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In China, one hundred yuan is a common bill that we often use in our daily life. However, the value of one hundred yuan is not only the money itself, but also the things it can buy.

One day, my mother gave me one hundred yuan and asked me to buy some groceries. I was excited to take the money and went to the market. I started to look for the things on the list my mother gave me. After a few minutes, I realized that I had spent more than one hundred yuan, but I still had not bought everything on the list.

Another time, I received one hundred yuan as a gift for my birthday. I decided to save it for a rainy day. Months later, when I needed some money, I found that the one hundred yuan had become less valuable. The price of the things I wanted to buy had gone up, but my one hundred yuan had not increased at all.

These experiences taught me the importance of the value of money. One hundred yuan is not just a piece of paper, but a certain amount of value that can be used to buy things. However, the value of money can change over time, so we need to use it wisely and save it carefully.


1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. One hundred yuan is a common bill in China.

B. One hundred yuan can buy many things.

C. The value of one hundred yuan is not only the money itself, but also the things it can buy.

D. One hundred yuan is the most valuable money.

2. Why did the writer spend more than one hundred yuan when buying groceries?

A. Because the writer is careless.

B. Because the writer likes to buy expensive things.

C. Because the price of the things is too high.

D. Because the writer did not have a list.

3. What did the writer decide to do with the one hundred yuan received as a gift?

A. To spend it on food.

B. To save it for a rainy day.

C. To give it to a friend.

D. To buy a new phone.

4. What did the writer learn from the experiences?

A. The value of one hundred yuan is fixed.

B. One hundred yuan is enough for everything.

C. The importance of the value of money.

D. The value of one hundred yuan is decreasing.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer spent less than one hundred yuan when buying groceries.

B. The writer spent more than one hundred yuan because the price of the things is too high.

C. The writer saved the one hundred yuan for a rainy day, and it increased in value over time.

D. One hundred yuan is the most valuable money in the world.


1. C - 本文的主旨在于阐述一百元的价值不仅仅在于其本身的面值,还包括它能买到的东西。文章通过作者的实际经历来展示这一点,因此选项C正确。

2. C - 根据文章内容,作者在买东西时花超了一百元,是因为商品的价格太高,而不是因为作者粗心或者喜欢买昂贵的东西。选项C正确。

3. B - 文章中提到作者决定把收到的一百元作为礼物存起来,以备不时之需。因此,选项B正确。

4. C - 文章最后一段提到,这些经历教会了作者货币价值的重要性,以及需要明智地使用和谨慎地保存钱。因此,选项C正确。

5. B - 根据文章内容,作者在市场上购物时发现,一百元并未能买到清单上的所有东西,这是因为商品的价格上升,而钱的价值没有变化。因此,选项B正确。选项A、C和D都与文章内容不符。

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