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In today's digital age, more and more people are becoming addicted to the internet. They spend hours online, often ignoring their real-life responsibilities and relationships. These people are commonly known as "internet addicts".

One common sign of internet addiction is spending excessive amounts of time online. This can lead to neglecting work, school, or family life. For example, a student might spend all night playing online games instead of studying for an exam.

Another sign is becoming overly dependent on the internet for entertainment or relief from stress. People might spend hours on social media, watching videos, or playing games, even if they know they have other important things to do.

Internet addiction can have serious consequences. It can affect a person's mental and physical health, as well as their social life. For example, excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, sleep deprivation, and even depression.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome internet addiction. One approach is to set limits on internet usage. For example, a person might decide to only spend a certain amount of time online each day. Another approach is to find alternative activities to replace online time, such as exercising, reading, or spending time with friends and family.

In conclusion, internet addiction is a serious problem that can have negative impacts on all aspects of a person's life. It is important to recognize the signs and take steps to overcome the addiction.


1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The dangers of excessive internet use.

B. How to recognize the signs of internet addiction.

C. The consequences of being an internet addict.

D. Ways to overcome internet addiction.

2. according to the passage, what is one sign of internet addiction?

A. Spending time online during breaks.

B. Needing the internet for work or school.

C. Neglecting real-life responsibilities.

D. Using the internet to communicate with friends.

3. What can be the consequences of internet addiction?

A. Mental and physical health problems.

B. financial difficulties.

C. relationship problems.

D. All of the above.

4. What is one approach to overcoming internet addiction?

A. Spending more time online.

B. Setting limits on internet usage.

C. Ignoring the problem.

D. Using the internet for work or school.

5. Which of the following is NOT a sign of internet addiction?

A. Excessive time spent online.

B. depression due to excessive screen time.

C. spending less time with family and friends.

D. Using the internet to learn new skills.


1. A - 本文的主旨在于探讨过度使用互联网的危害,包括它对个人生活的各个方面可能产生的负面影响。因此,选项A“过度使用互联网的危害”是正确的。

2. C - 根据文章内容,互联网成瘾的一个常见迹象是忽视现实生活中的责任。选项C“忽视现实生活中的责任”与文章内容相符,因此是正确的。

3. D - 文章中提到,互联网成瘾可能会导致严重的后果,包括精神和身体健康问题,以及人际关系问题。因此,选项D“所有上述后果”是正确的。

4. B - 文章提出了一种克服互联网成瘾的方法,即设定互联网使用的限制。选项B“设定互联网使用的限制”与文章中的建议相符,因此是正确的。

5. D - 文章中没有提到使用互联网来学习新技能作为互联网成瘾的迹象。相反,文章讨论了过度使用互联网可能导致的问题。因此,选项D“使用互联网来学习新技能”是不正确的。

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