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For blind people, a white cane is not just a tool; it's a symbol of independence. This simple yet remarkable device has been guiding blind individuals safely through the world for centuries.

The cane allows blind people to detect obstacles in their path and avoid them. By tapping the ground ahead, the user can sense changes in texture, slope, and even the presence of small objects. This information is crucial for navigating safely in unfamiliar environments.

Moreover, the white cane serves as a silent signal to others. When sighted people see a blind person with a white cane, they are automatically alerted to the person's condition and are more likely to offer assistance or simply give way.

In addition to its practical uses, the white cane carries a deeper meaning. It represents the blind person's courage and determination to live life independently, despite their visual impairment. It's a reminder that disabilities are not barriers to achieving dreams.

With the advancement of technology, there are now electronic devices that can assist blind people, but the white cane remains an essential tool for many. It's a testament to its effectiveness and the trust it has earned over the years.


1、The white cane is mainly used by ________.

A. blind people

B. sighted people

C. disabled people

D. elderly people

2、The blind person taps the ground ahead with the cane to ________.

A. detect obstacles

B. attract attention

C. measure distances

D. find directions

3、The white cane serves as a silent signal to others because it ________.

A. reminds people to offer help

B. warns people of approaching danger

C. alerts people to the blind person's condition

D. informs people of the blind person's identity

4、The white cane represents the blind person's ________.

A. courage and determination

B. fear and anxiety

C. loneliness and helplessness

D. pride and arrogance

5、Despite the availability of electronic devices, the white cane remains popular because it ________.

A. is easier to use

B. is cheaper to buy

C. has proven its effectiveness

D. has a deeper cultural meaning


1、答案:A 文章首句明确指出,“对于盲人来说,白色的盲杖不仅仅是一个工具,它是独立的象征。”因此,盲杖主要是盲人使用的,答案选A。

2、答案:A 文章第二段提到,“盲杖可以让盲人探测到前方的障碍物并避开它们。”因此,盲人用盲杖敲击地面是为了探测障碍物,答案选A。

3、答案:C 文章第三段提到,“白色的盲杖对其他人来说是一个无声的信号。当视力正常的人看到盲人使用白色的盲杖时,他们会自动警觉到这个人的状况,并更有可能提供帮助或简单地让路。”因此,盲杖起到了提醒人们盲人状况的作用,答案选C。

4、答案:A 文章第四段提到,“白色的盲杖代表了盲人尽管视力受损,但仍勇敢和坚定地独立生活的勇气和决心。”因此,盲杖代表盲人的勇气和决心,答案选A。

5、答案:C 文章最后一段提到,“随着科技的发展,现在有了可以辅助盲人的电子设备,但白色的盲杖仍然是许多人的必备工具。这是对其有效性以及多年来赢得的信任的证明。”因此,盲杖之所以仍然受欢迎,是因为它已经证明了其有效性,答案选C。

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