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Once upon a time,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he had no money to go to medical school.

Once upon a time,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he had no money to go to medical school.

One day,he was walking by the river when he noticed a young woman crying. Her name was Mary. Tom asked her why she was crying. She said,"My mother is ill. I don't know what to do."

Tom said,"Don't worry. I can help you." He took her to the nearest hospital.

After a few days,Mary's mother was much better. She was going to be fine in a few more days. Mary was very grateful to Tom for what he had done. She told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.

Tom was very happy. He worked hard and passed the entrance exam to medical school. In medical school,he studied hard and became a doctor.

Today,Dr. Tom is one of the best doctors in the city. He is very popular because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them. Many people say that he is the best doctor in the city.

1.Tom had a dream of becoming a doctor when he ___________.

A. was young B. grew up C. was a doctor

2.One day,Tom was walking by the river when he noticed a young woman ___________.

A. singing B. crying C. walking

3.What was wrong with Mary's mother?

A. She had a headache. B. She had a high fever.

C. She had heart disease. D. She had a toothache.

4.Why was Tom very happy?

A. Because he became a doctor.

B. Because he helped Mary's mother get better.

C. Because many people said that he was the best doctor in the city.

D. Because Mary told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.

5.Why is Dr. Tom very popular?

A. Because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them.

B. Because he is a doctor.

C. Because he is the best doctor in the city.

D. Because he has money and helps the poor people in the city.


1.正确答案是:B. grew up


2.正确答案是:B. crying


3.正确答案是:B. She had a high fever.


4.正确答案是:D. Because Mary told him that she would help him go to medical school if he wanted to.


5.正确答案是:A. Because he is kind to his patients and does his best to help them.

Dr Tom对病人很和蔼,并且尽力帮助他们,所以他很受欢迎。这是根据短文最后一段中的信息得出的。




初中英语中考必考知识点:冠词a an the的用法

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