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印尼鲁昂火山喷发 上万人收到疏散令

印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛上一座火山喷发,周边上万居民收到疏散令,附近一座机场暂时关闭。下面请看相关双语报道。4月19日,印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛上的鲁昂火山冒出浓烟。新华社/法新Indonesian authorities closed an airport and residents left homes near an erupting vol



Indonesian authorities closed an airport and residents left homes near an erupting volcano Thursday due to the dangers of spreading ash, falling rocks, hot volcanic clouds and the possibility of a tsunami.

周四,由于火山灰扩散、落石、炽热的火山云以及可能发生海啸的危险, 印度尼西亚当局关闭了火山附近的一座机场,附近居民也被迫撤离。

Mount Ruang on the northern side of Sulawesi island had at least five large eruptions Wednesday, causing the center for Volcanology and Geological disaster Mitigation to issue its highest-level alert, indicating an active eruption.

周三,位于苏拉威西岛北部的鲁昂火山至少发生了五次大规模喷发, 火山学和地质灾害缓解中心发布了最高级别的警报,表明火山正在活跃喷发。

The crater emitted white-gray smoke continuously during the day Thursday, reaching more than 500 meters (1,600 feet) above the peak.


People have been ordered to stay at least 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from the 725-meter (2,378 foot) mountain. More than 11,000 people live in the affected area and were told to leave. At least 800 have done so.

当局已下令人们至少应保持在距离这座725米(2378英尺)高山6公里(3.7英里)远的地方。 附近超过1.1万居民被告知应尽快撤离。 目前,至少已有800人撤离。

An international airport in Manado city was temporarily closed Thursday as volcanic ash was spewed into the air.


"We have to close flight operations at Sam Ratulangi Airport due to the spread of volcanic ash, which could endanger flight safety," said Ambar Suryoko, head of the regional airport authority.

“由于火山灰的扩散可能危及飞行安全,我们不得不关闭萨姆·拉图兰吉机场,” 地区机场管理局局长阿姆巴尔·苏里约科说。

Indonesia, an archipelago of 270 million people, has 120 active volcanoes. It is prone to volcanic activity because it sits along the "Ring of Fire," a horseshoe-shaped series of seismic fault lines around the Pacific Ocean.

印度尼西亚是一个拥有2.7亿人口的群岛国家,有120座活火山。 印度尼西亚地处“火环”地带,这是环太平洋的一系列马蹄形地震断层线,因此容易发生火山活动。


erupting 爆发 ; 喷出 ; 突然发生 ; 突然发出 ; erupt的现在分词

due to 由于 ; 由于,因为

volcanic 火山的 ; 猛烈的 ; 火山构成的,火山产生的 ; 火山似的 ; 火山引起的 ; 暴躁的 ; 火山岩

Sulawesi 苏拉威西岛 ; 苏拉维西岛

at least 不少于,至少,起码 ; 至少 ; 至少,起码

eruptions 长出,爆发,喷溢,发疹 ; eruption的复数

Volcanology 火山学

Geological Disaster 地质灾害

Mitigation 缓解 ; 减缓 ; 缓和 ; 减轻风险

eruption 喷发 ; 长出,爆发,喷溢,发疹

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