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Long ago, in a small village, lived an old man. He was known throughout the land as a wise man. One day, a young man came to visit him. He was seeking wisdom and advice.

Long ago, in a small village, lived an old man. He was known throughout the land as a wise man. One day, a young man came to visit him. He was seeking wisdom and advice.

"Master," he said, "I want to learn the secret of success. What is the secret?"

The old man smiled. "Success is simple," he said. "It is a matter of character and attitude, not a matter of money and position. A person who has good character and a positive attitude will always succeed."

"What is the meaning of character?" asked the young man.

"Character," replied the old man, "is a person's moral fiber, their honesty, courage, and perseverance. It is the sum of one's values and principles."

"And what is the meaning of attitude?" asked the young man.

"Attitude," said the old man, "is how a person looks at life, how they feel about themselves and others. It is how they face challenges and difficulties."

The young man thought for a moment. "I understand," he said. "But how can I learn to have good character and a positive attitude?"

The old man smiled again. "You must first understand," he said, "that character and attitude are developed over time. You must always be honest and fair, and you must face challenges with courage and perseverance. As you succeed, your character and attitude will improve."

The young man thanked the old man for his advice. He left the village knowing that he had learned something valuable. He understood that success was not just about money or position, but about character and attitude. He was determined to develop these qualities in himself and to succeed in life.

1.The old man told the young man that the secret of success was based on which of the following?

A. Character and attitude.

B. Money and position.

C. Hard work and practice.

D. Knowledge and skills.

2.What does the word "moral" mean in the sentence "Character is a person's moral fiber"?

A. It means a person's personal values and principles that determine how they behave morally.

B. It means a person's physical health and strength.

C. It means a person's mental ability to understand and solve problems.

D. It means a person's ability to communicate and express their ideas effectively.

3.What does the word "perseverance" mean in the sentence "They must face challenges with courage and perseverance"?

A. It means never giving up or admitting defeat when facing difficulties or setbacks.

B. It means always being confident and optimistic about achieving goals 。

C. It means always being creative and thinking of new ways to solve problems or achieve goals.

D. It means always being self-disciplined and able to control one's impulses or urges.

4.The old man told the young man that he must always be_____.

A. fair and honest

B. pleased and satisfied

C. confident and determined

D. kind and sympathetic

5.The young man thanked the old man for his advice because he had learned that_____.

A. the secret of success was to have good character and a positive attitude

B. the secret of success was to have money and a high position

C. the secret of success was to work hard and practice a lot

D. the secret of success was to learn from the old man's experience


1.正确答案是:A. Character and attitude.


2.在句子"Character is a person's moral fiber"中,"moral"的意思是:

正确答案是:A. 它指的是一个人的个人价值观和原则,这些价值观和原则决定了他们的道德行为。

在句子中,"moral fiber"指的是一个人的道德构成,即他们的道德价值观和原则。因此,"moral"在此处的意思是与道德有关的,选项A最符合上下文。

3.在句子"They must face challenges with courage and perseverance"中,"perseverance"的意思是:

正确答案是:A. 当面对困难或挫折时,从不放弃或承认失败。



正确答案是:A. 公正和诚实。

在文中老人告诉年轻人:"你必须永远诚实和公正",即他必须保持公正和诚实的态度和行为。选项A中的"fair and honest"与此相符。


正确答案是:A. 成功的秘诀是拥有良好的性格和积极的态度。






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