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Hawaii’s honeycreepers are found nowhere else on Earth and make up an integral part of the ecosystem. The birds help pollinate Hawaii’s native plants, eat insects and support the forest. Those forests also filter the rainfall that provides drinking w

Hawaii’s honeycreepers are found nowhere else on Earth and make up an integral part of the ecosystem. The birds help pollinate Hawaii’s native plants, eat insects and support the forest. Those forests also filter the rainfall that provides drinking water to many communities.

As honeycreepers have steadily disappeared, conservationists have made a difficult call. When it’s clear a bird will vanish, the remaining few are brought into captivity for safe-keeping at the Maui Bird Conservation Center, which is part of the San Diego Zoo wildlife Alliance.

“We call our program an intensive care unit,” says Jennifer Pribble, wildlife care supervisor at the center. “This is the last resort.”

The cluster of buildings in upcountry Maui is home to some of the rarest birds on the planet. There’s the 'alalā, the Hawaiian crow, which is extinct in the wild. The calls of the chatty, intelligent birds can be heard echoing between the buildings.

There's also the 'akikiki, a pale gray bird that’s likely to go extinct on its home island of Kauai sometime this year. In a tall enclosure, the tiny birds hop from branch to branch.

“Fifteen years ago, the population was over a thousand,” Pribble says. “Today there’s anywhere from two to five birds left in the wild.”

Just over 40 'akikiki in captivity represent essentially the entire population of the species, which is split between the Maui bird center and a facility on another island. So every bird matters. When the Maui wildfires hit in August 2023, a fire began not far from the center. Pribble, who lives at the facility, realized at 3am that the flames were just across the road, spewing embers.








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