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Last week, my class and I went to the zoo for a field trip. We were all excited to see the different animals and learn about them.

Last week, my class and I went to the zoo for a field trip. We were all excited to see the different animals and learn about them.

As soon as we entered the zoo, we could hear the roar of the lions and see the elephants wandering around their enclosure. The monkeys were swinging from the trees and making funny faces at us.

Our teacher divided us into groups and assigned each group an animal to study. My group was assigned the pandas. We learned that pandas are native to China and mainly eat bamboo. They are also endangered, which means we need to protect them.

After studying the pandas, we went to see the giraffes. They were so tall and elegant, with their long necks and spotted patterns. We fed them some leaves and watched as they gracefully chewed.

Later, we visited the penguin enclosure. The penguins were swimming in the cold water and looked so cute with their round bodies and wings that looked like flippers. Some of them even jumped out of the water and performed flips in the air.

Finally, we ended our trip with a visit to the petting zoo. There, we had the opportunity to pet and feed some of the smaller animals, like rabbits and chickens. It was a great way to end the day and make some close connections with the animals.


1、Where did the students go for their field trip?

A. To the museum.

B. To the beach.

C. To the zoo.

D. To the park.

2、What was the first animal they saw when they entered the zoo?

A. The pandas.

B. The lions.

C. The elephants.

D. The monkeys.

3、What did the students learn about the pandas?

A. They are native to Africa.

B. They mainly eat meat.

C. They are not endangered.

D. They are native to China and mainly eat bamboo.

4、What did the students do at the penguin enclosure?

A. They fed the penguins some leaves.

B. They watched the penguins swim and jump.

C. They petted the penguins.

D. They took photos of the penguins.

5、How did the students end their trip?

A. By visiting the petting zoo.

B. By feeding the giraffes.

C. By watching a show.

D. By going on a boat ride.



【解析】根据文章第一段“Last week, my class and I went to the zoo for a field trip.”(上周,我和同学们去了动物园进行实地考察。)可知,学生们去的是动物园,因此答案为C。


【解析】文章第二段提到:“As soon as we entered the zoo, we could hear the roar of the lions and see the elephants wandering around their enclosure.”(我们一进入动物园,就能听到狮子的吼声,看到大象在围栏里游荡。)因此,当他们进入动物园时,首先看到的是大象,所以答案为C。


【解析】文章第三段提到:“We learned that pandas are native to China and mainly eat bamboo.”(我们了解到熊猫是中国的特产,主要以竹子为食。)因此,学生们了解到熊猫是中国的特产,主要以竹子为食,所以答案为D。


【解析】文章第五段提到:“Later, we visited the penguin enclosure. The penguins were swimming in the cold water and looked so cute with their round bodies and wings that looked like flippers. Some of them even jumped out of the water and performed flips in the air.”(后来,我们参观了企鹅圈养区。企鹅们在冷水中游泳,它们圆圆的身体和像鳍一样的翅膀看起来很可爱。有些企鹅甚至跳出水面,在空中翻跟头。)因此,学生们在企鹅圈养区观看了企鹅游泳和跳跃,所以答案为B。


【解析】文章最后一段提到:“Finally, we ended our trip with a visit to the petting zoo.”(最后,我们以参观宠物动物园结束了这次旅行。)因此,学生们以参观宠物动物园结束了他们的旅行,所以答案为A。

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