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神舟十五号乘组在轨满四月 日前完成第三次出舱任务

北京时间3月30日,神舟十五号航天员乘组进行了第三次出舱活动。在地面工作人员和舱内航天员邓清明的密切配合下,两名出舱航天员费俊龙、张陆圆满完成全部既定工作,安全返回问天实验舱。This screen image captured at Beijing Aerospace Control Center on Feb. 9, 2023


This screen image captured at Beijing Aerospace control center on Feb. 9, 2023 shows Shenzhou-15 taikonaut Fei Junlong conducting extravehicular activities (EVAs) out of the space station lab module Wentian. (Xinhua/Liu Fang)

The astronauts of China's Shenzhou-15 crew have completed three spacewalks since their journey into space four months ago, according to the China Manned Space agency (CMSA).


The third spacewalk was conducted on Thursday by astronauts Fei Junlong and Zhang Lu, in collaboration with the astronaut Deng Qingming who was inside the space station. The pair accomplished all their scheduled tasks before safely returning to the lab module Wentian, the CMSA said.


According to the CMSA, four crews have carried out a total of 10 spacewalks since the Shenzhou-12 manned mission in 2021, mastering a series of key technologies. Follow-up extravehicular activities will continue to be conducted regularly as planned.


In the past month, the Shenzhou-15 crew has completed various tasks, including the in-orbit maintenance of the space station. The Stirling thermoelectric convertor has also completed its in-orbit test. Capable of converting thermal energy into electricity with relatively high efficiency and power density, the convertor is expected to be used in future manned lunar missions and deep-space exploration, the CMSA said.


The Tianzhou-6 cargo craft is scheduled to be launched in early or mid-May, the CMSA said, adding that it has been transported to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in the southern province of Hainan.



astronauts 宇航员 ; 航天员 ; astronaut的复数

crew 全体船员 ; 全体工作人员 ; 全体乘务员 ; 技术人员团队 ; 专业团队 ; 一群人 ; 划船队员,划船队 ; 赛艇运动 ; 当工作人员

completed 完成 ; 结束 ; 填写 ; 使完整 ; 使完美 ; 完成的;初次同房的;完整的 ; complete的过去分词和过去式

journey 旅行 ; 行程

four 四,四个 ; 表示四的符号 ; 四个人的一组 ; 四分的一击 ; 四的 ; 四个的

months 月 ; 月份 ; 约30天的时间 ; 一个月的时间 ; 数月 ; 很长时间 ; month的复数

ago 以前

according to 根据 ; 据 ; 按 ; 依照 ; 按照

Manned Space 载人航天 ; 载人航天计划

Agency 机构 ; 服务机构 ; 代理机构 ; 经销机构 ; 专门机构

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