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Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. It was a sunny day, and we were all excited to see the animals.

Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. It was a sunny day, and we were all excited to see the animals.

As we entered the zoo, we saw many colorful birds in the aviary. Some were singing, and others were flying around. It was a beautiful sight.

Then we walked to the monkey enclosure. The monkeys were very active and funny. They were jumping around, playing with each other, and even eating bananas from the visitors' hands.

After that, we visited the elephant house. The elephants were huge and majestic. One of them was even using its trunk to draw water from a pool.

Finally, we went to the lion enclosure. The lions were lazily lying in the sun, but they still looked very powerful and frightening.

We spent the whole day at the zoo and had a great time. It was a day full of fun and learning.


1、Who did the writer go to the zoo with?

A. His friends.

B. His family.

C. His classmates.

D. His teacher.

2、What did the writer see first in the zoo?

A. Monkeys.

B. Elephants.

C. Lions.

D. Birds.

3、How did the monkeys behave in the zoo?

A. They were lazy.

B. They were active and funny.

C. They were shy.

D. They were frightening.

4、What were the elephants doing when the writer saw them?

A. Eating bananas.

B. Jumping around.

C. drawing water with their trunks.

D. Lying in the sun.

5、How did the writer feel about the trip to the zoo?

A. Bored.

B. Sad.

C. Excited.

D. Frightened.



【解析】在文章第一段中提到:“Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family.”(上周末,我和家人去了动物园。)所以作者和家人一起去了动物园,选项B“His family”正确。


【解析】文章第二段提到:“As we entered the zoo, we saw many colorful birds in the aviary.”(当我们进入动物园时,我们看到了许多五彩斑斓的鸟。)所以作者进入动物园后首先看到的是鸟,选项D“Birds”正确。


【解析】文章第三段提到:“The monkeys were very active and funny.”(猴子们非常活跃和有趣。)所以猴子在动物园里的表现是活跃和有趣的,选项B“They were active and funny”正确。


【解析】文章第四段提到:“One of them was even using its trunk to draw water from a pool.”(其中一只大象甚至用它的鼻子从池子里吸水。)所以当作者看到大象时,它们正在用鼻子吸水,选项C“Drawing water with their trunks”正确。


【解析】文章最后一段提到:“We spent the whole day at the zoo and had a great time.”(我们在动物园待了一整天,玩得很开心。)所以作者对去动物园的旅行感到非常兴奋,选项C“Excited”正确。

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