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The other day, my brother and I were walking along the main street of our town, when we noticed a large poster on a building advertising a nearby fair (展览会). “Let’s go to the fair!” shouted my seven-year-old brother, full of excitement.

The other day, my brother and I were walking along the main street of our town, when we noticed a large poster on a building advertising a nearby fair (展览会). “Let’s go to the fair!” shouted my seven-year-old brother, full of excitement. “No, we’re not going,” I said. “We have to go to the library to return some books and then go to the grocer’s to buy some food.”

“But the fair will be fun!” he persisted. “We can have a lot of fun there!”

“No, we’re not going,” I repeated. “We have to go to the library and then go to the grocer’s.”

Finally, against my will, my brother and I went to the fair. The fair was full of people and was very noisy. We walked around for a while and then my brother wanted to go home. “But we just got here!” I said. “We haven’t seen everything yet!”

“I don’t care,” he said. “I want to go home.”

“All right,” I said. “Let’s go home.”

We started walking home. After a while, my brother said, “Look! The fair!” We looked in the direction he was pointing and saw the fair again.

“All right,” I said. “Let’s go back to the fair.”

We turned around and started back to the fair. As we were walking along, a clown (小丑) on a unicycle (独轮车) passed us, waving and smiling. My brother was very happy and wanted to go over and talk to him. “No, we can’t stop now,” I said. “We have to get back to the fair.”

We finally got back to the fair and walked around for a while. We then decided to go home because my little brother was getting tired. On our way home, we passed by the library and the grocer’s, but we didn’t stop to do any shopping or anything else. We just kept walking home.

1.e poster advertising the fair caught the author’s attention because it was ________.

A. on the main street of the town

B. on a large building

C. next to the library and the grocer’s

D. on the fairgrounds (展览场地)

2.e author didn’t want to go to the fair because ________.

A. she had other plans

B. she didn’t like fair food

C. she was studying for a test

D. she didn’t want to go with her little brother

3.e author and her little brother ________.

A. went to the fair and then came home again

B. went to the library and then went to buy some food

C. went to the fair,then went home,and then went back to the fair again

D. went to the library,then went to buy some food,and then came home again

4. The author mentioned that her little brother wanted to go home because ________.

A. he had seen enough of the fair

B. he had seen enough of the library

C. he had seen enough of the grocer’s

D. he just wanted to go home by himself

5. The author mentioned that they passed by the library and the grocer’s but didn’t stop because ________.

A. they didn’t have any money

B. they were too tired

C. they were on their way home

D. they had already bought everything they needed


1.正确答案是:C. next to the library and the grocer’s


2.正确答案是:A. she had other plans


3.正确答案是:C. went to the fair,then went home,and then went back to the fair again 文章中描述了作者和弟弟先去了展览会,然后回家了,但是后来又返回到展览会。因此,答案为C。

4.正确答案是:A. he had seen enough of the fair 文章中提到弟弟已经受够了展览会,所以他想回家。弟弟已经受够了展览会的气氛和人群,所以他想要回家。作者在第五段中提到,“弟弟说他已经看够了展览会,他想要回家。”这表明弟弟已经受够了展览会,想要离开。因此,答案是A。

5.正确答案是:C. they were on their way home






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