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导读:美国一直把人权问题当作中心议题。特朗普上任前,扬言美国政府要为被压迫人民发声。如今,却在会见埃及总理时避之不及。WASHINGTONDuring the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump sometimes bluntly condemned the Obama administration f



WASHINGTON — During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump sometimes bluntly condemned the Obama administration for not doing more to publicly promote human rights across the Muslim world. But now that he has reached the White House, Trump has muted those concerns — notably declining to raise them publicly as he met Monday with Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.


“I just want to let everybody know, in case there was any doubt, that we are very much behind President al-Sisi. He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation,” Trump said as he welcomed Sisi to the Oval Office. “We will fight terrorism and other things, and we’re going to be friends for a long, long period of time.”


Since taking office, Sisi has drawn sharp criticism for his human rights record, which includes reports of widespread arbitrary arrests and torture.


Trump aides have made little secret of their plan that the United States will work with virtually anyone who will help to defeat the so-called Islamic state and counter Islamist extremism more broadly.


Every U.S. president struggles to balance human rights with national security imperatives, sometimes leading Washington to work with allies and partners with terrible human rights records. But on several occasions in 2016, Trump had harsh words for the Obama administration about what he described as a failure to stand up for American values.


In a September speech in Pensacola, Fla., the entrepreneur charged that as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton “cozied up to regimes that oppress and brutalize women, that murder gays, and that violate human rights on an unimaginable scale,” and promised: “My administration will be a voice for all people who are oppressed, including the millions of women being oppressed by radical Islam.”


But with Trump now in office, human rights advocates worry about some early messages his administration has sent. The White House removed restrictions on arms sales to Bahrain that were imposed because of concerns about repression there. And Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not personally unveil the State Department’s annual human rights report.


And on Friday, a senior Trump adviser said the president would move those criticisms to behind-the-scenes conversations — dramatically reducing the pressure that comes with a public scolding.


“Human rights are always an issue of concern to the United States, and they’re first and foremost in our discussions,” the official told reporters. “Our approach is to handle these types of sensitive issues in a private, more discreet way. And we believe it’s the most effective way to advance those issues to a favorable outcome.”


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