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A recent survey was conducted among 100 teenagers aged 13-18 to investigate their habits and preferences. The results were quite interesting.

According to the survey, the majority of teenagers spend more than three hours a day on social media. More than 70% of them said that they check their phones every 30 minutes, even when they are sleeping.

When it comes to food preferences, fast food was the most popular choice among teenagers. More than 60% of the survey participants preferred fast food to other types of cuisine.

Regarding exercise, the survey revealed that only 20% of teenagers participate in sports or physical activities regularly. The rest either did not have time or had no interest in exercising.

The survey also showed that most teenagers prefer online learning to traditional classroom learning. They believed that online learning was more flexible and convenient.

Based on the survey results, it is clear that teenagers today have different habits and preferences compared to previous generations.


1. What was the purpose of the survey?

A. To investigate teenage habits.

B. To sell mobile phones.

C. To promote healthy eating.

D. To study online learning.

2. How much time do teenagers spend on social media?

A. Less than one hour a day.

B. One to two hours a day.

C. More than three hours a day.

D. Four or more hours a day.

3. What is the favorite food of teenagers?

A. Fast food.

B. Vegetarian food.

C. Healthy food.

D. local cuisine.

4. How many teenagers participate in sports or physical activities regularly?

A. More than 80%.

B. Around 60%.

C. Less than 20%.

D. 50%.

5. What is the main idea of the survey report?

A. Teenagers prefer online learning.

B. Teenagers have different habits today.

C. Social media is bad for teenagers.

D. Teenagers do not like exercising.


1. A。根据第一句"A recent survey was conducted among 100 teenagers aged 13-18 to investigate their habits and preferences."可知,这次调查的目的是为了调查青少年的习惯和喜好,所以答案为A。

2. C。根据第二句"The majority of teenagers spend more than three hours a day on social media."可知,大多数青少年每天在社交媒体上花费超过三小时,所以答案为C。

3. A。根据第三句"When it comes to food preferences, fast food was the most popular choice among teenagers."可知,说到食物偏好,快餐是青少年中最受欢迎的选择,所以答案为A。

4. C。根据第四句"Regarding exercise, the survey revealed that only 20% of teenagers participate in sports or physical activities regularly."可知,关于锻炼,调查显示只有20%的青少年定期参加运动或体育活动,所以答案为C。

5. B。通过阅读全文,我们可以知道这篇调查报告的主要思想是今天的青少年有不同的习惯和偏好,所以答案为B。

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