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Last night, I went to see a movie at the local cinema. The movie was a science fiction film that I had been looking forward to for a long time.


Last night, I went to see a movie at the local cinema. The movie was a science fiction film that I had been looking forward to for a long time. I arrived at the cinema early to avoid missing any of the previews. The cinema was not very full, so I easily found a good seat on the aisle.

The movie started exactly on time. The opening scene was very impressive, with special effects that were better than I had expected. However, halfway through the movie, I started to feel sleepy. I tried to stay awake by rubbing my eyes and drinking coffee, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, I decided to leave the cinema and go home.

When I left the cinema, I realized that I had not finished my popcorn. I was disappointed because I had been looking forward to it for a long time. However, I knew that I would have more chances to eat it in the future.

On my way home, I decided to stop at a local fast food restaurant and order a hamburger and fries. I was very hungry, so I ate the hamburger quickly and then ate the fries more slowly. When I finished eating, I realized that I had not counted my calories for the day.

Finally, when I arrived home, I felt tired and wanted to go to bed. However, my roommate was still awake and watching TV. I tried to be quiet so as not to disturb him, but he heard me come in and asked me how the movie was. We started talking about the movie, and before I knew it, it was midnight.

1.What was the author's favorite part of the movie?

A. The opening scene

B. The special effects

C. The plot

D. The characters

2.Why did the author leave the cinema?

A. He finished his popcorn.

B. He was sleepy.

C. He wanted to go home and sleep.

D. The movie was too long.

3.What did the author eat at the fast food restaurant?

A. Burgers and fries.

B. Pizza and soda.

C. Chicken nuggets and fries.

D. Tacos and salsa.

4.When did the author realize that he had not counted his calories for the day?

A. When he finished eating his hamburger.

B. When he finished eating his fries.

C. When he left the fast food restaurant.

D. When he arrived home.

5.How did the author's roommate react when he came home?

A. He was asleep.

B. He was still awake and wanted to talk to him about the movie.

C. He was angry that the author came home late.

D. He did not hear the author come in.


1.正确答案是:A. The opening scene

文章中提到"The movie started exactly on time. The opening scene was very impressive",意思是电影准时开始,开场非常令人印象深刻。因此,作者最喜欢的部分是电影的开场。

2.正确答案是:B. He was sleepy.

作者在文中写道:“However,halfway through the movie,I started to feel sleepy.”,意为“然而,电影演到一半的时候,我开始觉得困了。”因此,作者离开电影院的原因是因为他觉得困了,即他太累了。所以答案为B。

3.正确答案是:A. Burgers and fries.

在文章中提到"On my way home,I decided to stop at a local fast food restaurant and order a hamburger and fries.",意思是在回家的路上,作者决定在当地的快餐店停下来点了一份汉堡和薯条。因此,答案是A。

4.正确答案是:D. When he arrived home.

作者在文中写道:“Finally,when I arrived home,I felt tired and wanted to go to bed. However,my roommate was still awake and watching TV.”,意思是“最后,当我到家时,我感到很累,想睡觉。然而,我的室友还醒着在看电视。”因此可以推断出,作者意识到自己没有计算卡路里是在他到家之后。因此答案为D。

5.正确答案是:B. He was still awake and wanted to talk to him about the movie.






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