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Last summer, my family and I went to the beach for a day of fun in the sun. As soon as we arrived, we could smell the saltwater and feel the warm sand between our toes.

Last summer, my family and I went to the beach for a day of fun in the sun. As soon as we arrived, we could smell the saltwater and feel the warm sand between our toes.

My younger brother couldn't wait to dive into the waves. He loved playing in the water, splashing and laughing. My older sister, on the other hand, preferred to lie on the beach, reading a book and soaking up the sun.

My parents set up a beach umbrella and started preparing our picnic lunch. I helped them unpack the food and drinks while keeping an eye on my younger brother in the water.

After lunch, we all played volleyball on the sand. My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory. It was such a great feeling to win together as a family.

As the sun started to set, we packed up our things and headed back home. We were all tired but happy, and we couldn't wait to come back again next summer.


1、What could they smell and feel when they arrived at the beach?

A. The seafood and the soft sand.

B. The saltwater and the warm sand.

C. The fresh air and the seaweed.

D. The sea breeze and the cool sand.

2、What did the younger brother do at the beach?

A. He played in the water.

B. He read a book.

C. He prepared the lunch.

D. He played volleyball.

3、Who preferred to lie on the beach and soak up the sun?

A. The writer's younger brother.

B. The writer's older sister.

C. The writer's parents.

D. The writer himself.

4、Who led the family team to win the volleyball game?

A. The writer.

B. The writer's younger brother.

C. The writer's older sister.

D. The writer's dad.

5、How did they feel when they left the beach?

A. Angry and disappointed.

B. Sad and lonely.

C. Tired but happy.

D. Excited and curious.



【解析】根据文章第一段中的描述“As soon as we arrived, we could smell the saltwater and feel the warm sand between our toes.”(我们一到那里,就能闻到海水的味道,感觉到脚趾间温暖的沙子。)所以当他们到达海滩时,他们闻到的是海水,感觉到的是温暖的沙子,因此选B。


【解析】文章第二段提到:“My younger brother couldn't wait to dive into the waves. He loved playing in the water, splashing and laughing.”(我弟弟迫不及待地跳入海浪中。他喜欢在水里玩耍,溅水并欢笑。)所以弟弟在海滩上玩水,因此选A。


【解析】文章第二段提到:“My older sister, on the other hand, preferred to lie on the beach, reading a book and soaking up the sun.”(另一方面,我姐姐更喜欢躺在海滩上,看书并晒太阳。)所以作者的姐姐更喜欢躺在海滩上晒太阳,因此选B。


【解析】文章第四段提到:“My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory.”(我爸爸是最好的球员,他带领我们队赢得了胜利。)所以作者的爸爸带领家庭队赢得了排球比赛,因此选D。


【解析】文章最后一段提到:“We were all tired but happy, and we couldn't wait to come back again next summer.”(我们都累了但很高兴,我们迫不及待地想明年夏天再来。)所以当他们离开海滩时,他们感到疲惫但快乐,因此选C。

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