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One recent evening, a night concert was held in the beautiful park. The concert was performed by a famous classical music band. Many people gathered around the stage to enjoy the wonderful music.

The band played a variety of instruments, including the violin, cello, and piano. The music was conducted by a talented conductor, who led the band with grace and passion. The audience watched the conductor's every move, appreciating the traditional classical music.

As the night went on, more and more people gathered for the concert. They were all excited to listen to the beautiful music. The park was filled with the sound of music, creating a magical atmosphere.

The concert ended with a standing ovation from the audience. Everyone was impressed by the band's performance. The night concert was a great success, leaving the audience with memories to cherish for a long time.


1. What kind of band performed at the night concert?

a) A rock band

b) A classical music band

c) A jazz band

d) A pop band

2. What instruments did the band play?

a) Guitar and drums

b) Violin, cello, and piano

c) Saxophone and trumpet

d) Electric guitar and bass

3. Who conducted the band during the concert?

a) The guitarist

b) The drummer

c) A talented conductor

d) The keyboardist

4. How did the audience feel during the concert?

a) Bored

b) Excited

c) Sleepy

d) Angry

5. What was the result of the night concert?

a) It was a failure

b) It was canceled

c) It was a great success

d) It was boring


1. 根据文章第一段 "The concert was performed by a famous classical music band." 可知,音乐会是由一个著名的古典音乐乐队演奏的,因此正确答案是 b) A classical music band。

2. 根据文章第二段 "The band played a variety of instruments, including the violin, cello, and piano." 可知,乐队演奏了各种乐器,包括小提琴、大提琴和钢琴,因此正确答案是 b) Violin, cello, and piano。

3. 根据文章第三段 "The music was conducted by a talented conductor, who led the band with grace and passion." 可知,音乐是由一位有才华的指挥家指挥的,他优雅而热情地领导着乐队,因此正确答案是 c) A talented conductor。

4. 根据文章第四段 "As the night went on, more and more people gathered for the concert. They were all excited to listen to the beautiful music." 可知,随着夜晚的进行,越来越多的人聚集在音乐会上,他们都很兴奋地听着美妙的音乐,因此正确答案是 b) Excited。

5. 根据文章最后一段 "The concert ended with a standing ovation from the audience. Everyone was impressed by the band's performance. The night concert was a great success, leaving the audience with memories to cherish for a long time." 可知,音乐会以观众的热烈鼓掌结束。大家都对乐队的表演印象深刻。这次夜间音乐会取得了巨大的成功,给观众留下了长时间珍惜的记忆,因此正确答案是 c) It was a great success。

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