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One day,a poor boy,named Tom,decided to ask for help. He was 12 years old and couldn't afford to go to school. So he decided to ask for help from the people in the street.

One day,a poor boy,named Tom,decided to ask for help. He was 12 years old and couldn't afford to go to school. So he decided to ask for help from the people in the street.

He walked for hours until he found a rich man,named Mr. Smith. Tom asked him for some money,but Mr. Smith refused. He said,"I'll only give you some money if you can answer my question."

Tom thought for a moment and then asked,"What question?" Mr. Smith said,"Here is a test for you. There are three envelopes. One of them has $100 in it. The other two do not have any money. You have to pick one of them."

Tom thought it was a easy test. He picked one of the envelopes and opened it. But the envelope was empty! Mr. Smith smiled and said,"That's my trick. Now you have to do the same thing."

Tom didn't know what to do. He was very sad and didn't want to do the trick. But Mr. Smith said,"You have no choice. If you want to get the money,you have to do it."

So Tom did the trick. He picked up one of the empty envelopes and showed it to Mr. Smith. But Mr. Smith just smiled and said,"That's my trick too!" He pointed to the third envelope that Tom had left on the ground and said,"That one is mine!"

1.The boy asked for help because ________.

A. he was too young to go to school

B. he wanted to go to school but his family couldn't afford it

C.there was something wrong with his family

2.Why did Mr. Smith refuse to give the boy some money at first?

A. Because he thought the boy was too young to need so much money.

B. Because he wanted to test the boy's cleverness first.

C. Because he had no money in his hand at that time.

3.The word "trick" in the passage means ________.

A. 窍门 B. 魔术 C. 诡计 D. 绝技

4.In the end,Mr. Smith ________.

A. gave the boy $100 B. gave the boy nothing C. tricked the boy again D.left without saying anything


1.正确答案是:B. he wanted to go to school but his family couldn't afford it

短文第一段明确提到:"He was 12 years old and couldn't afford to go to school."(他12岁,上不起学。)因此,这个男孩寻求帮助是因为他想上学但他的家庭负担不起学费。所以选B。

2.正确答案是:B. Because he wanted to test the boy's cleverness first.

Mr. Smith想先测试一下这个男孩的聪明才智再给他钱。在短文第三段中,Mr. Smith说:“我只有一个条件:如果你想要这笔钱,你必须按我的要求做。”因此,他最初拒绝给这个男孩钱是因为他想先测试他。所以答案是B。

3.正确答案是:C. 诡计

在短文第四段中,Tom没有上当受骗,但是Mr. Smith仍然笑说"That's my trick too!"(这也是我的诡计!)因此,"trick"在这里的意思是"诡计"。所以答案为C。

4.正确答案是:C. tricked the boy again

在文章最后一段中提到Mr Smith又耍了那个男孩,并指出他拿走了剩下的一个信封,因此可以推断出他没有给那个男孩任何东西就离开了。因此,答案为C。





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