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1.环境保护 environmental protectionThe government has taken measures to enhance environmental protection and reduce pollution. 政府已经采取措施加强环境保护和减少污染。

1.环境保护 environmental protection

The government has taken measures to enhance environmental protection and reduce pollution. 政府已经采取措施加强环境保护和减少污染。

2.生态平衡 ecological balance

The loss of biodiversity threatens the ecological balance of the region. 生物多样性的丧失威胁着该地区的生态平衡。

3.可持续发展 sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development emphasizes the balance between economic, social and environmental needs. 可持续发展的概念强调经济、社会和环境需求之间的平衡。

4.自然资源 natural resources

The country has abundant natural resources, including oil, coal and natural gas. 这个国家拥有丰富的自然资源,包括石油、煤炭和天然气。

5.气候变化 climate change

The meeting focused on the issue of climate change and how to address it. 会议重点关注气候变化问题以及如何应对。

6.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction

The government has implemented policies to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in order to tackle climate change. 政府已经实施政策以促进节能减排来应对气候变化。

7.水资源管理 water resource management

The government has strengthened its water resource management policies to ensure sustainable use of water resources. 政府已经加强了水资源管理政策以确保水资源的可持续利用。

8.垃圾处理 waste disposal

The city has implemented new waste disposal methods to reduce pollution and environmental damage. 城市已经实施新的垃圾处理方法以减少污染和环境破坏。

9.空气污染 air pollution

The government has taken measures to reduce air pollution in the city center. 政府已经采取措施减少市中心的空气污染。

10.有害物质 hazardous material

The factory was fined for releasing harmful substances into the environment. 该工厂因向环境中释放有害物质而被罚款。

11.绿色能源 green energy

The government has been promoting the use of green energy to reduce carbon emissions. 政府一直在推广使用绿色能源以减少碳排放。

12.能源消耗 energy consumption

The rise in energy consumption is mainly due to the increase in population and economic activity. 能源消耗的增加主要是由于人口和和经济活动的增加。

13.节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction

The company has launched a new campaign to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the workplace. 公司已经发起了一项新的活动来促进工作场所的节能减排。

14.可持续发展目标 sustainable development goals

The UN has set a series of sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030. 联合国已经设定了一系列可持续发展目标,计划到2030年实现。

15.环境恶化 environmental degradation

The impact of deforestation on the environment is evident in the degradation of soil and water resources. 森林砍伐对环境的影响表现在土壤和水资源的恶化上。

16.环保意识 environmental awareness

The event was aimed at increasing environmental awareness among the public. 该活动旨在提高公众的环保意识。

17.生态恢复 ecological restoration

The project aims to restore the ecological balance of the region through planting native trees and protecting wildlife. 该项目旨在通过种植本土树种和保护野生动植物来恢复该地区的生态平衡。

18.减少排放 reduce emissions

The company has taken measures to reduce emissions from its factories. 该公司已经采取措施来减少工厂的排放量。

19.世界环境日 World Environment Day

The UN designated June 5th as World Environment Day to raise awareness about environmental issues. 联合国将6月5日定为世界环境日,以提高人们对环境问题的认识。

20.环境保护法规 environmental protection regulations

The government has implemented strict environmental protection regulations to protect the country's natural resources. 政府已经实施了严格的环境保护法规以保护国家的自然资源。





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