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One day, while I was walking home from school, I saw a little girl crying by the side of the road. She was lost and didn't know how to get back to her parents. I decided to help her.


One day, while I was walking home from school, I saw a little girl crying by the side of the road. She was lost and didn't know how to get back to her parents. I decided to help her. I asked her where her parents were and she said she didn't know. So I took her to the police station and reported her missing. The police officers were very helpful and they called the girl's parents. After a while, the girl's parents came to the police station and took her home. They were very grateful to me for helping their daughter.

1.What did the girl do when she was lost?

A. She called her parents.

B. She asked a policeman for help.

C. She cried by the side of the road.

D. She walked home alone.

2.What did the writer do when he saw the girl crying?

A. He asked her to stop crying.

B. He helped her find her parents.

C. He took her to the police station.

D. He comforted her and sent her home.

3.Why did the girl's parents come to the police station?

A. To thank the writer for helping their daughter.

B. To ask the police officers to find their daughter.

C. To report their daughter missing.

D. To take their daughter home from the police station.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. It's important to help others when they are in need.

B. The police are always there to help us in need.

C. We should never get lost in a strange place.

D. Parents should always stay with their children.

5.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Helping Others Is Important

B. A Lost Girl Found Her Way Home

C. The Police Station: A Safe Place to Go

D. A brave Writerrescueda Little Girl


1.C。文章中提到“One day, while I was walking home from school, I saw a little girl crying by the side of the road.”(一天,当我从学校走回家的路上,我看到一个小女孩在路边哭。)因此,这个小女孩在迷路的时候选择了在路边哭泣。答案为C。

2.C。文章中提到“So I took her to the police station and reported her missing.”(所以我带她去了警察局,报了她的失踪。)因此,作者看到女孩哭泣后带她去了警察局,并报告了她失踪的情况。答案为C。

3.D。文章中提到“After a while, the girl's parents came to the police station and took her home.”(过了一会儿,女孩的父母来到警察局,带她回家。)因此,女孩的父母来警察局是为了接他们的女儿回家。答案为D。







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