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未来不会被机器人抢走的三种工作 看看有你的吗?

如今,人工智能变得越来越强大,在不远的未来,机器人将会“抢走”很多人的饭碗。在人工智能的威胁面前,什么样的工作才能称得上真正的“铁饭碗”呢?Photo/PexelsSince the start of the industrial revolution, there have been threats that new machines – from mecha


未来不会被机器人抢走的三种工作 看看有你的吗?

Since the start of the industrial revolution, there have been threats that new machines – from mechanized looms to microchips – would usurp human jobs. For the most part, the humans have prevailed. Now, say some experts, with AI ubiquity on the horizon, the threat’s being realized: the robots really are coming for some jobs.


A March 2023 report from Goldman Sachs estimated that AI capable of content generation could do a quarter of all the work currently done by humans. Across the European Union and US, the report further notes, 300 million jobs could be lost to automation. And that could be dire, says Martin Ford, author of Rule of the Robots: How Artificial intelligence Will Transform Everything.


"It's not just that this would happen to individuals, but it could be pretty systemic,” he says. “It could happen to a lot of people, potentially quite suddenly, potentially all at the same time. And that has implications not just for those individuals, but for the whole economy.”


Thankfully, it’s not all bad news. The experts issue their warnings with a caveat: there are still things AI isn’t capable of – tasks that involve distinctly human qualities, like emotional intelligence and outside-the-box thinking. And moving into roles that centre those skills could help lessen the chances of being replaced.


"I think there are generally three categories that are going to be relatively insulated in the foreseeable future,” says Ford. “The first would be jobs that are genuinely creative: you’re not doing formulaic work or just rearranging things, but you're genuinely coming up with new ideas and building something new.”


That doesn’t necessarily mean all jobs that are considered ‘creative’ are safe. In fact, things like graphic design and visual art-related roles may be among the first to go; basic algorithms can direct a bot to analyse millions of images, allowing AI to master aesthetics instantly. But there’s some security in other kinds of creativity, says Ford: “in science, and medicine and law … people whose job is coming up with a new legal strategy or business strategy. I think that there's going to continue to be a place there for human beings”.


The second insulated category, he continues, is jobs that require sophisticated interpersonal relationships. He points to nurses, business consultants and investigative journalists. These are jobs, he says, “where you need a very deep understanding of people. I think it’ll be a long time before AI has the ability to interact in the kinds of ways that really build relationships”.


The third safe zone, says Ford, “are jobs that really require lots of mobility and dexterity and problem-solving ability in unpredictable environments”. Many trade jobs – think electricians, plumbers, welders and the like – fall under this umbrella. “These are the kinds of jobs where you're dealing with a new situation all the time,” he adds. “They are probably the hardest of anything to automate.”


It’s important to note, says Ford, that an advanced education or a high-paying position is not a defence against AI takeover. “We might think the person in the white-collar job is higher on the food chain than someone who drives a car for a living,” he says. “But the white-collar employee’s future is more threatened by the Uber driver, because we still don’t have self-driving cars, but AI can certainly write reports. In many cases, more educated workers are going to be more threatened than then even the least educated workers. Think of the person that works cleaning hotel rooms – it's really hard to automate that job.”


In short, seeking roles in dynamic, shifting environments that include unpredictable tasks is good way to stave off job loss to AI. At least, for a while.



industrial revolution 工业革命 ; (18世纪60年代在英国开始的)产业革命,工业革命

have been 来过

mechanized 机械化 ; 使机械化 ; 机械化的;呆板的 ; mechanize的过去分词和过去式

looms 赫然耸现 ; 令人惊恐地隐现 ; 显得突出 ; 逼近 ; 织布机 ; loom的第三人称单数和复数

microchips 微芯片 ; 芯片 ; microchip的复数

usurp 篡夺 ; 侵权

For the most part 在大多数情况下 ; 在极大程度上 ; 绝大多数情况下 ; 就绝大部分而言

prevailed 普遍存在 ; 盛行 ; 流行 ; 被接受 ; 战胜 ; 压倒 ; 战胜,挫败 ; prevail的过去分词和过去式

ubiquity 无所不在 ; 随处可见

on the horizon 已露端倪的,即将发生的 ; 很可能即将发生,已露端倪 ; 将要发生


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