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弗拉基米尔普京看来将赢得俄罗斯总统的另一个六年任期。周日投票的出口民调显示65岁普京支持率远远超过他的对手们。反对党领袖AlexeiNavalny被禁止参加2018年俄罗斯总统大选之后,普京的其他竞争对手竞争力都不强。Vladimir Putin looks

 弗拉基米尔·普京看来将赢得俄罗斯总统的另一个六年任期。周日投票的出口民调显示65岁普京支持率远远超过他的对手们。反对党领袖Alexei Navalny被禁止参加2018年俄罗斯总统大选之后,普京的其他竞争对手竞争力都不强。

Vladimir Putin looks set to win another six-year term as president of Russia.

Exit polls put the 65-year-old far ahead of his opponents in the Sunday vote.

Most of Putin’s opponents were however considered weak, with Alexei Navalny barred from the race.


The exit polls are not final results though. The official results are expected to be released in the coming hours.

Putin has been a constant figure in Russia’s politics for 18 years, and was already the country's longest-serving leader since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

His critics have however alleged that the election was not fair, citing the Kremlin's tight control over the media, quelling of the opposition and restrictions on some election monitors to ensure a free vote.

The vote took a huge toll on the organizers, as they had to cover the country’s 11 time zones – over 22 hours.

97,000 polling stations were set up across Russia according to the central Election Commission.

IF heis declared winner, Putin’s new mandate will see him rule until 2024.

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