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Li Ming is preparing for a big move to a new house. He has spent several weeks packing up all his belongings. The living room is filled with boxes, and the furniture is covered with protective plastic wrap. Li Ming's parents are helping him with the move, and they have hired a team of movers to assist with the heavy lifting.

The moving day arrives, and the movers arrive at the house with a large truck. They carefully load all the furniture and boxes into the truck and secure them for the journey. Li Ming and his parents wave goodbye to their old home as the truck drives away.

After a few hours, they arrive at the new house. The movers begin to unload the truck and carry the furniture into the house. Li Ming and his parents are there to direct them to where each piece should go. The living room, bedroom, and kitchen are arranged first, and then the movers move on to the other rooms.

Once everything is inside, Li Ming and his parents start to unpack and organize their belongings. They sort through the boxes, unpacking the items and deciding where they will go in the new house. It takes several days to finish unpacking, but finally, everything is in its place.

Li Ming is excited about his new home. He can't wait to invite his friends over to explore the house and see his new room. He feels a sense of accomplishment as he looks around at his organized belongings.


1. Why does Li Ming need to hire movers?

A. He is moving to a different city.

B. His parents are helping him with the move.

C. He has too many belongings to move by himself.

D. None of the above.

2. What helps are they using to move?

A. A moving truck

B. A van

C. Both A and B

D. A car

3. What is the first thing they do when they arrive at the new house?

A. They unload the boxes.

B. They organize the items.

C. They decide where each item will go.

D. They rest and take a break.

4. How long does it take to finish unpacking?

A. A few hours

B. A few days

C. A few weeks

D. A few months

5. How does Li Ming feel about his new house?

A. Excited

B. Tired

C. Sad

D. Confused


1. 根据第三句"Li Ming's parents are helping him with the move, and they have hired a team of movers to assist with the heavy lifting."可知,Li Ming雇佣搬家公司是因为他需要帮助搬运大量的物品,所以答案为C。

2. 根据第二句"The moving day arrives, and the movers arrive at the house with a large truck."可知,他们使用了一辆大型搬家卡车,所以答案为A。

3. 根据第四句"Li Ming and his parents are there to direct them to where each piece should go."可知,他们首先决定每个物品在新家应该放置的位置,所以答案为C。

4. 根据最后一句"It takes several days to finish unpacking."可知,他们花了几天时间才完成拆箱,所以答案为B。

5. 根据倒数第二句"Li Ming is excited about his new home."可知,Li Ming对他的新家感到兴奋,所以答案为A。

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