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1、eagle ['iːɡl] 鹰,一种猛禽,以视力敏锐和飞行能力强著称。

例句:The eagle soared high in the sky, searching for its next prey. 鹰在高空中翱翔,寻找下一个猎物。

2、pigeon ['pɪdʒɪn] 鸽子,一种常见的鸟类,常被人们饲养或作为和平的象征。

例句:Pigeons were gathered under the eaves, cooing softly. 鸽子聚集在屋檐下,轻轻地咕咕叫。

3、sparrow ['spærəʊ] 麻雀,一种小型鸟类,常见于城市和乡村。

例句:Sparrows hopped around the yard, searching for food. 麻雀在院子里跳来跳去,寻找食物。

4、parrot ['pærət] 鹦鹉,一种色彩鲜艳的鸟类,以其模仿声音的能力而闻名。

例句:The parrot repeated the words it heard, making everyone laugh. 鹦鹉重复着它听到的话,逗得大家哈哈大笑。

5、owl [aʊl] 猫头鹰,一种夜间活动的鸟类,以其敏锐的听力和视力著称。

例句:The owl sat silently in the tree, its large eyes scanning the darkness. 猫头鹰静静地坐在树上,它的大眼睛扫视着黑暗。

6、penguin ['peŋɡwɪn] 企鹅,一种生活在南极地区的鸟类,不能飞翔但擅长游泳。

例句:Penguins waddled along the beach, looking for food. 企鹅摇摇摆摆地走在海滩上,寻找食物。

7、robin ['rɒbɪn] 知更鸟,一种在北半球常见的鸟类,以其鲜艳的红色胸部而知名。

例句:The robin sang its cheerful song, heralding the arrival of spring. 知更鸟唱着欢快的歌曲,预示着春天的到来。

8、swallow ['swɒləʊ] 燕子,一种迁徙性鸟类,以其优雅的飞行姿势和长距离飞行能力而著称。

例句:Swallows swooped and dived through the air, catching insects on the wing. 燕子在空中俯冲和盘旋,在飞行中捕捉昆虫。

9、canary ['kænəri] 金丝雀,一种小型鸟类,常被人们作为宠物饲养,以其悦耳的鸣叫声而受到喜爱。

例句:The canary sang beautifully in its cage, filling the room with music. 金丝雀在笼子里唱得很美,房间里充满了音乐。

10、peacock ['piːkɒk] 孔雀,一种具有美丽尾羽的鸟类,雄孔雀的尾羽展开时尤为壮观。

例句:The peacock fanned out its tail, displaying its brilliant colors. 孔雀展开了它的尾羽,展示出绚烂的色彩。

11、hawk [hɔːk] 鹰,一种猛禽,以猎食其他小动物为生。

例句:The hawk hovered in the air, scanning the ground for its prey. 鹰在空中盘旋,扫视地面寻找猎物。

12、cock [kɒk] 公鸡,指雄性鸡,常以其高亢的叫声而著称。

例句:The cock crowed loudly, announcing the break of day. 公鸡高声啼叫,宣告新的一天的开始。

13、dove [dʌv] 鸽子尤指和平鸽,象征和平与爱的鸟类。

例句:The dove flew gracefully in the sky, a symbol of peace. 鸽子在天空中优雅地飞翔,是和平的象征。

14、sparrowhawk ['spærəhɔːk] 雀鹰,一种小型猛禽,以捕食鸟类和小型哺乳动物为生。

例句:The sparrowhawk dived suddenly, catching its prey in mid-air. 雀鹰突然俯冲下来,在空中捕获了猎物。

15、kingfisher ['kɪŋfɪʃər] 翠鸟,一种以其鲜艳的蓝色羽毛而著称的鸟类。

例句:The kingfisher perched on a branch, its bright blue feathers shining in the sun. 翠鸟停在树枝上,它鲜艳的蓝色羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光。

16、woodpecker ['wʊdpiːkər] 啄木鸟,一种以其在树干上啄洞的习性而闻名的鸟类。

例句:The woodpecker tapped rhythmically on the tree trunk, searching for insects. 啄木鸟有节奏地敲击树干,寻找昆虫。

17、flamingo ['fleɪmɪŋɡəʊ] 火烈鸟,一种以其粉红色羽毛和长腿而著称的鸟类。

例句:The flamingos stood gracefully in the shallow water, their pink feathers reflecting in the sun. 火烈鸟优雅地站在浅水中,它们的粉红色羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光。

18、hummingbird ['hʌmɪŋbɜːd] 蜂鸟,一种以快速振动翅膀而能够在空中悬停和倒飞的鸟类。

例句:The hummingbird hovered in front of the flower, sipping nectar with its long beak. 蜂鸟在花前悬停,用它的长喙吮吸花蜜。

19、ostrich ['ɒstrɪtʃ] 鸵鸟,一种大型、不能飞翔的鸟类,以其长长的脖子和腿而著称。

例句:The ostrich ran swiftly across the savanna, its long legs carrying it easily. 鸵鸟在草原上飞快地奔跑,它的长腿使它轻松前行。

20、kiwi ['kiːwiː] 几维鸟,新西兰特有的一种小型、无翼、夜行性的鸟类。

例句:The kiwi bird has a unique appearance, with its small size and lack of wings. 几维鸟外形独特,体型小且没有翅膀。

21、toucan ['tuːkən] 巨嘴鸟,一种以其巨大而色彩鲜艳的喙而闻名的热带鸟类。

例句:The toucan's large beak is perfectly designed for reaching into narrow spaces to pluck fruits. 巨嘴鸟的大喙设计得恰到好处,可以伸入狭窄的空间摘取果实。

22、starling ['stɑːlɪŋ] 八哥,一种常见的黑色鸟类,以其群居和鸣叫声而著称。

例句:The starlings flew in formation, their chattering calls filling the air. 八哥们成群结队地飞行,它们的嘈杂叫声充满了空气。

23、cuckoo ['kʊkʊː] 布谷鸟,以其特有的叫声而著称的鸟类。

例句:The cuckoo's call echoed through the valley, announcing the arrival of spring. 布谷鸟的叫声在山谷中回荡,宣告着春天的到来。

24、lark [lɑːk] 云雀,一种以其美妙的歌声而闻名的鸟类。

例句:The lark sang its joyful song as it soared high in the sky. 云雀在空中翱翔,唱出欢快的歌曲。

25、jay [dʒeɪ] 松鸦,一种色彩鲜艳的鸟类,以其聪明的头脑和好奇心而著称。

例句:The jay flitted from branch to branch, its bright plumage attracting attention. 松鸦在树枝间跳来跳去,它鲜艳的羽毛引人注目。

26、oriole ['ɔːrɪəʊl] 黄鹂,一种以其悦耳的鸣声和鲜艳的羽毛而闻名的鸟类。

例句:The oriole perched on a branch, singing its sweet melody. 黄鹂停在树枝上,唱出甜美的旋律。

27、grouse [ɡraʊs] 松鸡,一种生活在森林或山地的鸟类,以其独特的求偶仪式而著称。

例句:The male grouse performed its mating dance, displaying its colorful plumage. 雄性松鸡表演了求偶舞蹈,展示它色彩鲜艳的羽毛。

28、nightingale ['naɪtɪŋɡeɪl] 夜莺,一种以其夜间美妙的歌声而闻名的鸟类。

例句:The nightingale's song filled the night, its melody captivating listeners. 夜莺的歌声充满了夜晚,它的旋律迷住了听众。

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