
初三上册英语作文1 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.A Terrible DayOne day, I had a terrible day. It was rainy and I forgot my umbrella. On my way to school, I slipped and fell, getting my clothes all dirty. Moreover, I was late for class and my teacher sco

初三上册英语作文1 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.

A Terrible Day

One day, I had a terrible day. It was rainy and I forgot my umbrella. On my way to school, I slipped and fell, getting my clothes all dirty. Moreover, I was late for class and my teacher scolded me. I felt sad and upset. However, my best friend comforted me and helped me clean up. In the end, I realized that even the worst day can have a happy ending if we have good friends.


初三上册英语作文2 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.

An Unusual Day

Yesterday was an unusual day for me. My alarm didn't ring, so I woke up late. I wanted to take a shower, but my father was already using the bathroom. I had to rush to the bus stop without breakfast. When I arrived, the bus had left. I had to run to school. The teacher was angry because I was late. Worse still, I realized I had left my homework at home. However, in history class, the teacher praised me for my hard work at home. What a day!


初三上册英语作文3 Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!

How to Set Up a National Healthy City?

As a member of this city, I feel excited about our goal to become a national healthy city. First, we should keep our environment clean by not littering. Second, everyone should participate in regular physical activities. Third, the government should promote healthy eating by encouraging more fresh food markets. Lastly, we need to educate people about the importance of health. Together, we can make our city a healthier place to live.


初三上册英语作文4 Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7.

A person I will never forget

In the three years of junior high, one person I'll never forget is my math teacher, Mr. Wang. He was strict but fair. Once, I failed a test and felt discouraged. Mr. Wang stayed after class to help me understand the difficult concepts. His patience and encouragement made me work harder. Thanks to him, I not only improved my math skills but also learned the importance of perseverance.


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