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In the future, people will live to be 200 years old. They won't need to go to school or work. They will only stay at home and enjoy life.


In the future, people will live to be 200 years old. They won't need to go to school or work. They will only stay at home and enjoy life.

In the future, people won't use money. Everything will be free. They won't need to buy food or clothes. There will be a robot in every home. The robot will do all the work. People won't need to do any housework or cooking. They will only need to enjoy themselves.

In the future, people will only work three days a week. They will have a lot of free time. They won't need to work hard. They will only do what they want to do.

In the future, people will only eat one meal a day. They will only eat in the evening. They won't need to cook because there will be a robot to do it for them. The robot will make different kinds of food for them. The food will be healthy and delicious.

In the future, people will only have one child. They won't need to worry about the environment or the future of their children. The world will be a better place to live in.

1、In the future, people _______.

A. won't go to school or work

B. won't use money

C. will only work three days a week

D. will only have one child

2、In the future, people _______ in every home.

A. will have a robot B. won't have a robot

C. won't use money D. won't need to buy food or clothes

3、In the future, people _______.

A. will do what they want to do B. will have a lot of free time

C. will only eat one meal a day D. won't need to work hard

/4、The robot in every home _______.

A. will do all the work B. won't need to cook

C. won't need to go to school D. won't need to buy food or clothes

5、The world in the future _______.

A. won't be a better place to live in B. will be full of robots

C. will only have one child D. will be easy to control the population growth


1、正确答案是:B. won't use money


2、正确答案是:A. will have a robot


3、正确答案是:B. will have a lot of free time


4、正确答案是:A. will do all the work


5、正确答案是:D. will be easy to control the population growth






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