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Last summer, my family and I went to the beach for a day of fun in the sun. The sea was blue and the sky was clear. It was a perfect day for the beach.

Last summer, my family and I went to the beach for a day of fun in the sun. The sea was blue and the sky was clear. It was a perfect day for the beach.

As soon as we arrived, we set up our beach umbrellas and chairs. My brother and I quickly ran to the water's edge to play in the waves. The water was cool and refreshing, and we splashed each other, laughing and shouting with joy.

After playing in the water for a while, we decided to build a sandcastle. We dug deep into the sand, shaping and molding it into walls and towers. It took us a long time, but in the end, we had a magnificent sandcastle that we were very proud of.

For lunch, we had sandwiches and fresh fruit. While eating, we watched the surfers ride the waves and the seagulls fly overhead. It was a peaceful and relaxing scene.

As the afternoon wore on, we played volleyball on the beach. My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory. We all cheered and clapped for him.

As the sun began to set, we packed up our things and prepared to leave. We were all tired but happy, and we knew that we had spent a wonderful day at the beach.


1、What did the family do first when they arrived at the beach?

A. They played volleyball.

B. They had lunch.

C. They set up beach umbrellas and chairs.

D. They built a sandcastle.

2、Where did the author and his brother go when they arrived at the beach?

A. To the water's edge.

B. To the volleyball court.

C. To the food stand.

D. To the surfers' area.

3、What did the author and his brother do in the water?

A. They surfed the waves.

B. They swam in the sea.

C. They played with each other.

D. They built a sandcastle.

4、What did the family have for lunch?

A. Sandwiches and fresh fruit.

B. Hamburgers and fries.

C. Pizza and ice cream.

D. Hot dogs and soda.

5、Who was the best player in the volleyball game?

A. The author's brother.

B. The author's mother.

C. The author's father.

D. The author himself.



【解析】在文中第二段明确提到:“As soon as we arrived, we set up our beach umbrellas and chairs.”(我们一到,就搭起了沙滩伞和椅子。)所以,当他们到达海滩时,他们首先做的事情是搭起沙滩伞和椅子。因此答案是C。


【解析】在文中第二段提到:“My brother and I quickly ran to the water's edge to play in the waves.”(我和弟弟迅速跑到水边去玩波浪。)所以,作者和他的弟弟到达海滩后去了水边。因此答案是A。


【解析】文中第二段提到:“The water was cool and refreshing, and we splashed each other, laughing and shouting with joy.”(水很凉爽,令人耳目一新,我们互相泼水,笑着,高兴地喊着。)这说明作者和他的弟弟在水中是互相玩耍,因此答案是C。


【解析】在文中第四段中提到:“For lunch, we had sandwiches and fresh fruit.”(午餐时,我们吃了三明治和新鲜水果。)因此,这个家庭午餐吃了三明治和新鲜水果。答案是A。


【解析】在文中倒数第二段中提到:“My dad was the best player, and he led our team to victory.”(我爸爸是最好的球员,他带领我们队取得了胜利。)因此,排球比赛中表现最好的球员是作者的父亲。答案是C。

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