
9月5日,有外媒披露了二乔Joe Jonas和三傻Sophie Turner离婚的消息,不少网友为这对遗憾不已。然而,才过了半月有余,这对夫妻又有新消息了,据说,三傻向法院提起诉讼,要求二乔归还孩子,吃瓜网友疑惑,这是要开始撕逼了吗?Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ divorce is ge

9月5日,有外媒披露了二乔Joe Jonas和三傻Sophie Turner离婚的消息,不少网友为这对遗憾不已。然而,才过了半月有余,这对夫妻又有新消息了,据说,三傻向法院提起诉讼,要求二乔归还孩子,吃瓜网友疑惑,这是要开始撕逼了吗?

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ divorce is getting complicated.

三傻Sophie Turner和二乔Joe Jonas的离婚变复杂了。

The “Game of Thrones” star filed a petition in New York City on Thursday requesting Jonas return their children to their home in England, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

根据CNN获得的法庭文件,这位《权力的游戏》明星Sophie Turner于周四在纽约提交诉讼,要求二乔Joe Jonas将他们的孩子送回英国的家中。

The petition cites the “wrongful retention” of their children “in New York City from their habitual residence of England,” and that they had made England their “permanent” home in April of 2023.


Jonas had been caring for their two daughters while on tour with his band The Jonas Brothers, an agreed-upon arrangement while Turner was in production on a new series, according to her petition.

诉状中称,Joe Jonas在与他的乐队乔纳斯兄弟进行巡回演出期间照顾他们的两个女儿,这是他们事先商定的安排,因为Sophie Turner正在拍摄一部新剧。

Turner had planned to return to England this month with the children, the petition states, but when she attempted to collect their passports from Jonas last week, she claims he refused.

诉状重还说到,Sophie Turner计划在本月带着孩子返回英国,但上周她试图从乔纳斯那里拿取孩子们的护照时,被拒绝了。

Sophie Turner想要将孩子带回英国,但是,Jonas 扣留了护照,不得已,Sophie Turner才向法院提起了诉讼,想要要回孩子,不仅如此,Sophie Turner还表示她是通过媒体才知道自己“被离婚”的。

Jonas filed for divorce from Turner on September 5 after four years of marriage. Turner also claims in her petition that she found out Jonas filed for divorce through “the media.”

结婚4年后,乔纳斯于9月5日向Sophie Turner提出离婚申请。Sophie Turner在诉讼中中还称自己是通过“媒体”得知乔纳斯提出离婚申请的。

Jonas’s representative disputed that claim, stating Turner was aware in advance he was going to file for divorce.




In 2016, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas met through mutual friends and quickly developed feelings for each other, starting a secret relationship.

2016年Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas通过共同的朋友认识,很快就对彼此产生了好感,并开始秘密约会。

In October 2016, the media spotted the two attending a concert together in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Joe Jonas and his band were on a tour at that time, while Sophie Turner flew over specifically to accompany him. They were very affectionate at the concert, frequently hugging and kissing.

2016年10月,媒体拍到两人一起在荷兰阿姆斯特丹参加音乐会。当时Joe Jonas和乐队正在进行巡演,而Sophie Turner则是专程飞过来陪伴的。在音乐会现场,两人非常亲密,不时地拥抱亲吻。

From then on, their relationship was made public . They were often seen going on public dates, with the media occasionally capturing photos of them dining, shopping, and watching movies together.



In October 2017, less than a year since they met, they got engaged. They posted the same picture on social media, showing them holding hands with Sophie Turner wearing an engagement ring. It was said that the ring was custom-made by American jewelry designer Neil Lane and worth $150,000.

2017年10月,相识不到一年的他们订婚了。他们在社交媒体上发出了同一张招聘,照片中他们手牵着手,Sophie Turner手上戴着钻戒。据说这枚钻戒是美国珠宝设计师尼尔·莱恩(Neil Lane)定制的,价值月15万美元。

In 2019, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas finally tied the knot and entered into marriage. Many fans were happy for them, as one is the beautiful and strong Sansa Stark from "Game of Thrones," and the other is the talented and handsome Joe Jonas from the Jonas Brothers – a true power couple.

2019年,Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas终于修成正果步入了婚姻的殿堂。不少网友为他们的结婚感到高兴,他们一个是《权利的游戏》中美丽又坚强的珊莎·史塔克,一个是《乔纳斯兄弟》中帅气又有才华的乔·乔纳斯,是真正的顶峰相见。

After getting married, they remained affectionate, providing each other with support and companionship in both their personal lives and careers. They often traveled together and enjoyed sweet moments.


Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas welcomed two lovely daughters in 2020 and 2022, respectively. At that time, they were successful in both their love and professional lives, truly living as winners.

Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas分别在2020年和2022年生下两个可爱的女儿,彼时,他们爱情事业双丰收,是真正的人生赢家。

如果能继续这样子走下去就好了,然而,今年9月,爆出了Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas离婚的消息。

According to insiders, their divorce was due to significant differences between them. "She likes various parties, while he prefers staying at home."


Another insider revealed that their marriage had been experiencing problems for six months prior. In the past three months, Joe Jonas had been taking care of the children while also being on tour.

还有知情人士说,他们的婚姻早在半年前就出现了问题,在过去的三个月里,一直是Joe Jonas在照顾孩子,而他还要巡演。

不难看出,Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas走到今天这种境地,主要原因是两人的生活方式不同,不过,话说,喜欢参加派对,好像Joe Jonas更多一点。

至于照顾孩子,这不是夫妻两人共同的义务吗?之前Sophie Turner不就一直在照顾孩子吗?



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