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Last Sunday, we went to the beach. The weather was sunny and the sea was calm. We took a lot of things with us, like towels, sun cream, and swimming suits.At the beach, we first built a sand castle. Then we went swimming. The sea was very clear and the

Last Sunday, we went to the beach. The weather was sunny and the sea was calm. We took a lot of things with us, like towels, sun cream, and swimming suits.

At the beach, we first built a sand castle. Then we went swimming. The sea was very clear and the water was warm. We played in the water for a long time.

After that, we had a picnic on the beach. We ate sandwiches, fruits, and drank some cold drinks. It was really delicious!

In the afternoon, we played volleyball. I was in the team with my brother. We played very hard, but we lost the game. However, we still had a great time.

Finally, we packed up our things and went home. It was a wonderful day at the beach!

( ) 11. What did the weather look like last Sunday?

A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. D. Windy.

( ) 12. What did they first do at the beach?

A. They went swimming. B. They played volleyball.

C. They built a sand castle. D. They had a picnic.

( ) 13. What did they eat for their picnic?

A. Pizza and hamburgers. B. Sandwiches and fruits.

C. Noodles and vegetables. D. Ice cream and chocolate.

( ) 14. Who was the writer in the volleyball team with?

A. His sister. B. His brother. C. His father. D. His mother.

( ) 15. How did the writer feel about the day at the beach?

A. Terrible. B. Boring. C. Wonderful. D. Sad.


11、正确答案是:C. Sunny.

在原文中明确提到:“The weather was sunny”,即天气是晴朗的,因此选项C“Sunny”是正确答案。

12、正确答案是:C. They built a sand castle.

在文章第二段第一句话中提到:“At the beach,we first built a sand castle.”,意思是“在海滩上,我们首先建了一个沙堡。”因此,答案是C。

13、正确答案是:B. Sandwiches and fruits.

在文章第三段中提到:“We ate sandwiches,fruits,and drank some cold drinks.”,意思是“我们吃了三明治、水果,还喝了一些冷饮。”因此,他们在野餐时吃的是三明治和水果,选项B是正确答案。

14、正确答案是:B. His brother.

在文章第四段中提到:“I was in the team with my brother.”,意思是“我和我的兄弟在一个队里。”因此,作者和他的兄弟一起在排球队里,选项B是正确答案。

15、正确答案是:C. Wonderful.

在文章最后一段中提到:“Finally,we packed up our things and went home. It was a wonderful day at the beach!”,意思是“最后,我们收拾好东西回家了。在海滩上度过了一天美好的时光!”。因此,作者对在海滩上的这一天感觉非常好,认为这是一个美好的一天。所以答案是C。

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