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Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, schools worldwide have had to postpone the start of the new academic year. This delay has had a significant impact on students, teachers, and parents alike. While it is crucial to prioritize public health, the extended school closure has raised concerns about the potential educational gap and the challenges of remote learning.

Remote learning has become the new normal, with students attending classes online. However, this shift to virtual classrooms has not been without its challenges. Many students face difficulties adapting to this new mode of learning, as they miss the personal interaction and support that traditional classrooms offer. Additionally, the lack of access to reliable internet connections and necessary technology has further exacerbated the learning gap among students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

Teachers, too, have had to quickly adapt to this new way of teaching. They have had to learn new technology and find innovative ways to engage students in virtual classrooms. despite their best efforts, some teachers have found it challenging to replicate the same level of interaction and hands-on learning that they could provide in a physical classroom setting.

Parents have also had to adjust to this new reality. Many have had to balance working from home while helping their children with their schoolwork. This has been particularly challenging for parents who are not familiar with the subjects being taught or who have limited resources at home.

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of schools in not only providing education but also in supporting the social and emotional development of students. The school environment offers a sense of routine, structure, and community that is difficult to replicate through remote learning.

In conclusion, while the postponement of school openings is necessary to protect public health, it has presented significant challenges for students, teachers, and parents. It is important for educational institutions, policymakers, and communities to work together to find solutions to bridge the educational gap and provide support to all students during these unprecedented times.


1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The impact of remote learning on students

B. The challenges of school closures due to the pandemic

C. The importance of schools in students' lives

D. The effectiveness of online classes during the pandemic

2. Which group has faced the most challenges due to school closures?

A. Students

B. Teachers

C. Parents

D. All of the above

3. What has been a major challenge for students in remote learning?

A. Lack of access to technology

B. difficulty in adapting to online classes

C. Inadequate internet connectivity

D. All of the above

4. Why have schools been important for students during the pandemic?

A. They provide a sense of routine and structure.

B. They offer socialization opportunities.

C. They support students' emotional development.

D. All of the above

5. What is the author's opinion about the postponement of school openings?

A. It is unnecessary and causes more harm than good.

B. It is necessary but presents significant challenges.

C. It is beneficial as it promotes online learning.

D. The author does not express an opinion.


1. 本题为主旨大意题。文章首段提出了疫情导致学校推迟开学的情况,接下来详细讨论了这一决定对学生、教师和家长的影响,以及远程学习带来的挑战,因此选B。

2. 本题考查细节理解。根据文章内容,学生、教师和家长都面临了挑战,学生缺少互动和支持,教师需要适应新的教学模式,家长要平衡工作和帮助孩子学习,所以选D。

3. 本题考查细节理解。根据文章内容,学生在远程学习中面临了技术适应困难、缺乏可靠互联网连接和必要技术的挑战,因此选D。

4. 本题考查细节理解。根据文章内容,学校对学生来说不仅提供教育,还支持他们的社交和情感发展,提供了一种日常生活的规律性和结构感,因此选D。

5. 本题考查作者观点。根据文章最后一段,“In conclusion, while the postponement of school openings is necessary to protect public health, it has presented significant challenges for students, teachers, and parents.”可知,作者认为推迟开学是必要的,但带来了重大挑战,因此选B。

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