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One day, a man was walking along the beach when he found a bottle. He opened it and a genie came out. The genie promised to grant him three wishes.


One day, a man was walking along the beach when he found a bottle. He opened it and a genie came out. The genie promised to grant him three wishes. The man thought for a moment and said, "I want a new boat." The genie said, "Okay, you have a new boat." The man was very happy and said, "I want to be the best-known sailor in the world."

The genie said, "Okay, you are now the best-known sailor in the world." The man was very excited and said, "I want to be the richest man in the world." The genie said, "Okay, you are now the richest man in the world." But the man said, "No, I changed my mind. I don't want to be the richest man in the world. I want to be happy." The genie said, "Okay, you are now happy." The man smiled and said, "Thank you, genie. You have given me what I really wanted."

1.What did the man find on the beach?

A. A bottle.

B. A genie.

C. A new boat.

D. A rich man.

2.What did the genie offer the man?

A. Three wishes.

B. A new boat.

C. Riches.

D. Happiness.

3.Why did the man change his third wish?

A. He wanted to be happy instead of rich.

B. He didn't like being the richest man in the world.

C. He was already rich and didn't need any more money.

D. He didn't want to be famous anymore.

4.What did the genie give the man in the end?

A. Riches.

B. Happiness.

C. Fame.

D. A new boat.

5.What does this story tell us?

A. We should always be happy and never worry about money or fame.

B. We should always have enough money and never worry about anything else.

C. We should always follow our dreams and never give up easily.

D. We should always be careful what we wish for because wishes have consequences.


1.A。文章中提到“One day, a man was walking along the beach when he found a bottle.”(一天,一个男人在海滩上散步时发现了一个瓶子。)因此,这个男人在海滩上发现了一个瓶子。答案为A。

2.A。文章中提到“The genie promised to grant him three wishes.”(精灵答应给他三个愿望。)因此,精灵给这个男人三个愿望。答案为A。

3.A。文章中提到“But the man said, 'No, I changed my mind. I don't want to be the richest man in the world. I want to be happy.'”(但是这个人说:“不,我改变主意了。我不想成为世界上最富有的人。我想快乐。”)因此,这个人改变了他的第三个愿望是因为他想要快乐而不是富有。答案为A。

4.B。文章中提到“The genie said, 'Okay, you are now happy.'”(精灵说:“好的,你现在很快乐。”)因此,最后精灵给这个男人的是幸福。答案为B。






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